SPAM random annoying things


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
I have shit internet due to living in the sticks so not that great for streaming.

But I can see fields of cows and sheep from my window so up yours townies! :)

I see a field of horses from mine...and im in London so you can keep your shit internet country bumpkin crap.



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
People are at a concert(for example, or a movie, whatnot), watching the show, then there are those who look to other people(friends etc) with a look of "Isn't this awesome?!"

Why do people do that? Doubt if they shoukd enjoy things? Confirmation that yes indeed you are right and the explosion you saw was pretty cool?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
They're still better than the people that go to gigs and do nothing but talk to each other all night. Why the fuck did you pay the £15+ to stand and talk over a band? Cunts.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
They're still better than the people that go to gigs and do nothing but talk to each other all night. Why the fuck did you pay the £15+ to stand and talk over a band? Cunts.

Yep, does my fucking head in, and those that spend all night out in the bar, why bother coming in the first place...Cunts

*fuck, i've just agreed with Wazz again, must go and lie down...*


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
festival organisations you respect nicking your mate's pictures, cropping out the watermark and slapping them up on their website without asking or crediting. lame, really lame move :-/


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
I'm sure there's something called IPR law which stops that? Pretty sure an email or two with official looking words could solve that.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah that's totally illegal, can easily be taken down or paid for. The fact they've removed a watermark shows they know what they're doing. Go stamp on them.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
People are at a concert(for example, or a movie, whatnot), watching the show, then there are those who look to other people(friends etc) with a look of "Isn't this awesome?!"

Why do people do that? Doubt if they shoukd enjoy things? Confirmation that yes indeed you are right and the explosion you saw was pretty cool?
If I arrange for me and my mates to go somewhere or i recommend a band i do the eye contact thing. It suppose it is just making sure that everyone is having fun rather than just worrying about myself and finding out at the end everyone else was bored shitless.

It is like sitting though a 2 hour shit film when both of you would of happily left after 20 minutes. The eye contact and a nod over the shoulder saves an hour and forty minutes.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If I arrange for me and my mates to go somewhere or i recommend a band i do the eye contact thing. It suppose it is just making sure that everyone is having fun rather than just worrying about myself and finding out at the end everyone else was bored shitless.

It is like sitting though a 2 hour shit film when both of you would of happily left after 20 minutes. The eye contact and a nod over the shoulder saves an hour and forty minutes.

Yeah i get that, though i guess you need people who really show they're enjoying things. Might be cultural too, Finnish ain't known for their jolly smiles and all :p

Though what happens when you see your friends aren't enjoying it, but you are?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Though what happens when you see your friends aren't enjoying it, but you are?
If they are really miserable I will leave. I have done that at the cinema before and just came back and watched it with someone else.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Well, given the day Scouse posted, he was referencing the Sim City debacle

I wasn't actually, but I'm amused that the reasons why I'll never pay for an EA game, ever have predictably come true in Sim City's case. :)

And you know what Toht? - Maxxis are tarred with the same brush tbfh. If their directors are such suck-ass bitches at to partner up with such a cunt of a company - and tow the company line as they're obviously doing - then they can fuck off too.

I'll wait until someone cracks it. Then I may download it (though probably not). My money will go to some indie developer instead...

Edit: A good editorial about pre-ordering by RPS here too.

I've already come to the conclusion that as developers no longer push the boundaries of PC hardware and that games are shoddy on release it doesn't matter if I buy them 12 months later for 25% of the price, when they've a shot at being stable...
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Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Yeah that's totally illegal, can easily be taken down or paid for. The fact they've removed a watermark shows they know what they're doing. Go stamp on them.

aha, it turns out the snapper mate GAVE the image (with watermark) to a band. this band/the band's management then GAVE the image to the festival site, who promptly chopped off the watermark and shoved it up on their site. IDK what the law says in this case but I'm calling it "not nice" and leaving it :-/


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
It gets murkier if he GAVE the image away (with all rights to it implied) but they shouldn't have cropped out the watermark and re-posted it (presumably without crediting the photog).


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
yeah he has a habit of giving away a low-rez, watermarked image of every set he does.


Dec 26, 2003

Boys who cry wolf annoy the piss out of me. So many of these stories every year, when something bad does hit nobody will give a fuck.

Yeah - this strains just never going to achieve the pandemic deathtoll - someone needs to cook it up with a good birdflu H1N4 or N6 - retaining the drug resistance/ease of transmission of N1 but combining it with the almost universal mortality of an N6.

Now that would be a pandemic...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004

"Stop doing things i don't like to do", how about just let people pre-order if they want, or could it be that this article is written to boost the revenue of the site by being "edgy"? Surely not.

Who knows, key point -> stop trying to change things -you- don't like, just don't do it and let other people enjoy.

On a sidenote; pre-ordered xcom and got free civ V(+stuff). Good pre-order right there. Two shitty releases does not a rule make.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
With digital downloads there is basically no reason to's not like they will run out of stock.

Better off waiting to see if it's a disaster of a launch like EA's and also whether the game lives up to it's premise.

There are plenty of devs/publishers who release a finished game so I don't really see the point in waiting a year for everything, I do if it is something I am not overly bothered about, better to pick it up in the steam sale.

I too refuse to give money to EA, no other company has done more work to stagnate the industry as them, crushing any creativeness. Bioware, Westwood etc etc Both bought for the brands for something to milk.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Bioshock infinite pre-order now gives stuff+xcom. That sounds like a fair deal for trust. If you want to wait for the game to come out, fine. If you want to wait a year for it to be on sale, fair enough. What i don't get is why people have to be up in arms -against- pre-ordering when it's a consumer choice.

