Server wide event!



Originally posted by Omniscieous
you can guarantee those immature people will find them and ruin it all.

It is still a game. Not real life. If you have a chance in game to gain something even with dishonest means (without braking the rules of the game) then most people are smart enough to take it. There is no "great emotions" or "worldwide effects" from something you do in games. That is why we play games, they are not real. We don't go out and shoot war protestors with a mortar now do we?

It's not immature(haven't done it myself 'cause never was in the situation) to gain from other peoples "stupidity" or trust.

There is no war in IRAQ in the world of Camelot now is there?


D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
An I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
when it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
for their promised land

<c> Guns 'n Roses


I was at the crib, sitting by the fireplace, drinking cold coke on the bangs getting drunk. Doorbell rang. Who could it be? Thought to myself and started to shrug. Got to the door, dingdong who is it? My girls best friend had paid me a visit, sly as could be, tight dress and all, she knew that i was faithful and really didnt have to go. I tried to chill, she made the move. Now i -know- my girlfriend wouldnt approve. I didnt realise my girl was setting me up, my girlfriend didnt trust me, no. Yeah but she lost control, i wouldnt take the bate. I said chill baby baby, chill baby baby wait! My girl bust in, caught us creating a boom, she said "Girlfriend! Things that make you go hmm...

<C> C+C Music Factory.


Omniscieous, saying that u dont know any Iraqis and therefor its ok to carpet bomb a whole town, bcuz some idiot with too much power says some other idiot with too much power has to die, is a bit harsh imo. Saying that u dont care about that ppls lives bcuz u dont know any irl sounds fucked up stupid. Dont know what kind of snowed in idiot u really are. I wouldnt say it was ok to carpet bomb your city if there would become a war over at whereever u might live. Lack of sympathy seems to be your problem. I dont wish the lives out of any american/British soldiers. But i cant say i can support them for making war for just one person (cuz thats what its all about) loads and loads of civilians die for this shit, and more will die for it. And who knows what things will be like when/if they kill Saddam...

Please think before u write crap like that. Saying that u dont care for other ppl bcuz u dont know em and therefor its ok to whipe em out dont make u look very smart. Seems to me like u are some 10 year old little whining twit. We have all seen the spams in every thread all over the damn forum when u get killed in df?

Take care. and please think twice before u speak


"What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can't reach...
So, you get what we had here last week
Which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N' I don't like it any more than you men."*



Hey hiban!

I don't care about other people too! Not my problem. Then again, i could blame you for caring just the same, it's not your place to say who bombs who.

But i won't say it. You know why? Because i don't really care what your stand in thigns is. I just have my opinions, i make them clear and i argue with others because i believe i'm right.

Now please, don't call someone stupid, asshole, twat or n00b(i know you didn't call him all that) just because he feels different about things.

Take care and please learn to respect other peoples opinions as much as you respect your own.


Originally posted by hiban
Saying that u dont care about that ppls lives bcuz u dont know any irl sounds fucked up stupid. Dont know what kind of snowed in idiot u really are. I wouldnt say it was ok to carpet bomb your city if there would become a war over at whereever u might live. Lack of sympathy seems to be your problem.
Take care. and please think twice before u speak

So you would take the time to mourn and you would care if someone bombed my hometown and killed me... to be honest I think not, you would read the article and think 'shame' then get on with your life, turn the telly over, pick up a book, have a peaceful nights sleep, get up the next day and go to work/school/college or whatever and forget about it. Call it lack of sympathy but it's a fact. I just don't pretend to be something that I most certainly am not. I don't want anyone to die, but some people have to and some people will, end of story.

People have to die as we're involved in a war like it or not. And we have to choose, our own or those we're at war with.

Yes we'd all loved it not to have even started but it has and you can't change that.... I'm just realistic about things. Lots of innocent civilians have already died in Iraq, how much time have you spent mourning or crying for them?

Call me what you want, as we don't know each other very well I'm sure our differing opinions won't make either of us change our lifestyle or state of mind.


How you chose to value other ppls lives is really none of my business. Since if i would go out and tell everyone how to live their lives and how to do in certain situations, i would spend so much time on that, i would never find the time to live my own. but _please_ dont ever say its ok to carpetbomb a whole town because you dont know any ppl that live in it. Think we all can agree on that. Especially not on a public forum.

Im not calling anyone stupid. I know different ppl have different views of things in life. I know humans have steps, in which they care about themeselves, their family, friends, ppl theyve met a few times, countrymen and so on. Dont wanna continue writing about these matters. since i know i would get stuck here and forced to explain my every thought of all my statements in here. The only thing i wanted to say is: If u wanna be political and supportive with the troops: be it irl. Dont sit in your chair staring at pixels in game. go out and show yourself and make your voice heard. :)

Tohori mate. Imo, the only way to respect peoples oppinions is to respect the people that have em. Dont tell me to respect what other people say, if u dont respect and care for other people yourself.

I dont know u people irl. U might be angels, u might be the worst jerkheads i have ever seen. I dont really care. I play this game to have fun and i use the forum to read about the game/events/meet ppl from the game etc. I dont really like to read posts about ppl accepting wars as if it was something natural, something that has to be. And posts saying that they dont care about other ppls lives or not because they dont know them.


Amazing how a thread talking about a SERVER WIDE EVENT turns into a discussion about IRAQ


Originally posted by sharma
Amazing how a thread talking about a SERVER WIDE EVENT turns into a discussion about IRAQ

I didn't start that discussion :p
Hopefully it'll end soon.

Just think it's a bit late for NO WAR statements now 18 days into the fighting ;) would rather see us win it now than lose it.

Whoever started the thread can close it, maybe they should consider this as I think we all know the event wouldn't work as most would hope.


yeah, ofc we all want the coalition to find Saddam. Now, since they have started it all. But there were LOADS and LOADS of pre war protests. MILLIONS of ppl worldwide met up in huge protests. And they went on days after the war started. And they are still on... For no good, since The US of A do as they wish. They got the ppl to do it...

Anyways. Lets close this thread. We all know the event wouldnt work since there will be ppl wanting to do it and ppl coming there killing, saying they dont wanna be part of such events, and kill all they see.

take care of yourselves and eachother out there. /salute

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