
The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
A dystopian future awaits, the EU are building their Galileo gps..very..very slowy, in fact so slow that US is upgrading it's sats to a higher spec, but eventually it will be used to control/track/disable all those cars with gps recievers in that are now mandatory, who controls all this...the EU of course and eventually they will ban the sale of US gps in Europe, they will control EU driverless cars, they will track your phones with EU wide telecoms.
Unelected comittees in Brussels will decide wether you can take a drive in your car at the weekend...all in the name of efficiency, technology is about to control every tiny part of our lives and we are about to hand that over to the EU Borgs.
It is a perfect storm to 1984.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I don't need to read that, my mind is cemented thanks to Job, I don't want to vote with someone that says 'they don't care about trade' because they're indoctrinated into some pathetic idea about nationalism.

No thanks.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It has nothing to do with nationalism. It has everything to do with whatever is happening now is contributing to the ever growing gap between the haves and the have nots. Our government aren't doing anything about it and neither did the last. In fact, both Labour and the Tories have encouraged division, no wonder nobody votes.

The middle classes like to sneer at the working class, calling them racist for taking issue with immigration yet continue to fail at providing a proper argument. All parties ignore them in an election because they don't tend to vote. It's frankly pathetic that some people can only shout racist at people who are fed up with uncontrolled immigration.

It makes no difference at all to the working classes how much profit the banks rake in. The argument of "oh woe is us, our multi-billion pound profit is on the line if we leave the EU" doesn't wash.

Slashing our population growth or building a lot more affordable houses are the only ways we can push house prices back down to an affordable level. Seeing as consecutive governments have refused to do anything about the former because it would upset their mates and the grey vote, people see no option but the latter. Bye bye EU


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
A Brexit will not change the inequality gap. If you think that's the case you are mistaken.

In fact I would think it would be the opposite. A Brexit will cause a recession which in turn will cause job losses, lower pay and higher taxes affecting the poorer people.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, yes thats great. But again, completely misses the point and wont make any difference to a lot of people.

Oh, you have nothing sir? Well if we leave the EU you will still have nothing, no investment in society at all. If we stay then it will be easier for the rich to be richer. Wont someone think of the rich?! Sir? Sir?



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yep. I've been saying it for ages - it's a cut your nose off to spite your face rage at the elites.

Unfortunately the unrepresented working class are shooting themselves in the foot.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, yes thats great. But again, completely misses the point and wont make any difference to a lot of people.

Oh, you have nothing sir? Well if we leave the EU you will still have nothing, no investment in society at all. If we stay then it will be easier for the rich to be richer. Wont someone think of the rich?! Sir? Sir?


My point was that they will have even less being out than in. So it will make a big difference to a lot of people.

In fact the rich will be richer out of the EU than being in because they will be able to take advantage of the lower income peoples during recession times.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You can't really have less than fuck all, that's the point.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
You can't really have less than fuck all, that's the point.
So you're saying that the working classes in the UK have very little, so the risk for Brexit is worth it even if it fails?


Brexit is for the rich to go around gallivanting unregulated.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
These poor people are living lives that millionaires enjoyed 150 years ago, we are all rich enough in this country to feed, clothe, heat and shelter ourselves...our healthcare is free and we are free from violence and opression to a level never experienced before by the masses.
Our next great challenge will be to fight intrusion into our daily lives, everyone is doing it, google, facebook, telecoms companies, the government..and their abilty to micro manage us grows stronger everyday, they are laying right in front of us practically the exact template for 1984 and every step is justified for our well being...stay in the EU, you'll be richer, let the cars drive for will be safer..let us decide when something is suitable for your consumption...we know whats best...don't think those inclusive...reject this...speak like that...agree with this, then we can live in thought is dangerous..opinions cost lives...why did you visit that website?
How the fuck can you call a process right in front of our eyes tinhat.
They DO switch on your phone mic to listen to your conversations...they do switch on the GPS to locate you...protect and serve.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I don't need to read that, my mind is cemented thanks to Job, I don't want to vote with someone that says 'they don't care about trade' because they're indoctrinated into some pathetic idea about nationalism.

