SPAM random annoying things


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Roadworks, right outside, on the hottest week all bloody year, overnight, AT THE WEEKEND :upyours::upyours::upyours::upyours::upyours:


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The endless fight over who's responsibility something is in the local area between a parish council, local council and county council to issues that shouldn't be that hard to deal with, as example:

Rubbish 01.jpg
Rubbish 02.jpg

In essence they county council has cut the verge but picking up the litter before obliterating it into microplastic isn't their job, that is the Local councils responsibility.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I could shoot public bodies for their total lack of joined up thinking.

But what we really should do is shoot people who litter. It's massively on the increase IMO. People dumping whole family-sized mcdonalds rubbish out of their windows on the move has happened in front of me way too many times recently. And I don't live within 20 miles of a mcdonalds!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
People that litter should be given community service, litter picking. 20 hours unpaid, for each instance, should do it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Powerful winds around here, so we've got a power cut.

I've spun up the generator and gone and got refills of my petrol cans (although the station was struggling to serve). And because of a little foresight I'm tethering off my phone and a different (working) mast and provider - and if it continues on into tomorrow I should still be able to work.

Speeds aren't the best:

But what fucks me off is that I'll have to set an alarm for 4 in the ayem because if the generator runs out the guinea fowl I've got in the incubator will die.

And it's fucking minging outside :eek:


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Scratch that. Internet is flaky as fuck. O2 and Vodafone have gone down, EE is intermittent.

Confirmed that no power until the morning too :eek:


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I've had issues here in central London if it's any consolation ...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Sky was out from about 11pm last night, back up this morning.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I could shoot public bodies for their total lack of joined up thinking.

But what we really should do is shoot people who litter. It's massively on the increase IMO. People dumping whole family-sized mcdonalds rubbish out of their windows on the move has happened in front of me way too many times recently. And I don't live within 20 miles of a mcdonalds!

Print the buyer's name on all the packaging (from the method of payment). Or the car registration details (from a camera in the drive-thru). Very simple to do and easy for councils to automate penalties.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Print the buyer's name on all the packaging (from the method of payment). Or the car registration details (from a camera in the drive-thru). Very simple to do and easy for councils to automate penalties.
I like the idea but I can't see how it'd work practically in terms of getting enough coverage. Anything paid for in cash would be excluded of course. It'd be enormously expensive for business and slow up some supply chains (imagine a checkout queue at the supermarket - and would you be expected to self-serve your own name?). McD's probably measure their average time-to-customer in seconds and that'd come at a cost to them but it's indeed the sort of place it could work. But littering is from everything, not just these big wanky mainly-poor-people chains.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
And there we go:

Suggestions about "staggered ages of consent".

You’re allowed to make mistakes as a teenager, they should be with other people your own age.

Should they?

Lots of people, men and women, like older people. Who are we to decide what normal human behaviour is for a subset of people? It's not for me - I can't think of anything worse than shagging someone with fuck all life experience. But not all old-young relationships are abusive. So to define all of them abusive in law is a pretty horrible act.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
And there we go:

Suggestions about "staggered ages of consent".

Should they?

Lots of people, men and women, like older people. Who are we to decide what normal human behaviour is for a subset of people? It's not for me - I can't think of anything worse than shagging someone with fuck all life experience. But not all old-young relationships are abusive. So to define all of them abusive in law is a pretty horrible act.
I don't think anything will come of that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It'd be enormously expensive for business

Not nearly as expensive as what we have to pay to clean it up. Fuck em, if they want to serve fast food, they can pay fast money for the waste it generates.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
And there we go:

Suggestions about "staggered ages of consent".

Should they?

Lots of people, men and women, like older people. Who are we to decide what normal human behaviour is for a subset of people? It's not for me - I can't think of anything worse than shagging someone with fuck all life experience. But not all old-young relationships are abusive. So to define all of them abusive in law is a pretty horrible act.

It seems really weird to me that there are conversations like this going on about taking away rights and responsibilities of 16 year olds whilst at exactly the same time debating whether to extend the voting franchise to them. I don't know about you, but I found the period from 16-18 intensly irritating because of this type of thing; I could pay taxes (which I did) but not vote, I could have sex, but not drive a car. I could join the army, but not fight. Smoke but not drink. Just pick a lane people. But my 2c; if you can pay taxes, you should be treated as an adult in every other way.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The weirdest is that you can marry and have sex with your 16 year old wife but if you consensually film it then it's child pr0n.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Shrinkflation, I noticed the Cadbury Instant Hot Chocolate (Listed as New in Tesco) has shrunk from 400g to 300g and only dropped about 30p.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I saw a meme the other day, probably bollocks, but of some oats that said 30% reduced sugar.

