
The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Cleggy writing in the Guardian...I'll just make myself a cup of tea to read the comments.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Look how superior we are to those dirty Brexiters. All 17 million of them had exactly the same reasons/opinions for voting the way they did.

Remainers through and through.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Everyone who voted leave is a racist, don't you know. We live in a country where 50% of people are racist. Said every desperate idiot ever.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Everyone who voted leave is a racist, don't you know. We live in a country where 50% of people are racist. Said every desperate idiot ever.

True. One day the "right-thinking" lot will realise it's that sort of attitude that produced the Leave vote in the first place, but never mind. I'm sure they'll get their head around it eventually.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Everyone who voted leave is a racist, don't you know. We live in a country where 50% of people are racist. Said every desperate idiot ever.
That must be the millionth time in this thread that you've waited for @Bodhi to (usually sensibly) respond before diving in with some glib nonsense. It LOOKS like you don't have confidence in your own arguments so you have to wait for someone else to step up first.
Remainers through and through.
It's not unreasonable to assume that there are enough idiots out there like Ashley from Plymouth to have made a large difference to the result. This guy voted Leave because he was told to by Farage and co, he has no idea why and what difference it's going to make. Or how about people who voted for 100% irrelevant and nonsensical reasons like "I don't like Cameron"?
True. One day the "right-thinking" lot will realise it's that sort of attitude that produced the Leave vote in the first place, but never mind. I'm sure they'll get their head around it eventually.
It's been said multiple times that nobody thinks all Leavers are racists (and if they do think that then they are categorically wrong).


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
That must be the millionth time in this thread that you've waited for @Bodhi to (usually sensibly) respond before diving in with some glib nonsense. It LOOKS like you don't have confidence in your own arguments so you have to wait for someone else to step up first.

It's not unreasonable to assume that there are enough idiots out there like Ashley from Plymouth to have made a large difference to the result. This guy voted Leave because he was told to by Farage and co, he has no idea why and what difference it's going to make. Or how about people who voted for 100% irrelevant and nonsensical reasons like "I don't like Cameron"?

It's been said multiple times that nobody thinks all Leavers are racists (and if they do think that then they are categorically wrong).

All I would say is there was probably plenty of idiots on either side - for instance if it wasn't for Farage's (ridiculous) rivers of immigrants poster, the Leave vote could well have won by more, but many would have voted Remain just because they didn't like Farage.

It was a pretty shonky campaign from both sides imo, but ignoring Farage (who wasn't part of the official Vote Leave campaign anyway for just that reason) I thought Leave were slightly more positive. Not much in it at all, but there did seem to be a more positive message (Global Trade vs European Trade was the big one for me).


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Yup both campaigns were terrible, that's been discussed too. :)

But I think as far as "why did you vote Leave/Remain" goes, Remain is an easier one to answer even if you don't have a specific reason ("don't have a problem with the status quo", "it's the sensible option" etc) where Leave is difficult to answer if you don't have a good reason ("motherfuckers in EU making up our laws!", "massive contributions made to the EU!", "control our borders!", "IMMIGRATION!!1").

If you don't have a SOLID reason for Leaving (and there *are* solid reasons, don't get me wrong) then you end up looking like a fool when pressed to justify your choice.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Yup both campaigns were terrible, that's been discussed too. :)

But I think as far as "why did you vote Leave/Remain" goes, Remain is an easier one to answer even if you don't have a specific reason ("don't have a problem with the status quo", "it's the sensible option" etc) where Leave is difficult to answer if you don't have a good reason ("motherfuckers in EU making up our laws!", "massive contributions made to the EU!", "control our borders!", "IMMIGRATION!!1"). If you don't have a SOLID reason for Leaving (and there *are* solid reasons, don't get me wrong) then you end up looking like a fool when pressed to justify your choice.

Absolutely. At risk of starting it all off again my main reasoning was thinking a United States of Europe would be a terrible idea, as the one thing I love about Europe is the variety, different customs and personalities, and think we would be infinitely worse off if we attempted to homogenise everyone (except the French of course :)).

