
The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Perfect they can all take in a migrant..problem solved.
Thought not.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Perfect they can all take in a migrant..problem solved.
Thought not.
Or they could campaign against laws that give the police more powers whilst allowing migration?

I don't see why you think people are racist if you don't want people to live in YOUR house. I don't want a hot, white, blonde, english chick to live in our spare room. I've built my life, and it involves having a house that doesn't have strangers living WITH me.

If she moved in next door? No problem. So why do you spout such shit?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Because know..we all know that most of those protesters are there on an empathy level thats alongside stopping people kicking puppies.
Its not virtue signalling as such..they no doubt are honest in their conviction..but its a narrative in their heads with sad music and cute migrant girl toddlers. ( the number one photographed heart string pull used by the liberal media).
The reality is ghettos, cultural clashes..fgm/forced marriages/homophobia..the very opposite views of the rose tinted crew who are so keen to let them in as long as someone else does the dirty bits.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I would would also be fanciful to say all would be fine if we voted to stay.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Or they could campaign against laws that give the police more powers whilst allowing migration?

I don't see why you think people are racist if you don't want people to live in YOUR house. I don't want a hot, white, blonde, english chick to live in our spare room. I've built my life, and it involves having a house that doesn't have strangers living WITH me.

If she moved in next door? No problem. So why do you spout such shit?

:wij: I've got a spare room!!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Well run fresh warehouses should ship everything they receive in a few hours. It keeps prices lower.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Oh dear. People still take Adonis seriously?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
And he's taken the word could and turned it into will, like the dribbling hysterical moron that he is.

You'll be quoting AC Grayling next.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
He took the word could and made a quip. That doesn’t seem hysterical to me.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Farage has precicted that around September the Tories and the EU will say time has run out for article 50 and rescind it.
Hes expecting a campaign before that to convince the brexiters to change their minds and accept it.

Possibly hes going for the scare or more likely this is true.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry..I thought we were European..or does leaving the EU throw you out geographically as well.
Thats the endless dig against brexit.
You hate hate Europeans.
No we hate the EU.
Utter..utter bullshit, we are a vital oart of of its top three most important countries and the EU is in no position to try and throw its weight around when it has allready fucked up the continent.
Jesus H Christ...brexit really has shown how many people in this country need someones hand to hold.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If the EU really needed us then wouldn't they be more bothered about getting a deal done?


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Sorry..I thought we were European..or does leaving the EU throw you out geographically as well.
Thats the endless dig against brexit.
You hate hate Europeans.
No we hate the EU.
Utter..utter bullshit, we are a vital oart of of its top three most important countries and the EU is in no position to try and throw its weight around when it has allready fucked up the continent.
Jesus H Christ...brexit really has shown how many people in this country need someones hand to hold.
Did you even bother to read it before going off on your little tirade?


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
If the EU really needed us then wouldn't they be more bothered about getting a deal done?

The EU are notoriously slow at getting deals done, that's why we should be falling back on EEA and EFTA membership then going from there. In fact as we haven't given notice to leave either, I'm still not entirely sure why this isn't the plan...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003

How is this obvious truth a surprise to anyone? This is simple maths, and yet every day I still see people clinging to the idea of Britain’s importance to Europe. Unfortunately (for me), Ireland is the only place in Europe where this is actually true; everywhere else in the EU will barely notice Britain has gone, and Germany and France will probably get richer, not poorer.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
How is this obvious truth a surprise to anyone? This is simple maths, and yet every day I still see people clinging to the idea of Britain’s importance to Europe. Unfortunately (for me), Ireland is the only place in Europe where this is actually true; everywhere else in the EU will barely notice Britain has gone, and Germany and France will probably get richer, not poorer.

I stopped reading that opinion piece when he started blathering about the rest of the EU nations having the upper hand if Germany left if I'm honest, as that's demonstrably a load of bollocks. The EU may have a slight upper hand in the power stakes, but there is plenty of the UK the rest of the EU wants access to (our Financial Markets, lines of customers wanting to buy the latest German car on a PCP, etc). Plus our single greatest trading partner is none of the EU27, but our friends across the Atlantic and all of their lovely chlorinated chicken!

The new Croatian PM was on Good Morning Britain this morning saying how much she wanted everyone to work out a deal, and this sentiment is mirrored pretty much all across Europe except in Brussels. Us crashing out will hurt everyone so I am still fully confident a deal will be done.

However it's interesting that you mention the one EU country that will be hurt the most is Ireland - if that's the case, why on Earth is Leo making such a tool of himself all the way through the negotiations? From going on about a hard border when neither the EU nor the UK are insisting on one, or threatening that UK planes won't be able to travel through Irish airspace when we leave? That's especially amusing as a)it would be enforced by the RAF, and b) if we reciprocated no planes would be leaving Ireland full stop.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I stopped reading that opinion piece when he started blathering about the rest of the EU nations having the upper hand if Germany left if I'm honest, as that's demonstrably a load of bollocks. The EU may have a slight upper hand in the power stakes, but there is plenty of the UK the rest of the EU wants access to (our Financial Markets, lines of customers wanting to buy the latest German car on a PCP, etc). Plus our single greatest trading partner is none of the EU27, but our friends across the Atlantic and all of their lovely chlorinated chicken!

The new Croatian PM was on Good Morning Britain this morning saying how much she wanted everyone to work out a deal, and this sentiment is mirrored pretty much all across Europe except in Brussels. Us crashing out will hurt everyone so I am still fully confident a deal will be done.

However it's interesting that you mention the one EU country that will be hurt the most is Ireland - if that's the case, why on Earth is Leo making such a tool of himself all the way through the negotiations? From going on about a hard border when neither the EU nor the UK are insisting on one, or threatening that UK planes won't be able to travel through Irish airspace when we leave? That's especially amusing as a)it would be enforced by the RAF, and b) if we reciprocated no planes would be leaving Ireland full stop.

Varadkar is going on about a hard border because if there’s no deal it doesn’t matter whether the U.K. or the EU have a position on the border, under WTO it becomes an obligation to enforce customs controls; a hard border by default. He will then have to deal with 50,000 Irish people a day who cross the border for work and a completely trashed food production industry.

As for the flights thing, Ireland isn’t threatening anyone; this is international law we’re talking about, and all the British airlines have been pointing this out for nearly two years. Not only would the U.K. drop out of the European Common Aviation Area, fucking up European flights, it additionally drops out of the US-EU Open Skies agreement so even if our brave brylcreem boys protect BA flights over Ireland, they won’t be able to land in the US anyway.

Varadkar is just pointing out stuff the fuckwits in UKGov don’t want to hear and can’t deal with when they do, but as usual the UK press prefers to shoot the messenger if said messenger is a bit foreign.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This thread is as pointless ss the Trump thread..oh hes going to be impeached..the russians..the prostitutes.

Oh were not going to be able to fly..well run out of avacados..strawberries are going to rot in the fields...endless posts with detailed explanations that are regurgitated scaremonering opinions.
Next to jack shit will change..they will be the very design have to carry on as normal...they know that and they fucking hate it because it pretty well pulls the rug from under their little club.
Britain is far too massive an economy for anything but the best outcome....all of this is bullshit and the true loser is going to be the EU itself..not Europe..not the companies or the workers...heads will roll at the top.

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