Religion of Teh Seel



Since the ranks of the Seelists are growing (from 0 to 1 in one day!) i have decided to take a few moments to actually tell you what the religion is all about. It's a small religion, members currently(active) is limited to 1. That being me but still we have a lot of fun at the meetings. Now it might not be like the christianity but we have strong beliefs still.

Seelism is a state of mindlesness. Thinking is a rare feature in the ranks of Teh Seelists. Some pursue the path of thinking but usually these enlighted ones turn away from the true path of senseless babble. Now here's some of the basic rules and beliefs of our religion. I will not numerize them because Teh Inner of Teh Seel(TITS) does not believe in numerical lockering. This is rude and rasict towards the bigger numbers, such as two million and 73.

Seel is the only way to live, there is no other way, do not even look. Really. No other religions. Nope. Nada.

Eat if you wish and drink if you must but remember the sacred day of Teh Icefloat.(later explained)

There is no taxes that you must pay but a weekly donut must be eaten to honor the past souls of the Great Dolphin. (later explained)

Sleep is a holy event and should not be interrupted by any means. The most sacrelisious act one can perform on another Seelist or any human being(or alien) is to wake them up from their divine slumber.

At no point, and i do mean, -no- point in life should any Seelist but work ahead of relaxation. Work is sometimes necessary but only in extreme situations where, for example, The Holy Television has nothing important to teach you or Teh Shrine of Computer has lost it's ability to consult the Spirits of Teh Inturnet.

Games have reached almost a god like stature in the ranks of the Seelists. They are sacred and can only be interrupted by the Divine Slumber.

Now let me explain the two most important days in the life of a Seelist.

The Sacred Day of Teh Icefloat. An ancient tale tells of the first Seelist appearing one day to humanity with the help of an icefloat. This has been marked as the birth of Seelism and one should always, whenever possible, remember this day and eat icecream and drink cold beverages. When a Seelist reaches old age, they will, on the Sacred Day of Teh Icefloat go on a pilgramage, sit down on to an icefloat and drift into the seas of the world. This is an honor that very few are bestoved upon.

The eating of the donut to honor the Past Souls of the Great Dolphin. This is, as an act, a simple one. Weekly, one must consume a donut(any donut except a plain one) to honor the Great Dolphin. The Great Dolphin was a master in Seelism an considered the right hand of the First and Ancient Seelist. The Great Dolphin became to such divine stature simply by being in a total state of mindlesness for long periods in time, possibly forever and as a result the Great Dolphin died several times. This is why a Seelist honors the past souls and not just one. The Great Dolphin emerged from the sea several times a year, landed on a beach and uttered words that made no sense to the common man and then died, releasing another soul to the Eternal Slumber. Soon the Great Dolphin had reached the Eternal Slumber so many times that noone could even keep count, not even the Great Dolphin. Even to this day, the Great Dolphin has been seen around the world, shoring to a beach, babble something unbelievably silly and then die and vanish into the Eternal Slumber. This is why we honor this holy being.

This is the basics of Seelism. There are alot of other things a Seelist will learn on the path to Complete Mindlesness and Eternal Slumber. Thank you for your interest and the time you have knowingly wasted to learn of our way.


Anyone can join, it's simply that mindless state that is achieved by many means. To some it comes naturally and to some you need a brick to the head. Or anything hard really. Sponges don't work, tested it and they don't work. So don't even try. Ever. It looks silly. Unless you want to look silly. Which is good as well.

Oh don't have to like the Great Dolphin. Just eat the donuthole to symbolise the Void Of The Universel Communication Device known Also as the Great Summoner of Babble instead.

These things arn't that important, their just pathgiving and should be used as guidelines when in doubt.


no fucking way can i be arsed to read all of that ^^


Originally posted by Jiggs
no fucking way can i be arsed to read all of that ^^

Knock yourself out, do what you want, all cool.


" a state of mindlesness. Thinking is a rare feature in the ranks"

Looks like christianity to me



another proof of the Seel's denial state.

(sorry to bump it)


All these seel threads deserve to die, you should not have bumped this god forsaken unholy thread.


Phnaargos Resident, the customs of this place are still unknown to me.


I spammed to get to talks too much because its the only title that makes sense to me.


some people are in denial, others are just plain weird. It's the internet, you meet different sorts.


Originally posted by old.Dillinja
errr... tasty? :eek:

Damn right it's tasty, and satisfying and makes a damded fine sandwich :D

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