Turned out the pack was 30% smaller at the same price


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Shrinkflation, I noticed the Cadbury Instant Hot Chocolate (Listed as New in Tesco) has shrunk from 400g to 300g and only dropped about 30p.
The bullshit with all this is that it generates more packaging trash. It's like why do walkers multipacks now come in boxes FFS?

Also somewhat related: Orange Lucozade, they were giving them out near the station today with the whole "new formula" better line, tastes like absolute shite now.
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Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
They have to make sure poor people keep buying the product as non-poors will not drink them/will go more premium elsewhere (See: Coffee)

I am a poor as there are certain things I only want the cheap version of out of apathy towards finding a better replacement. I hate the more recycling though. What a waste :/


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Getting to the airport at 4am to find my 6am flight which I chose to avoid sleeping on the plane is now 3pm. With added connections. And worse seats.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I put in an application to Natural Resources Wales, on their advice, asking for access to the forestry road so I could move some heavy plant up there because the road to my house is too narrow. I need access for an 18t excavator, probably a couple of times at most, but it could potentially have been used for bulky deliveries if builders merchants were unable to deliver. But they can deliver, so I just need it for the excavator a couple of times.

The guy said "if it was just once, I'd open it for you myself as I've got a key, but as you want it a few times, come through the front door".

Spoke to the woman in charge. She said it was a twelve week process. For "can I have a key?" but I said OK. Sorted out the application within an hour. A few days later they came back and said that part of the forestry road was owned privately, so I'd have to sort that out first. Within an hour I had written permission. (Walked down the hill, asked the guy, he was thoroughly decent and asked if I needed it in writing.)

So. 17 weeks later, after multiple chasers, they've written back.

They want £2000 for a licence, and a £150 fee for processing it, for half the period I asked for originally (minus the 17 weeks too).

£2,150 for the ability to drive a digger 1km up a forestry track, "owned" by the public. :eek:

I also have to take out liability insurance for 10,000,000 for each time I drive a digger up there.

I was told to watch out for the cunt in the forestry. He knew what he was doing when he pointed me at the front door. Hates the "english" (and I don't qualify as welsh enough).

Of course, they can get tae fuck. I have a key. I was just trying to do the right thing. Independent digger hire, delivered to the bottom of the track and just hope I don't get caught. Trespass is a civil not criminal offence after all... all I need to do is learn how to drive a big fucking digger :(


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I put in an application to Natural Resources Wales, on their advice, asking for access to the forestry road so I could move some heavy plant up there because the road to my house is too narrow. I need access for an 18t excavator, probably a couple of times at most, but it could potentially have been used for bulky deliveries if builders merchants were unable to deliver. But they can deliver, so I just need it for the excavator a couple of times.

The guy said "if it was just once, I'd open it for you myself as I've got a key, but as you want it a few times, come through the front door".

Spoke to the woman in charge. She said it was a twelve week process. For "can I have a key?" but I said OK. Sorted out the application within an hour. A few days later they came back and said that part of the forestry road was owned privately, so I'd have to sort that out first. Within an hour I had written permission. (Walked down the hill, asked the guy, he was thoroughly decent and asked if I needed it in writing.)

So. 17 weeks later, after multiple chasers, they've written back.

They want £2000 for a licence, and a £150 fee for processing it, for half the period I asked for originally (minus the 17 weeks too).

£2,150 for the ability to drive a digger 1km up a forestry track, "owned" by the public. :eek:

I also have to take out liability insurance for 10,000,000 for each time I drive a digger up there.

I was told to watch out for the cunt in the forestry. He knew what he was doing when he pointed me at the front door. Hates the "english" (and I don't qualify as welsh enough).

Of course, they can get tae fuck. I have a key. I was just trying to do the right thing. Independent digger hire, dyouelivered to the bottom of the track and just hope I don't get caught. Trespass is a civil not criminal offence after all... all I need to do is learn how to drive a big fucking digger :(
To be honest this is exactly why Wales is full of cunts and you live there!!! :p


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
How do you deal with your kids' new school, which has decent education standards, but you think they're a bunch of petty rules-obsessed dickholes who run things to make their own lives easier while claiming it's a good environment for the kids, while it looks to you like they have a whole China style social scoring system going on? Asking for a friend.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
How do you deal with your kids' new school, which has decent education standards, but you think they're a bunch of petty rules-obsessed dickholes who run things to make their own lives easier while claiming it's a good environment for the kids, while it looks to you like they have a whole China style social scoring system going on? Asking for a friend.
Constant resistance. Our eldest was top in maths because they really enjoy it. Just moved to juniors and they're playing the "group system, all abilities" bullshit. Whenever they repeat a standard line at you, repeat your request. Most educators I've come across quit faster than you'd think.

Edit: Just remembered another one. School trying to insist on plastic water bottles. Told them no, they break, microplastic sucks, already bought metal one, if they don't like it, provide China mugs/cups or live with it. Other parents play along, queue complaints about kids bottles getting broken in class. School shuts up.
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