Space Shuttle blew up...


Uncle Sick(tm)

Bad, bad, bad... :(

Watching the life report on CNN at the moment and already some people claim that it might have been an act of terrorism.

"Shoulder fired missiles"? Give me a break.
The Shuttle blew up on re-entry. I would like to see a shoulder fired missile system that is
a) able to track an object that is not within the atmosphere
b) a shoulder fired missile that can travel a distance of 20+ kilometres.


I am waiting for Dubya's first statement.
"What the stupid fuck? Usama must have purchased on of them killer satellites on"



I'm watching it right now and frankly i feel sucker punched

A sad day, not just for the loss of life but for space exploration.
Now's not the time really but the repercussions for manned exploration and the ISS are aweful :(



anybody know how to get the resolution up on the streaming?



apart from finding another news site, sorry no.

In fact most news companies (run for profit on the back of stories like this) wont give it away over the net.


its on ITV now

1st israel astronaut was on board....


if bush didnt plan his budget around war maybe they wouldnt have to have gone up in a 20 year old shuttle

sad day :(


Pointing a finger at anyone doesn't really achieve anything. I think we all agree this is a very sad event. Any form of exploration has its risks, but it's still sad.


Aye, there's been "breaking" news all day on the bbc :p

Oh and i'm betting that the palestinians are celebrating for the israeli astronaut.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Respect to the host of the "Yikes, the Columbia blew up!" show on CNN.

It might have been his finest hours as a journalist but the bastard was awfully cheerful and overly excited. :eek:

I also liked that part where they introduced the dead astronauts.

"And this is <insert name of Israeli astronaut> his father survived the holocaust."

I missed the "... and his great, great grandpa survived slavery in our wonderful, god-blessed land of apple pie" when the picture of the black guy came up, tho.

CNN has taken to be a little too partial for my taste lately.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
Respect to the host of the "Yikes, the Columbia blew up!" show on CNN.

It might have been his finest hours as a journalist but the bastard was awfully cheerful and overly excited. :eek:

I also liked that part where they introduced the dead astronauts.

"And this is <insert name of Israeli astronaut> his father survived the holocaust."

I missed the "... and his great, great grandpa survived slavery in our wonderful, god-blessed land of apple pie" when the picture of the black guy came up, tho.

CNN has taken to be a little too partial for my taste lately.

Tbh about the CNN thing.. try looking at VN boards. Americans? :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Teh Krypt

Tbh about the CNN thing.. try looking at VN boards. Americans? :)

I look at the Excalibur section and think... Europeans.
Catch my drift?



Play EverQuest
Watch american forums
Learn about america at school
Watch their president! :D


Everquest quote:

Americandewd: afk 1 min, phone
Me: Sure, pull other americandewd.
Americandewd: Back
Americandewd: That was my best friends mother, my best friend just shot himself ;(
Americandewd: I might be a little away in this group.

Okey, i though shit, what are you doing back and tell us, go cry somewhere god damnit!...However, he played with me for another 14 hours and did not really seem "away" at all :p

And another guy, i mentioned i loved new years eve, with all the rockets and such. Another american dewd said: I dont, it reminds me too much of my neighbours shooting at eachother with shotguns.....
And the same guy asked for my RL adress later...think not :p


It just amazes me how people manage to reduce so many threads to the level of anti-American bigotry that is so often displayed.

Please don't.


the weirdest thing about the shuttle was that most of it landed in a town in texas called palestine



I think the anti-american sense in people needs to be summoned to be honest ;(

Not that americans in itself is any less worth then anyone, but if you look at it as a world base, with the possible Iraq conflict arriving and such, we really need a counter-part. The counterpart will not come if the person on the street fear american influence, and that fear will not come unless we actually speak of its on forums, papers, home pages and more or less anywhere americans is spoken off.

No one will hate americans in general for this, its not like its a racismic wave penetrating us, but its a awereness, the greatness falls. More then one well known studier of conflicts have foreseen the fall of USA if they continue without control, they ARE anoying the whole world with the ignorance their president shows for the rest of the world, and its fearfull. If they keep going without a big counterpart (like the euorpe union) they are (according to the thinkers) not likely to stop before they get a flood turning on them, this must not happen ,(

More or less ever second president has done that, but there is too many civil countires around for such behaviour to be accepted now im afraid. No one will counter an attack on Iraq, maby not the next country either, but one more and everyone will feel threathenend.

