
FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
They have some pretty deep problems that the political elite are unable or un willing to to address, I will lis a few:
Insane number of 3rd world immigrants. I'm at work so can't go dig the stats up, but it's the equivalent of adding the population of 3-4 Bournemouths every year, just from family based immigration. Add in the economic migrants and other refugees, and that's a staggering number of people. Add this to the fact that white ethnic Swedes are leaving in their tens of thousands every year. Conservative projections puts ethnic Swedes as a minority in less than 50 years. Scaremongers in as little as 25. I suspect it will be somewhere in between.

Wouldn't be so bad if the new arrivals were tax paying and productive members of society. UK and the USA are lucky, they get the best immigrants. The worst seem to have gravitated towards Scandinavia, and Sweden in particular. There's a newspaper article a local police chief admits that the local gangs have won. Send in the army or let them have it, he is done. And it wasn't even Malmo, a place so dangerous that a Somali woman said "This place, too dangerous, I'm going back to Moghadishu". A lot of it stems from bad policies in the 90s .. take refugees from conflict zones and put them all in the same area. The ethnic conflicts of former Yogoslavia are kept alive in Swedish immigrant neighbourhoods. It repeated itself with Syria and Iraq. They just never learned.

The sexual assault statistics are frightening, and not getting better. At the current rate, something like 1 in 100 women will have been sexually assaulted in the next 10 years.

Old people in Sweden are broke. Pensions keep getting cut, and they don't vote out the politicians cutting their benefits. The rate of poverty am ing pensioners is way higher compared to other Scandinavian countries. Work all your life, then get treated as a second class citizen by your own government.

As a journalist, if you write about any of it, you will never work in the media industry again. If you are a civil person, and you mention anything critical related to immigration, you are branded a racist, and will likely be fired from your job, banned from your sports clubs, and persecuted by Antifa types until you move to another country.

The political elite live in a bubble. They promise that if elected, they will begin to tackle these problems. The same people have been in charge for decades, and things have not gotten better. Sweden should have been paradise on earth, a true socialist workers paradise. They screwed it up badly. If they are lucky, things will stay the same, and there will be 2 parallel Swedens. Worst case is a European Syria.

Wow you REALLY got brainwashed by Jimmie Åkesson and his nazi cronies.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
More posh people telling us its going to be great post no deal brexit, great.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
More posh people telling us its going to be great post no deal brexit, great.

More posh people keeping their finances offshore* you missed that part. Going to be fine, don't worry peasants, we'll have the work houses back up asap once your human rights have been removed.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
More posh people keeping their finances offshore* you missed that part. Going to be fine, don't worry peasants, we'll have the work houses back up asap once your human rights have been removed.

I dunno.

I don't think it's as sinister as that for most of them.

I think it's more about their careers post Brexit, if we get a no deal and it goes super well then they'll be able to put that on their CV.

If it doesn't? Meh doesn't bother them.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I dunno.

I don't think it's as sinister as that for most of them.

I think it's more about their careers post Brexit, if we get a no deal and it goes super well then they'll be able to put that on their CV.

If it doesn't? Meh doesn't bother them.

Nah I don't think it's that sinister but I would bet money on the poorest areas of the country getting absolutely fucked - be it council cuts, benefit cuts on the genuinely needy (not talking about chavs that are milking it with 10+ kids) among other things.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
In that Simon Reeve Greece documentary his finds a migrant woman walking down the road carrying a large child in 40 degree heat..he gives them a lift and catches up with her male family who go ballistic because she got in a car with another man without their permission....they are carrying light backpacks and left her miles behind struggling.
This is the culture we are importing..men who own women and pretty well treat them as beasts of burden.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Welp, there's this country utterly fucked.

US Negotiator saying

"we need to open up competition"
also "we need US companies to run UK hospitals"

The moment politicians cave into the hospital demand, we might as well dig our own graves and jump in the fuckers or get ready for a lifetime of debt.
Last edited:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The guard opened that story with..'stop brexit now'.
But seemed to have back pedelled and distanced themselves from it.

Its all a bit whatever..but seeing as the government themselves spent millions on a pro EU leaflet put through everyones door, claims of illegal spending are a bit hypocritical.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The guard opened that story with..'stop brexit now'.
But seemed to have back pedelled and distanced themselves from it.

Its all a bit whatever..but seeing as the government themselves spent millions on a pro EU leaflet put through everyones door, claims of illegal spending are a bit hypocritical.

Are you suggesting that the Government is also doing illegal stuff, but because they're a liberal elite Soros body they can get away with it?

Jeez, I love it how everything you post is always a deflection -everything-


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The guard opened that story with..'stop brexit now'.
But seemed to have back pedelled and distanced themselves from it.

Its all a bit whatever..but seeing as the government themselves spent millions on a pro EU leaflet put through everyones door, claims of illegal spending are a bit hypocritical.
Legal thing is equivalent to illegal thing financed by enemy of UK?

I actually had exactly the same response on Facebook when I posted about this a couple of months back. Do you guys have shared scripts or something?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Legal thing is equivalent to illegal thing financed by enemy of UK?

I actually had exactly the same response on Facebook when I posted about this a couple of months back. Do you guys have shared scripts or something?
I think you might have had the same response because its the elephant in the room..the remain campaign got a free propaganda leaflet through every door.
Of course it backfired big time...lots of people just said..dont bullshit me.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think you might have had the same response because its the elephant in the room..the remain campaign got a free propaganda leaflet through every door.
Of course it backfired big time...lots of people just said..dont bullshit me.
Not illegal. Totally normal in referenda even.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
They didnt give an anti EU group free leaflet posting to every house.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
They didnt give an anti EU group free leaflet posting to every house.

Government's usually start a referendum and then support that referendum, Brexit was unique in this case.

I don't recall you foaming at the mouth when Alex Salmond was pretending to be Mel Gibson.

This idea that there's some kind of anti-Brexit witch hunt is hilarious. There's a reason why politicians aren't commenting on the legal cases and only the hard brexiteers are (who voted brexit cos moslims)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Not illegal thing continues to be not illegal despite statement by Job.
I didnt say it was illegal,.just quite obviously unfair.
But water under the bridge..even with a huge advantage..they still lost.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I didnt say it was illegal,.just quite obviously unfair.
But water under the bridge..even with a huge advantage..they still lost.
They lost when one side broke the law repeatedly and had the advantage of being able to lie through their teeth about what leaving the EU could be like.

Stupid idea to have a referendum in the first place. Ruling party is happy with the status quo but offers to have a referendum on it anyway?!? Cameron should just have told his lunatic wing to shut up or fuck off. UKIP were never going to win seats in a general election anyway.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003

Indeed. This is the Comey/Russia problem all over again.

May assumed that Leave was going to lose and that if the police had actually followed the evidence then it would have looked like the government was acting in a biased way against Leave and resulted in massive whinging forever when they lost. But then they didn't lose and therefore the criminality has been swept under the carpet. Massive miscalculation.

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