No thanks.
Thankyou level 7 workdroid number 453215, your input will used for the good of all.

....kill him...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
How many apps on your phone do you allow access to your camera, mic, contacts, g sensors, gps.
There are no rules, with the permission you give them on install, turn on any of those...anytime they like and collect the data, they can take pictures, record conversations, read your txt messages, listen to phone calls, monitor your web history and use your gps...many of those apps are simple games..
Seriously, imagine being offered a free game in a shop, all you have to is let the guy follow you around 24/7, listening to your conversations and watching you surf the net.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Let me guess, you've got a 3310 so they can't do any such thing to you. What an idiot you are.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Explain why pointing out the truth makes me an idiot.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Explain why pointing out the truth makes me an idiot.

Because you're referring to surveillance, and if you had any inkling of intelligence, you'd understand our Conservative Government are trying to go down routes which massively improves surveillance, due to Terrorism, and the EU is one of the places who can stop our Government from doing exactly that.

Also, as a product of right-wing media fear mongering, you also support the increase on surveillance in order to catch the bad guys, right?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You can. You can lose the opportunity to get something!

Like a house? How is anyone on average wage or less supposed to buy a house?

Its the simplest of economics, keep pouring in demand with the same amount of supply and the price explodes. The simplest answer is to either cut off demand or increase supply. Nobody is increasing supply and nobody has plans to. Therefore the is only one option left.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So you're saying that the working classes in the UK have very little, so the risk for Brexit is worth it even if it fails?


Brexit is for the rich to go around gallivanting unregulated.

No, they see no other option, they have nothing to lose one way or another. If the status quo refuses to offer them an option the burn it.

Perhaps it will lead to political and social change, perhaps it wont. But one way or another, what we are doung now only serves the rich.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And brexit serves the rich *and* unscrupulous.

@Job - it IS a working class revolt. And unlike you I'll post the data later that supports that.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
These poor people are living lives that millionaires enjoyed 150 years ago, we are all rich enough in this country to feed, clothe, heat and shelter ourselves...our healthcare is free and we are free from violence and opression to a level never experienced before by the masses.
Our next great challenge will be to fight intrusion into our daily lives, everyone is doing it, google, facebook, telecoms companies, the government..and their abilty to micro manage us grows stronger everyday, they are laying right in front of us practically the exact template for 1984 and every step is justified for our well being...stay in the EU, you'll be richer, let the cars drive for will be safer..let us decide when something is suitable for your consumption...we know whats best...don't think those inclusive...reject this...speak like that...agree with this, then we can live in thought is dangerous..opinions cost lives...why did you visit that website?
How the fuck can you call a process right in front of our eyes tinhat.
They DO switch on your phone mic to listen to your conversations...they do switch on the GPS to locate you...protect and serve.

UK Gov is the most laissez-faire government in Europe when it comes to data protection and the most rapacious in grabbing data for its own ends. I've said this before; if government "oppression" is your problem, giving UK Gov more power is about the worst thing you can do.

Having said that, you're fucked anyway. The good ship Privacy ran aground about 20 years ago and has long since been smashed to splinters. Live with it, because it ain't changing.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, it is a revolt.

Exactly what is needed and the natural reaction to a situation.

What other options would you put out there but to burn it? All traditional parties are exactly the same. Perhaps out of the ashes of the EU (Lets be honest, us leaving is the start of its downfall) something better will emerge.

You keep saying you want change but refuse to take a risk, remaining will just mean they carry on screwing the poor, screwing you. What better way of bringing about change than to bring the system to its knees?

People keep bleating on about the UK government being worse. Sure, fine that may be the case (and on balance probably is) but who is to say they can survive Brexit. Pig fucker and his mates certainly won't, it is unlikely Corbyn will either.

Time to try something new.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
@Job Exactly what do you expect will happen if UK leaves?

Make a list for me please, as detailed as you can....

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