I study this myself, and its quite unnatural how the "propoganda" in USA might work. Here we dount their programs and such, but in American papers their actions have names like "Operation Freedom" and under such a name and the god on their side, who knows what any nation with power like USA might do?

Uncle Sick(tm)

One word sums it up nicely for you.




Im not afraid =)

I gladly see either USA ooor EU drive this planet to its doom, as long as i know what is going on in it =)

What happen matters not, I am and will continue to try to make it go the way i consider best, but we all know how much each and every one of us can affect it dont we? :rolleyes:

Still, my point was:

People are generally not happy with Bush atm.
People connect it with Americans in general.
Most countries get more then 75% on the votes for USA NOT to attack Iraq.
Usa will most likely attack anyway.
People get anoyed, but does not react.
Its not only in trade, language, music taste and burgers the rich parts of the world is unioned now, but also in tolerance.
If USA does not see the risk they are taking, and bomb loose on more then one other country then Iraq, the countries might react all at the same time, dooming USA.
However, if the general anti-american propoganda which is perfectly working on the rest of the world atm keeps up, maby there will be a counter superpower, most likely EU if any, which will reduce this too a second cold war if any at all.

I like usa, dont want to loose em .D
and god dont know how much damage they would do on their way down =O)

Iraq is no threath to the rest of the world, everyone knows that.
Nor any other targets that might be picked.
All know USA is a power that IS a threat if they look your way.
No one likes superpowers :D Its much like Tilda closing one post too much, and the flood opens.
Just alot more dangerous :rolleyes:

I dont care though, no one will ever bother to look norways cold and passive direcetion anyways :D


Re: hehe

Originally posted by inuyasha

Iraq is no threath to the rest of the world, everyone knows that.

Nobody knows that.



Well, then nobody should get better informed :D

They are supposed to have BC weapons i know, maby even A.
They have nothing to nuke it with, their rockets would not get far, they are generally broke, they have a leader with no support and no means of getting better at the moment. They have more then enough fights inside the country to be able to lead a war atm, and you dont start a war unless you are planning on fight it.
If they was a threat to anyone, that is USA, since its their leaders only resonable target, and nothing Iraq could possibly fire would get half the way to USA whole, that be in a submarine, as a rocket, by flight, car or maby a row boat :D

Their neighbour country which threaten with just nuking any country with their atom bomb unless they get food however, is a much different thing .D

The fact that USA attacks Iraq has nothing to do with it beeing a "foe of the world" nor "terrorist host" but "LOTS of oil" is much more likely tbh. There are other countries with far more resources to lead a war and just as threatning attitude to USA which would be a more resonable target if they was working as the safety police they claim to be only, i assure you =)


I read in the paper the other day that Iraq have capabilities to build and fire nuclear weapons.



Originally posted by old.Dillinja
I read in the paper the other day that Iraq have capabilities to build and fire nuclear weapons.

Really? :eek2:

As i said, they wont get far, and its not proven as far as i know =)
If it was a serious paper you read it in, maby its true. But still, the list of countries that have atom weapons is looong, and as i mentioned in my last post, if Iraq send a nuke, it will be blocked at 80+ certaincy, and Iraq would be laid waste :D

Saddam might be mad, but hes not stupid. As i said, you dont start a war you dont plan to fight, and they dont have the resources to fight against Litchenstein atm :rolleyes:

And still, if Bush attack Iraq in fear of Atomic weapons, why not take a country who actually directly told the world in a official news sending: "if USA dont give us food, we will nuke somewhere!" with a open picture of their A-bomb? :D
This was not interesting at all to the world media though ;(
Not that wierd, since they are even poorer then Iraq. :(

Still, i dont say iraq is a defenceless child, but its no greater threath then many other countries that still officially control nuclear devices and have threatened to use them...
What i say is not in fear of Iraq getting whiped or not, case tbh i dont care, but Iraq sells oil to very many countries, rich countires, like ours, and they do NOT like USA to take a second deliverer of oil within a period of one year, nor that Usa control so much oil they are able to fully mobilice any oil-demanding force in 200 years when we are dry :D People dont think that way, but people with power to loose does, and hate the tought :D

In the world leader eyes, USA is the only country in the world still picking colonies, and if you think france/england/germany/japan ++ like a big country that gets bigger without them getting any shares, your wrong :D


I saw like a glimpse of the incident when I was browsing through TV channels. Later I heard about people having to stay away from pieces since they can be covered with various poisons and chemicals or even radioactive. RADIOACTIVE!?

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