
I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Voting out as I believe Europe needs the UK more than we need Europe and also it puts allthose meps out of work.Both sides are liars as are all polticians...most are groomed in Oxford and Cambridge and have no clue what it is like to be working class and living in the UK.
One party gets in blames the other for all the problems and vice versa
No politican ever gives a straight answer to any question.
Anyhow enough of my ranting!
There won't be a shipment of new MPs if there's an exit vote. The country will be stuck with the same shit but without any form of oversight (not a good thing for all the reasons you just mentioned). Everything you just said makes me want to vote in even more. I'm sure the country is capable of governing itself but saying you want out because politicians are liars and out of touch is incredible. How will that change whichever way the vote goes?


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
This thread feels like Scouse is David Cameron and FH members are the only people voting in this referendum.

Scouse has it covered so I can sit back :)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Voting out as I believe Europe needs the UK more than we need Europe and also it puts allthose meps out of work.Both sides are liars as are all polticians...most are groomed in Oxford and Cambridge and have no clue what it is like to be working class and living in the UK.
One party gets in blames the other for all the problems and vice versa
No politican ever gives a straight answer to any question.
Anyhow enough of my ranting!

So what you're saying that you want to leave an organisation which has (besides the un-necessary parts of the EU) given Europeans more rights, freedoms and generally a better standard of living for all - not just for the elites.

As I said in a earlier post, you are fully aware if Brexit wins, Cameron and Osbourne will resign, Boris will get in power with a bunch of other Brexiters (IE the hard-right wing Tories) who will then go around doing exactly what you don't want them to do.

I think if anything by reading your post, you should be voting in, not out.

(I'm still undecided, as of late though I'm leaning more and more to out.)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There was something on TV today about environment laws that have come from the EU which has helped created some great wildlife areas in the UK.
They were asking Boris about this and his Brexit views and he could hardly keep a straight face with his ramblings about hw the UK would carry on with it.

He had no "argument" against that side of the EU laws and yet still tried to fumble along. Look like more of a knob than he usually does.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
as of late though I'm leaning more and more to out.
How come?

Hope of a house price crash? Something I'm missing?

If it's about how the campaign is being conducted that'd be a shame, because I think content is more important than presentation. But if not, what else? Single issue or web of stuff?


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Personally leaning more to remaining in. But to be honest I'm bored to the back teeth of the entire debate now.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Well, what's worrying imo is to not see the British people unified in one or the other, rather than a 50/50 spread.

I blame either politicians or spread of Islam! @Job Want to add anything to that?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
How come?

Hope of a house price crash? Something I'm missing?

If it's about how the campaign is being conducted that'd be a shame, because I think content is more important than presentation. But if not, what else? Single issue or web of stuff?

A range of things really.

I think the prospect of us struggling on our own is pretty ridiculous - sure there will be initial problems, but after a while it will settle down and won't be a problem.

Also, I find the defence arguments daft too, Europe hasn't had a dictator for a long time - I wouldn't put that down to the EU, I'd put it down to countries growing up due to mutually assured destruction (Let's not get into that.)

The debate to stay in is very bad, not just the presentation, the content too - Here's a bunch of stuff that the EU did which didn't/doesn't effect you once, ever.

I might end up voting stay in the end, but I don't know.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well, what's worrying imo is to not see the British people unified in one or the other, rather than a 50/50 spread.

I blame either politicians or spread of Islam! @Job Want to add anything to that?
Its a 50/50 spread because nonone knows what they actually want, what it will actually mean and most are basing their decision on simplistic gut feeling, one thing for sure is mass middle eastern immigration is going to see off politicians all over Europe and has turned previously tolerant countries to the right, it has been a disaster for the EU , and if we leave it will because of xenophobia against an influx of alien cultures into the UK, though the only way to stop that would be to sack the entire government and put Ukip in charge.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And the Poll leaning more towards Brexit lowers the value of the £££. :(

That should tell you to vote Remain


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Having the vote in the first place is causing that, not Brexit itself.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Nothing wrong with a short term pound drop, no one knows the long term, my guess is it will go up as the UK will be free to expolit cheap labour and relax the rules in the city.

More worrying is if it will happen at all, Cameron only promised to do all he can to implement it, which clearly includes nothing, even after a Brexit vote nothing will happen for years, they'll hide trade deals, change the names of legislation and do everything to kick it into the long grass, allready remain mps are publicly saying they will try everything to crush a ful brexit.
Democracy is on the line here.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So it's just coincidence that it drops the same time as the poll is announced. ...

