
The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The guardian is getting more like the Express everyday, exactly what was this 'fight'.
They describe it in the loosest terms from choice words to a fist fight.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The guardian is getting more like the Express everyday, exactly what was this 'fight'.
They describe it in the loosest terms from choice words to a fist fight.

Well Farage and I are obviously on the same page for once:
Nigel Cuntface Farage said:
He admitted that it was “not good” for UKIP. “You see third world parliaments where this sort of thing happens… It’s not very grown up. What’s happened is not good.”

That was from the Telegraph by the way; acceptably right wing enough for you?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Most places weren't calling it a fight this morning, rather an "altercation" except for the gutter press.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I think the best thing is for Ukip to disband itself.
It is no longer needed as a political force.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Pound at 1.10 to the Euro. I've got a couple of days in London coming up in mid-November; parity by then?


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Similar situation here. I'm holding off on the transfer because the chances are it will get worse. It's already worse than parity if you exchange at an airport.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
The reality is if we do actually leave, then Germany will rule the EU, absorb French nukes into a German led EU army, slowly push France out of the picture, and we will be facing each other off over the channel, like the good old days.
This by the way, is all ready in motion.
It will be WW2 all over again, with us taking out French carriers to prevent the Hun from using them.

The next "WW2 scenario" will be WW3, and it will be NATO VS Russia. It will never be between two backwater countries that think too highly of themselves...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Tbh a few years ago it was more or less 1:1 on the Euro.

It got to nearly parity at the end of 2008; but there was a difference, that was a deliberate policy of quantitative easing by the BoE to get the banks out of the shit, this isn't something that the UK is in control of at all.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yup. We got very close to parity. I can remember all the fucking about at work about it. And no, we weren't in control of it, it was a reaction to the markets and the crisis, that we had virtually no control over.

We still have loads of contracts at 1.3 or so...mostly because we aren't stupid.

And while its a little worse than anticipated, still couldn't give a tuppeny fuck about it. It hasn't changed the value of anything I own and it hasn't changed the value of much of anything, of anybodies. People must think an aweful lot of themselves if they think it matters what they think,

I imagine a fuck ton of shitcos will use it as a nice excuse to squeeze consumers and maintain or grow profits though. Just because if you haven't grown in the year you have failed no such thing as critical mass...apparently.

I am pretty disillusioned with the whole thing now, it makes fuck all difference what I think or feel, rich people will still get richer the middle will still be the middle and the poor will still be the poor.

I am just going to enjoy myself now, fuck point worrying about it. Also, still voting Corbyn for the lols.
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I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Tbh a few years ago it was more or less 1:1 on the Euro.
No it wasn't... It went down to almost parity in 2008 (under very different circumstances) but was actually doing alright in the last 5 years, especially through 2014 and 15. I think it peaked at 1.43 or something.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Just to throw into this shitstorm, it seems that the SNP are going to try and pass a bill for another referendum. So fucking fatigued with neverendums.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I have come to the realisation that it doesn't actually matter anyway, none of it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Its still a temporary thing and means nothing at all in the greater scheme of things. Aside from imports costing more (when actually many imports will cost less, lamb being a quick example) and thus some prices being effected.

Post EU, people will still be people, shit will still cost roughly the same and we will all still get screwed by companies out to bleed us of every penny.

As for Scottish independence, it will just be a different set of democratically elected people fucking everyone over but possibly being overruled by people who have probably never even been to Scotland.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Whether the Scots would vote to stay or go doesn't bother me one way or the other, I just don't want to keep hearing about it.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Just to throw into this shitstorm, it seems that the SNP are going to try and pass a bill for another referendum. So fucking fatigued with neverendums.
Well that's no surprise at all. A big part of the last Scottish referendum failing was the EU saying if they leave the UK they won't be admitted into the EU. Now it's the opposite, they can go to the EU and say we wanted to stay in so if we're independent can we come back in plz


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Its still a temporary thing and means nothing at all in the greater scheme of things. Aside from imports costing more (when actually many imports will cost less, lamb being a quick example) and thus some prices being effected.
Woohoo for the longterm but in the here and now everything's looking pretty bleak. Sterling being down 15% against the Euro and 20% against the Dollar from the day before the referendum until now can't be dismissed as a "temporary thing" (whether the pre-referendum figures were "too high" or not doesn't really make a difference. That's what they were). There isn't going to be some sort of magic jolt to the economy, if it recovers it'll recovery excruciatingly slowly and not until the dust has settled re: what form "the exit" takes. Which could be years.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well that's no surprise at all. A big part of the last Scottish referendum failing was the EU saying if they leave the UK they won't be admitted into the EU. Now it's the opposite, they can go to the EU and say we wanted to stay in so if we're independent can we come back in plz

Which is why its so funny. They (the SNP) seem to think, as far as self rule is concerned, they will get a better deal in the EU. When it will be the complete opposite, the EU seem to want to go balls deep federal state and fuck what anybody thinks, the Scots will end up being ruled by people who don't even speak the same language and have absolutely no mandate.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Problem is the UK is not a net exporter, so low Sterling isn't as useful as all the idiots running around talking about how we can trade with the world go on about. Problem is there's very little to sell; manufacturing was 30% of the economy in 1979, now its 11%. And while a sustained depressed Pound might stimulate export industry, they don't appear overnight. The second issue is the UK economy has also relied on foreign investment in property etc. but that bubble will burst if those assets suddenly become 20% less valuable. So the pain will be felt as long there's uncertainty about the "natural" level of Sterling; which means after Brexit. So two and a half years of damage, then whatever Brexit itself looks like, which will inevitably take time to become apparent. Realistically, 4-5 years of shite coming up, minimum.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Which is why its so funny. They (the SNP) seem to think, as far as self rule is concerned, they will get a better deal in the EU. When it will be the complete opposite, the EU seem to want to go balls deep federal state and fuck what anybody thinks, the Scots will end up being ruled by people who don't even speak the same language and have absolutely no mandate.

The EU could very easily give Scotland an attractive deal and a fast track entry. More punishment for the Brexiters, who of course weren't a majority in Scotland.

As for being rules by foreigners; there was a guy on the radio here yesterday who said we should just let the Germans run everything anyway, they're far better at it than we are ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well to be quite honest house prices have been fucked for some time, its about time 20% (at least, I would hope) was wiped off them.

Its a chance to try something new, successive governments haven't changed much really, its no different under the Tories as it was under Nu-Labour...not that I believe for one second that anything will change for the good.

As for being rules by foreigners; there was a guy on the radio here yesterday who said we should just let the Germans run everything anyway, they're far better at it than we are ;)

Not really, they have just as much inequality as anyone else, if not more. I guess it depends what you use as a barometer for doing well. For 99% of people that is get born, work for 50+ years for someone else and die. If some people had their way there would also be nothing left to pass on because the state would take it all.

Even the French, comparatively socialist have huge problems with large parts of society that are disenfranchised and piss poor.

Anyway, being in or out of the EU makes little difference to multinational companies, they will fuck us regardless.
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