Got a nice letter from a man on Bors: "You had mentioned in the grab bag, about a player setting up a all realm meeting, and we want to do this on the Bors server as well. We have decided to hold this at 6pm EST Saturday April 5th. The location is at the AMG in Odins Gate. We're encouraging people to come and take screenshots, video, and get up close to poeple that they would normally try to kill, for one hour in a peaceful get together to support the troops over in iraq. We have some guildies over there, and I also have a little brother over there as well.
“On March 29th, Albion of Tristan will gather at the North Gate of Camelot for pics and video taking, starting at 4PM EST. Then at 5PM EST, we will gather at the Albion Mile Gate to gather w/ our Midgard and Hibernia server mates and have another pic/video session.”
Nice? Why don't we make that? For uber screenies! Post your comments here