season 2 postponed



Here's the complete message that went out to leaders:

"OK- i'm sorry i have to say this, but the league is going to be postponed to start on the 22nd, there are many reasons for this- many minor cock ups leading to the fact we just aren't ready
next i have to say there will be some ... major ... changes to take place in the league in this time- firstly we are likely to change to a division system, having talked to clans this seems the better option as it means they play clans of equal quality. However, it will still be possible to go up from div3 to premiership in a season if the clans are widely misplaced.
the fixtures will go up shortly- one of the big problems was a small cockup which esculated about the pools fixtures- many clans played 1 or 2 clans twice etc, now all divisions will be for 16 clans, and use the same timetable as premiership
we have a lot to do, and a small time to do it in- i'm sorry it has come to postponing just before the season but we feel it is better to start late than have a worse league where clans probably will spend the first few weeks organising themselves and not playing.
we do accept if clans choose to leave if the new system does not suit them, but please make sure you tell us the second you know your clan will not take part (note to prem clans: there is no changes for u other than dates - all prem clans will be the same)
we will keep you all upto date with icq, and on the league website, send us views in the forum, preferably non abusive :)"

Right, as i said keep the replies non abusive :)
most people on icq like it...

Atomic Rammer

If its been delayed to make it better then that must surely be a good thing.

Can u flesh out a bit more detail on how the division system will work? How exactly will it be possible to move from bottom to prem in one season?


well it isn't confirmed but my thinking is a system something like:

top 2 teams from div 1 promoted to premiership
teams 3-5 go into premiership playoffs

top 2 teams from div 2 go into premiership playoffs, promoted to div 1 whatever
teams 3-5 go into div 1 playoffs

top 1 team goes into premiership playoff, if fails goes into div 1 playoff, promoted to div2 wotever, 2nd placed team goes into div1 playoffs, if fails goes to div2, teams 3-4 go to div2 playoffs

if that makes any sense :)

Atomic Rammer

Ah good thats sounds v good to me.

Was just checking that it wasnt like the uktfcl bollocks where u changed divisions every week depending on your points.

old.TGC Snow

i don't want to be the prophet of doom, but i just thought i should remind u that UKTFCL was once considered to be a great league (some ph00ls still think it is).

So what i'm saying is stick with what works. Don't allow too many clans in (the current number is great) and don't fiddle with the format too much.

I'm not trying to say don't do the divisions - they're a good idea. In fact, i'm not complaining about anything. I just wouldn't like to see this league go down the pan... as it stands, BWTFCL 0wnz. Just wouldn't want ya to get complacent :p


exactly our intentions Snow, we are limiting season 2 to 64 clans, we don't want a number we can't manage, we don't want a newbie league stuck on the end with 1000000 clans in (of which 2 play more than 1 game)


yes, the new format sounds good in my opinion. Although last week you posted the fixed fixtures for next season and I understand that these are obviously void now, but will this mean that with the new set-up you are proposing will the fixtures still be set. Also I was looking forward to playing [LBU] in our pool, looks like they will be gracing the top division, oh well. ;)

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