I like the idea of a European Union, just don't particularly like the one they've set up.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Watched a lot of reality TV last night, all the crap I skip over.
It's just frightening to see how they can produce programs that claim to be reality when they are so obviously, just utterly constructed bolocks.
It has spilled over into everything, I'd say about 90% of news adverts and TV programs are now fucking bullshit.
The truth has been designated as unsuitable for public viewing, adverts ignore all the guidelines except for diversity and blatantly lie and decieve, the news takes everything out of context or focuses on tiny parts to make them seem as the whole picture.
Reality TV has just given up bothering about ludicrous holes in situations they are portraying because they know 100% of the audience are too thick to this the future of mankind?


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Watched a lot of reality TV last night, all the crap I skip over.
It's just frightening to see how they can produce programs that claim to be reality when they are so obviously, just utterly constructed bolocks.
It has spilled over into everything, I'd say about 90% of news adverts and TV programs are now fucking bullshit.
The truth has been designated as unsuitable for public viewing, adverts ignore all the guidelines except for diversity and blatantly lie and decieve, the news takes everything out of context or focuses on tiny parts to make them seem as the whole picture.
Reality TV has just given up bothering about ludicrous holes in situations they are portraying because they know 100% of the audience are too thick to this the future of mankind?
I await a copy of your complaint to the ASA with interest.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Watched a lot of reality TV last night, all the crap I skip over.
It's just frightening to see how they can produce programs that claim to be reality when they are so obviously, just utterly constructed bolocks.
It has spilled over into everything, I'd say about 90% of news adverts and TV programs are now fucking bullshit.
The truth has been designated as unsuitable for public viewing, adverts ignore all the guidelines except for diversity and blatantly lie and decieve, the news takes everything out of context or focuses on tiny parts to make them seem as the whole picture.
Reality TV has just given up bothering about ludicrous holes in situations they are portraying because they know 100% of the audience are too thick to this the future of mankind?

I like it when you call people stupid irrelevantly in the wrong section.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That must be the millionth time in this thread that you've waited for @Bodhi to (usually sensibly) respond before diving in with some glib nonsense. It LOOKS like you don't have confidence in your own arguments so you have to wait for someone else to step up first.

Not sure where you get that from... I am quite happy to voice my own opinion and certainly don't require anyone to agree with me. Just as I have no problem with others having an opinion. Like arseholes, everyone has one.

Like this for example, you are a jumped up little nobody that keeps responding to my posts despite being repeatedly asked to put me on ignore. I couldn't give a shit what some 40 year old virgin thinks, about anything, so stop telling me. There, my opinion.

Stop quoting me, you ridiculous little loner.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yup both campaigns were terrible, that's been discussed too. :)

But I think as far as "why did you vote Leave/Remain" goes, Remain is an easier one to answer even if you don't have a specific reason ("don't have a problem with the status quo", "it's the sensible option" etc) where Leave is difficult to answer if you don't have a good reason ("motherfuckers in EU making up our laws!", "massive contributions made to the EU!", "control our borders!", "IMMIGRATION!!1").

If you don't have a SOLID reason for Leaving (and there *are* solid reasons, don't get me wrong) then you end up looking like a fool when pressed to justify your choice.

This just about sums up the idiocy behind a lot of remoaners. Just because other's opinions do not match up to your own, does not make them inferior. "I don't like being in the EU" is just as much of an argument as "keep the status quo" which certainly is no reason for people to vote remain.

Besides which, you don't even fucking live here ffs, take up French nationality and shut the fuck up with your pointless whinging and hilarious faux indignation.

There was a huge amount of fuckwits on the remain side, one star example was some vapid bitch moaning she couldn't go to Ibiza any more if we left.

Obviously its not as fashionable to bash remoaners though.

Get the fuck over it, we are leaving the EU. Not ideal but its all we have, crying like a spoiled toddler is not going to change that fact, nor is it going to help make the transition easy.
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
"I don't like being in the EU" is just as much of an argument as "keep the status quo" which certainly is no reason for people to vote remain.
Actually, even taken on that face value the status quo argument has more value because change in and of itself is painful.

If "don't like" is the only argument for out then status quo wins.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Not sure where you get that from... I am quite happy to voice my own opinion and certainly don't require anyone to agree with me. Just as I have no problem with others having an opinion. Like arseholes, everyone has one.

Like this for example, you are a jumped up little nobody that keeps responding to my posts despite being repeatedly asked to put me on ignore. I couldn't give a shit what some 40 year old virgin thinks, about anything, so stop telling me. There, my opinion.

