Thanks for posting this, will save me a fortune as I can now copy the schematics and BYOSPF (Build Your Own Solar Panel Farm). Finally can use that 50m roll of 1.5mm flex cable as well![]()
What is relative autonomy vs self-sufficiency?
What is autonomy in solar system?
The autonomy is defined as the time during which the load can be met with the battery alone, without any solar inputs, starting of course from a "full charged" battery state.
type: custom:mini-graph-card
- entity: sensor.solarnet_relative_autonomy
name: Relative Autonomy
icon: mdi:information-box
- value: 20
color: "#fff000"
- value: 50
color: "#ffff00"
- value: 80
color: "#00ff00"
line_color: "#00aaff"
line_width: 3
fill: fade
points: true
legend: true
labels: true
point_size: 1
hours_to_show: 8
points_per_hour: 3
I definately need to invest. My only issue is how to get the feed to my consumer unit. it is on the inside wall under the stairs. When I first bought this house that was my least worry but I remember the hassle of putting in a new consumer unit and laying a cable for an electric oven, had to go up the wall to upstairs and then lift floorboards and typically the rafters were at the wrong angle but luckily most had pre drilled holes, then I had to feed the cable down a cavity in the kitchen.How are your plans/thoughts on solar going?
In our case there was no work done at the consumer unit, the joining up happens from the wall box outside to the Tesla Gateway inside the house. Here is a picture of the inside of our:
View attachment 50162
In the External wall box, other than spiders, are:
- Usual Stuff - 100A Main Fuse, Meter, Isolator.
- Henley Blocks - Mains, Tesla Gateway, EV Charger (Grey Cable through the side to separate RCB & Trip).
- CT Clamps - EV Charger, Harvi Box (Tells Eddi whenever there is export energy and turns on water heater).
- Earths - The bottom one heads to a ground spike.
A look under the hood of the Tesla Gateway and where some of those cables go:
View attachment 50164
Although undoubtedly complex the basics are fairly straight forward
The main live and neutral (Brown & Blue) feeds come in on the left side from a henley block from outside (top picture) and go to the Tesla PW2 where it does its thing, and then the house live (middle) and neutral (right) return back through the same piece of trunking and hole in the wall to another henley outside that connects to the original live and earth that head to the main consumer unit.
The advantage, should you wish to go the battery route, is quite a few of the batteries now include solar inverters which in our case are both located in the loft.
Totally not up to code if so. If you have insurance, that's one way for them to back out of any responsibility.
Personally, I would engage a certified electrician to fix it.
.... then I had to feed the cable down a cavity in the kitchen ......
Any hole's a goal, pal!!!🍻
Some of us worryingly fit in more holes than others, much to pixie search & research annoyance
I must say it is a rather nice feeling having your own supply of electricity to use and not see anything being pulled from the main grid, I suspect I'm not alone in that feeling.