No but uncertainty is doing its thing at the moment. The cleaner not cleaning desks properly at the banks also causes fluctuations.

I will care post results.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Or the markets are pricing in the fact they're pretty certain the UK economy is going to take a kicking if we Brexit.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Only good thing I can see coming from the UK leaving the EU is that the rest of us might get rid of the TTIP agreement. That thing is 200% pure cancer


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If the pound drkps our exports will rise...etc..etc...this is the time to decide to become a state of USE or stay a free country.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Or the markets are pricing in the fact they're pretty certain the UK economy is going to take a kicking if we Brexit.

It'll be hysterical if we vote leave as DC would of helped cause any market effect and will be tasked with sorting it out, provided he is still leader.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Still leaning to in but I just don't get why the truly left-leaning would want to remain in the EU. It effectively blocks nationalisation of industries (railways being a particularly clear example) and most of the social and workplace rights it gives are weak compared to what's already in UK law.

The only explanation I've come up with is that they just don't think there will be a left-wing government in the UK for a long time and therefore the just-right-of-centre political consensus across the EU will make preferable laws to "them Tories." It's not the most positive reason is it?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Or the markets are pricing in the fact they're pretty certain the UK economy is going to take a kicking if we Brexit.

Nonsense, they have been fluctuating because of the uncertainty. Currency markets will react to all sorts of questions, they are constantly up and down, day by day. Sometimes more so than at the moment, often with no obvious reason. Usually its just down to a few banks making a bit of a killing, cause it to drop, snap up some currency, wait a bit for the market to recover and sell it on, money for nothing.

Literally, nothing to see here.

Edit, for clarification, check the monthly exchange rates here

HMRC exchange rates for 2016: monthly - Publications - GOV.UK

Not a massive change month by month. I know its not the market rates day by day but as far as I am concerned (and many businesses) its the only one that matters for trading.

Edit, edit, it was close to parity (1 for 1) at one point a couple of years ago and last year up as high (or as close as it could be) as 1.50.
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Only good thing I can see coming from the UK leaving the EU is that the rest of us might get rid of the TTIP agreement. That thing is 200% pure cancer
It's been said many times in this thread - the UK is the country who's most in favour of TTIP.

We leave and we get all of TTIP - including the bits the EU doesn't want.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
36,639 far as I am concerned...
I'm glad we've got your expert economic analysis to rely on, rather than that of the treasury, the IMF, the OECD, the central and other tier banks (who lose their single passport to the EU in the event of a brexit, which obviously won't be devastating to a country which revolves around financial service industry), and the ratings agencies (S&P and Moody's will downgrade us).

All these organisations of experts who live and breathe economics all day every day for a living disagree with you Raven. But I like your man in the street gut analysis. It's definitely bound to be more accurate :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
What are you gibbering on about now?

I am saying the current fluctuations are nothing unusual and actually overall the changes are minuscule and no different from any other day. I deal with forex as part of my job, I see the changes day by day. I am not commenting on what will happen post Brexit, unlike you I do not claim to know.

The market will react one way or another to most things, Brexit speculation being just one of them.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I am not commenting on what will happen post Brexit, unlike you I do not claim to know.
You kind of are.

I posted that the markets are pricing in the cost of a possible brexit and you've directly addressed* that argument.

And I don't claim to know - I've clearly said that the IMF/OECD/banks have said they know - and who am I to disagree with the experts?

*by saying "nonsense", yet providing no supporting analysis - but I'll concede you've not addressed the argument put forward by the experts, which, frankly, is the argument you should be addressing.
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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No, I think you will find I was commenting about current fluctuations... Supporting analysis courtesy of the monthly HMRC rates. I am not discussing it with you, you aren't capable. I am telling you, that is the way it is. A sparrow farts, it drops 0.001% - Jan 1.371 - Jun 1.296 a massive change of 0.075 dOOOOOOOOm and so on.

Besides which, those organisations claimed to know there was no problem with the global economy, just before it fell off a cliff...opps.

Anyone claiming to know for certain what will happen is a liar or an idiot...or both. Nobody really knows what will happen, which is why there is so much uncertainty

Edit, nobody gives a shit about the holiday forex rates.
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