Stop quoting me, you ridiculous little loner.
Christ you get angry when you've been put on the spot, don't you? There was me just going about my business, telling you how your little anti-Remain potshots looked when delivered straight after another (more eloquent) user's posts (because I've noticed it happening more than once in this thread), and you resort directly to the infantile personal insults. Which you've whined about others doing in the past.

I've actually responded to you less and less recently because I just can't be bothered to engage with you. It's like dealing with Toht (hilarious that you brought him up the other day btw) but without the occasional comedy that he used to bring to the table. I just look at the majority of your posts, shake my head, and get on with my day (unlike some who fabricate ridiculous stories about ignoring other users).
Besides which, you don't even fucking live here ffs, take up French nationality and shut the fuck up with your pointless whinging and hilarious faux indignation.
I was entitled to vote so I voted. I have interests in the UK so my main interest was keeping Sterling strong (which has now completely gone out of the window). It's interesting that you say "if you don't live here you can fuck off even though you have every right to take part in the referendum". That sort of attitude bodes well for immigration in the UK doesn't it?
"I don't like being in the EU"
"Why not?" is the obvious question.

Whichever way you look at it, Remaining was the safe/sensible option. So Leavers have to do better than "I don't like being in the EU" when asked to justify their decision if they don't want to look like Ashley from Plymouth.
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I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
I expect there are many more like him who don't have the balls to admit it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Christ you get angry when you've been put on the spot, don't you? There was me just going about my business, telling you how your little anti-Remain potshots looked when delivered straight after another (more eloquent) user's posts (because I've noticed it happening more than once in this thread), and you resort directly to the infantile personal insults. Which you've whined about others doing in the past.

I've actually responded to you less and less recently because I just can't be bothered to engage with you. It's like dealing with Toht (hilarious that you brought him up the other day btw) but without the occasional comedy that he used to bring to the table. I just look at the majority of your posts, shake my head, and get on with my day (unlike some who fabricate ridiculous stories about ignoring other users).
I was entitled to vote so I voted. I have interests in the UK so my main interest was keeping Sterling strong (which has now completely gone out of the window). It's interesting that you say "if you don't live here you can fuck off even though you have every right to take part in the referendum". That sort of attitude bodes well for immigration in the UK doesn't it?
"Why not?" is the obvious question.

Whichever way you look at it, Remaining was the safe/sensible option. So Leavers have to do better than "I don't like being in the EU" when asked to justify their decision if they don't want to look like Ashley from Plymouth.

Its sweet that you keep track of my posting, it really is but its not requited I am afraid, sorry I just don't feel that way. Please just put me on ignore. Also, no anger, anger would mean you have some sort of effect on me and aside from a little unease about this strange little infatuation you have, I couldn't care less about you.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Its sweet that you keep track of my posting, it really is but its not requited I am afraid, sorry I just don't feel that way. Please just put me on ignore.
This is awkward but... I don't keep track of your posts. I keep track of the forum and, often unfortunately, you post in said forum. I don't ignore people in the literal, "forum" sense because I'm not 12.
Also, no anger, anger would mean you have some sort of effect on me and aside from a little unease about this strange little infatuation you have, I couldn't care less about you.
I don't think you know what anger is but you seemed angry enough in your little tirade of insults earlier. Is this like that time when you weren't quite sure what "dominant" meant and then you stormed off in a huff before meekly returning a few weeks later and pretending as if nothing had happened?


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
calm down folks! :)


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Meh. :) Tell him not to get so fucking tetchy when someone takes him to task on something. There were any number of appropriate responses without resorting to childish name-calling. He seems fond of ignoring people (or at least saying that he's ignoring people) so perhaps he could do that instead of begging to be ignored.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Head of British Bankers Association says leading banks are set to leave blighty very soon because of Brexit.

Also, there's an article I cba searching too hard for that makes a very compelling case that we'd lose control over Gibraltar - Spain could push for joint sovereignity (they can veto any deal if they don't get it). 98% of Gibraltans voted remain as their entire economy is based on freedom of movement...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I have a solution to this refugee crisis. If everyone whinging and whining about it could kindly give up their spare room or sofa it would be sorted over night. Fed up of do-gooders telling people to do what they say, rather than do what they do.

They could also chip in for any temporary solutions, in the very least give food, blankets and perhaps books.

...or wait, no. It's easier to just raise awareness or whatever on twitter.
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