
Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
When the growth rate increases a countries GDP from fuck all to meh, its hardly something to get excited about. Quarterly growth rates are only good in the short term, you need to look at employment rates and the related social burden. Scary times, the banks are getting increasingly twitchy over a fair old whack of the debt that is holding it all up.

I hope you are enjoying your continued and increasing depressing rates of unemployment in the EU :D

I know I am.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
In one breath you're ranting about all these countries freeloading, in the next breath when their GDPs are increasing faster than the UK you say it's hardly something to get excited about. Slovakia has been at worst a mid-table economy GDP per capita wise since joining the EU and you're doing it a disservice by lumping it in with the countries that are actually being propped up. It has a funny sounding name to you though, so it must be a shithole.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That reply exactly sums up the EU...28 countries working together as long as 26 of them do what two of them say.
It gets them talking, not warring.

That's a big fucking win.


Apr 20, 2011
The inescapable reality will hit soon. The decline of Britain, which has been steady since the Second World War, will be accelerated by leaving the EU. People seem to forget that Britain is a small country that does not produce anything of interest. Their past successes were built on the subjugation and pillaging of other countries through The Empire.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
as much of a troll as you generally are, that's actually spot on. Britain is now a little country that only has historical significance. We're propped up by the banking world where London is a big player, but realistically that can be moved to anywhere. We have small man syndrome atm and want to pick fights we just can't win.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
as much of a troll as you generally are, that's actually spot on. Britain is now a little country that only has historical significance. We're propped up by the banking world where London is a big player, but realistically that can be moved to anywhere. We have small man syndrome atm and want to pick fights we just can't win.
We are rated by two seperate independent institutes ss the second most powerful country in the world.
They figure in military, global reach, political and cultural influence, brand recognition and the worlds opinion.
Considering our size and poulation we project a staggering amount of influence on the world...we are by far the most important country in the EU...by FAR.
The EU can prsttle on all it likes...they are a hodge potch of countries who all dislike each other and are fighting to show a united front.
All this talk of stealing our international institutions is claptrap, they are here for good reason and not in the EU for good reason.
We are the backbone of EU security and they know that.


Apr 20, 2011
We are rated by two seperate independent institutes ss the second most powerful country in the world.
They figure in military, global reach, political and cultural influence, brand recognition and the worlds opinion.
Considering our size and poulation we project a staggering amount of influence on the world...we are by far the most important country in the EU...by FAR.
The EU can prsttle on all it likes...they are a hodge potch of countries who all dislike each other and are fighting to show a united front.
All this talk of stealing our international institutions is claptrap, they are here for good reason and not in the EU for good reason.
We are the backbone of EU security and they know that.

Delusions of grandeur seems to be a common trait amongst people of your disposition. I am afraid you are divorced from reality. This influence that you speak of does indeed exist but is probably in part a consequence of American's influence and the fact that you are America's lapdog. Regarding the EU, it is certainly more united than Britain (after all, only 52% voted to leave and I understand this has left your country rather divided) as the defeats of several far right political parties demonstrate (how quaint it is that the British thought they would instigate a mass exodus from the EU). At least one good thing has come out of this; that Europe can see for itself the mess that Britain has plunged itself into for the sake of nothing more than vague notions of sovereignty and longing for a past that never was. All this, of course, instigated by the insidious drip-feed of lies from far right oligarchs with vested interests.

Many international institutions have already made plans to leave London and the ones that will stay will no doubt be bribed one way or another by the British government, obviously at the expense of the British people. It really is a farce.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You're such a cunt. He's calling for more foreign aid. IN THAT STORY.

Nothing like Farage.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ha..you can fuck off there..hes calling for less assistance..fences and laws.
Do you read articles through some kind of libfilter.
The aid is bollocks, the article is all about our over generosity...then he adds the generic , token aid bullshit in to appease the handwringers.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You're such a moron @Job:

"He rather called for an increase in foreign aid while praising Germany for donating 0.7 percent of its GDP in that regard...The 61-year-old has a foundation that invests a lot of money in Africa to fight poverty and diseases among others..."

Gives away his fortune, is campaigning for increased investment into Africa. And you, not a connoisseur of African News unless you've pulled it off your family's Britain First page, still fail to see that.

In fact, you're just making the same failed argument you made last month.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
He is slowly ramping the rhetoric towards the ukip manifesto..you know it and he is trying to doublespeak his way out of it.
That srticle contradicts itself because he cant say those things without the liberal antidote of..lets give them money to make Africa nice.
Well thats clearly bolax because aid doesnt work that way.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
He said this week during an interview with a German media that European countries should take measures to make it more difficult for migrants to leave Africa through the current transit routes.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Bill Gates - spend more in Africa, improve their lot so they won't want to leave.
Nigel Farage - spend nothing in Africa, fuck 'em. Chuck 'em back in the sea.

Job - Bill Gates = Nigel Farage.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
He said this week during an interview with a German media that European countries should take measures to make it more difficult for migrants to leave Africa through the current transit routes.

... you mean those migrants who are getting ripped off to get to the EU and dying in the sea?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Its written in plain English from his mouth and still you stick your fingers in your ears.

If Id posted that article and told you it was the latest rant from Farage you would be up in arms at the racist bigot.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
... you mean those migrants who are getting ripped off to get to the EU and dying in the sea?
How many times has Farage said people are dying and we should stop the boats.

The bias is strong in you, I know you are aware of that and watching you internally squirm while trying to defend your own
dis cognitive dissonance is hilarious.
You change the subject and personally attack me.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
We have covered this before and it's really quite simple.

Farage doesn't give a fuck about the causes or a solution to the problem, just "stop the boats omgeeeerd" and "send um all home, woo, wooo, wooo"

Gates wants to fix the problems in Africa so that the people don't feel the need to migrate, rather than spending money on housing, welfare, whatever else here the money would be better spent on foreign aid.

Two very different standpoints.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Well obviously everyone here wants to believe that..not because its true, but because the thought of Gates letting his right wing leak out and legitamising ukips approach is hard to take.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Err no, people want to believe that because it's what Gates said.

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