Also a random annoying thing; people who are deadset against pre-orders, but happily throw money at kickstarter ;)


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Bioshock infinite pre-order now gives stuff+xcom. That sounds like a fair deal for trust. If you want to wait for the game to come out, fine. If you want to wait a year for it to be on sale, fair enough. What i don't get is why people have to be up in arms -against- pre-ordering when it's a consumer choice.

If I didn't already own X-Com maybe it is a good deal, but pre-ordering then having to pay another 50% for all the DLC just seems like a waste. I have enough to play right now so I'll just wait a year and get the "GoY" edition with everything in a sale.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
"Stop doing things i don't like to do", how about just let people pre-order if they want, or could it be that this article is written to boost the revenue of the site by being "edgy"? Surely not.

Who knows, key point -> stop trying to change things -you- don't like, just don't do it and let other people enjoy.

On a sidenote; pre-ordered xcom and got free civ V(+stuff). Good pre-order right there. Two shitty releases does not a rule make.

There are a few things missing from the article (like previewing games with online/dlc/multiplayer elements is increasingly difficult before a game is actually live, and is a major factor in the decline of the editorial previews), but when it comes to pre-ordering a game you're going to download, you're a bit of a fucking idiot to do so tbh. And I say this as someone who used to make his living off pre-orders (it was our only online USP over Amazon/Play, we usually got it to customers first). All you're doing is putting your money in someone else's bank in exchange for absolutely nothing worthwhile. (NB. Your Xcom example is just marketing, its not intrinsic to pre-order and if pre-order didn't exist, it would still happen as a multibuy, as the likes of Steam do all the time).


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
"Stop doing things i don't like to do"

I liked the model where companies produced demos and reviews were worth it. I wanted to know whether I was going to be wasting my cash on a pile of shit.

I'd spend a higher proportion of my cash on games than I do now. I'd also pay full-price for them.

The fanboi pre-order stuff, complete with "release day DLC" shite is amusing. You can pre-order Bioshock Infinite at the moment and because enough people have done it you'll get a free copy of X-Com.

However, there's no way I'll be doing that. For a start it's cross-platform so PC gamers will be poorly served as usual (the "recommended specs" are so far from cutting edge I could have run it on my PC from 5 years ago) and anyway - I'll be able to pick up both games at 25% of the price after they've been nicely patched to completely stable + maybe new features just before xmas.

Or maybe I'll retrospectively read the reviews and find out that Bioshock Infinite is actually not all it could be - and then I'll just pick up X-Com for a fiver instead.

The games industry is 100% responsible for this buying behaviour - as it has matured somewhat it now pumps out derivative chod for the masses with only a few titles worth spending your money on any more. It's massively pisstaking to legitimate customers and in the last ten years it's finally burned up all the stores of good-will that it managed to build up over the previous two decades.

Edit: And what Gaff said :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
people who are deadset against pre-orders, but happily throw money at kickstarter ;)
I was wondering whether you'd bring that obviously failed argument up.

People give money to kickstarter to get games going that publishers would never fund. Games that would never be developed.

You go into it eyes-open knowing that it may be total vapourware in the first place. And they don't ask you to fuck off for a couple of years and "hope" that that's not the case. As an investor you get something for your money - status updates and progress, being "part of the journey" if you like. Full in the knowledge that it may all fall through.

It's investing in someone's business idea with the hope of getting it off the ground - like you would with any start-up company. Apart from they're not drilling for oil - they're making the game that you're really enthused about that isn't being made already.

Pre-orders for already-funded games from publishers is simply shooting yourself in the foot. You're not an investor - you're a consumer paying for something that's going to be made anyway, without keeping the consumer's safety net of finding out whether it's an epic pile of gash at release.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
By pre-ordering(a guaranteed product) you're just being a f*cking idiot and by giving money to kickstarter(which has no guarantee of a product) you're an "investor"? That's marketing for you. Kickstarter is by all counts a worse "scam" of the two, failure to see that is mindboggling. With kickstarter you're giving money to a product that has no guarantee of coming out, for what? Trinkets and shiny pre-order guff. Not to mention the fact is that biggest kickstarter projects aren't done "because it never would be made", but because the dev gets extra money for the project. It doesn't remove publishers from the picture.

Also, it's not uncalled for a project to be cancelled even with a release date. With pre-orders you get your money back, with kickstarter you don't.

In case you missed it, the whole point is that i'm not against people not pre-ordering. Your choice, all fine, but starting campaigns to ban pre-orders(because you don't) is just silly.

It all comes down to this; people say that people can't get reviews to consider before pre-ordering and that is bad, but isn't it the persons own choice to do so? They knowingly pre-order with trust. Just like, to a lesser extent, kickstarter.

Simple question really; what is the harm of having pre-orders? Note that the question isn't "why don't you preorder" etc, but what the harm is.
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I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
back on topic :)

fucking windows applications grabbing screen focus that are not the application you're working in at the time.

fucking uncancelable fucking reboot events on your fucking work desktop that ALWAYS happen when you actually ARE working rather than lounging about facebook or idly browsing mountainbike porn.

an SSO password thing forcing me to make specific password choices that render the password much less secure than it could be nnnngh :eek:


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
back on topic :)

fucking windows applications grabbing screen focus that are not the application you're working in at the time.

fucking uncancelable fucking reboot events on your fucking work desktop that ALWAYS happen when you actually ARE working rather than lounging about facebook or idly browsing mountainbike porn.

an SSO password thing forcing me to make specific password choices that render the password much less secure than it could be nnnngh :eek:

departments that demand information in word document format when:
- the information changes rapidly
- the departments responsible for the information change rapidly
and use shit web portals that:
- do not allow uploading of zipfiles
- do not allow multiple selects of documents
- do not allow direct uploads
because they:
- can't be contacted directly
- don't accept emails with attachments
probly because that would force them to upload the docs using their own shit tool.

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