SPAM random annoying things


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Player who think that game is released when it's complete, when actually it takes 3-6(wcs) months of certificate/testing/etc during which time the company makes the DLC which ofcourse players think is "left out" of the game to get more money.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
On the flipside of that; game companies refusing to release detailed information, not just statements, to players to see this.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I won't get any PPI compensation because I wasn't stupid enough to buy the pointless insurance in the first place, I thought it was well known then that it wasn't worth the paper it was written on.
Much the same with endowment mortgages, didn't anyone smell a rat when every fucking wideboy on the planet was lining up to sell them..tip, if they hassle you to buy's shit.
Unless the stock market rebounds by 10,00 points, then it's smiles all around..unless you've
changed back to a repayment.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i am well enough endowed that i did not need a mortgage to make it happen....

... i wish :(

seriously what the hell is an endowment mortgage?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Player who think that game is released when it's complete, when actually it takes 3-6(wcs) months of certificate/testing/etc during which time the company makes the DLC which ofcourse players think is "left out" of the game to get more money.

Arsehole companies which release incomplete and highly buggy games, then spend the next 6 months focussing on money-earning DLC content which gets released with a patch that fixes the bugs that they should have fixed 6 months earlier.

On the plus side, I've changed my buying habits so I buy games 12 months + after they've been released and get the game + DLC for about 25% of the price - which means more for me and less for the publishers.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Arsehole companies which release incomplete and highly buggy games, then spend the next 6 months focussing on money-earning DLC content which gets released with a patch that fixes the bugs that they should have fixed 6 months earlier.

The amount of bug fixing that goes on and bugs altogether in games in players minds is quite low.

Bug fixing focuses on a critical to minor list principle, so if a game has a crash bug in it at launch you can bet your patootie that there were worse ones.

Games are also made with budgets, so when the cash runs out it runs out, it doesn't appear magically.

And you can disagree all you want with my post, that's a fact which i know a hell of a lot more then you ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The amount of bug fixing that goes on and bugs altogether in games in players minds is quite low.

Bug fixing focuses on a critical to minor list principle, so if a game has a crash bug in it at launch you can bet your patootie that there were worse ones.

Games are also made with budgets, so when the cash runs out it runs out, it doesn't appear magically.

And you can disagree all you want with my post, that's a fact which i know a hell of a lot more then you ;)

As an "industry insider" you appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that I give more than zero fucks about the trials and tribulations, tricky cost base or development woes of games companies.

If there's a crash bug in a game at launch I don't give two hoots that they've fixed a bazillion worse ones - there's still a crash bug at launch.

So, people are voting with their cash - and it's costing developers money they would otherwise have had.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Not really, it's costing the publishers money. Developers get paid anyway. You need top level games to get any kind of sales back to the devs ;)

I'm not laboring under anything, i'm just saying that it's annoying. You can be annoyed and wrong all you want :p

You should consider the tribulations though, you are never promised a perfect product and by now people should know it.

Especially since we're talking about unreasonable expectations.

Just to clarify on your original post; a company releases a game buggy because they have to, not because they want to and if they spend more money in the next 6 months to fix those bugs then it's a -good- thing. They can't turn into money/extra workers to "fix what should've been fixed" because they -can't-.
Last edited:


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
You should accept a perfect product. If you buy a car that will stall twice every morning for the first 6 months until new Spark Plugs are released you will not accept that. If you buy a mobile phone that restarts every few seconds you send that shit back. Gaming seems to one of a very few industries that thinks it is ok to release a half finished product and then to charge you more to get what you should of had from the beginning.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
GAmes are entertainment, not products. If you don't like how lord of the rings ends, you can't return that sh*t.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I expect a product I buy to be ready and free of bugs too. If it isn't then it should not be released.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Oh god the software - car analogy. I can't even begin to tell you how false that analogy is. Software ALWAYS has bugs in it and ALWAYS will. It's software, it's not a physical piece of engineering.


Last night sat down and thought "I'll finally watch a bluray of something I ordered 3 years ago" - put Moon in the player, doesn't load. The disc is fecked. Try The Road, put it in the player, watch the first hour fine then BAM disc is also fecked and skipped scenes.

Annoying. Fortunately Amazon are arranging returns, which is nice considering I bought them 3 years ago!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not really, it's costing the publishers money. Developers get paid anyway.
Staggering business naevity there toht.

If the publishers aren't making handsome profits developers are the ones that get chopped and have smaller budgets - and that's happening all the time.

You should consider the tribulations though, you are never promised a perfect product and by now people should know it.

Especially since we're talking about unreasonable expectations.
I don't think it's "unreasonable" to have a product that works properly out of the box and isn't riddled with annoyance.

I'm an adult. Been playing games since the late 70's - so I've plenty enough experience to judge for myself what's acceptable and what isn't. I cut developers and publishers with a reasonable excuse (e.g. maybe they're an indie outfit who have overreached somewhat and are clearly trying hard) some slack - i.e. I'll put up with minor (or even reasonably major) bugs as long as they're being worked on - not frequent crash bugs though (no excuses, crashes should be incredibly rare).

However, some publishers simply push horrendous piles of shit out of their doors.

Some don't - but I don't think it's "reasonable" for developers to expect the customer to have to cut them slack.

Get fucked! - this isn't a "collaborative effort" - it's a cash-earning industry. And if people put bug-ridden shoddy products out for sale then they deserve to get slaughtered.

What a developer thinks is an "unreasonable expectation" and what a customer thinks is such are often miles apart. Other mature industries have taken the time to learn what the answer to that conundrum is - "the customer is always right".

Tough titties if developers don't like it. Customers don't care - and are handing over less money because of shoddy incomplete work - and that's because they've previously bought stuff that has pissed them off.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh god the software - car analogy. I can't even begin to tell you how false that analogy is. Software ALWAYS has bugs in it and ALWAYS will. It's software, it's not a physical piece of engineering.
I see where you're coming from - but I disagree. It's a simple argument about quality control - and quality control costs money.

Cars have bugs and problems. Software has bugs and problems. There's a tipping point somewhere where bugs and problems become unacceptable - and it has an influence on customer buying habits.

It happens with cars and it happens with software. Only, the software industry gets cut a LOT more slack than car manufacturers.

Product is product, whatever the medium of delivery.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Staggering business naevity there toht.

If the publishers aren't making handsome profits developers are the ones that get chopped and have smaller budgets - and that's happening all the time.

Not naive, just how it works. A game that is hated by players doesn't work the same way with publisher developer discussions.

The other rabble you spewed out is irrelevant; ofcourse players can be pissed off about a buggy game, doesn't change the fact i stated earlier that when the money runs out, there's nothing a developer can do.

Stop comparing games to cars and compare them to movies and you'll have a lot better understanding.

Nice little argument over the fact that i still find whiny players with no basis on facts annoying :p

Advice for the future; blame the publisher, not the developer.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
what gets my goat most about games is being punished for actually buying the game

like Origins which is a big old steaming pile of wank - what the fuck is the point of craploads of DRM that annoys legitimate customers when a crack removes it completely

Same shit with those piracy adverts on DVDs that cant be skipped anymore


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
and achievements/highscores in all games nowadays

its an RPG not a fucking arcade game the little stupid popups kill the immersiveness


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
One for the feedback forum? What browser are you using and is anything else not working?
Windows Internet Explorer? Same as always.
Everything seems odd at the moment. Been running slowly. I've uninstalled everything I can think of.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Ps when I did that edit it all went pale til i refreshed the page! Weird.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Advice for the future; blame the publisher, not the developer.
Advice for the present - nobody gives a fuck if it's the publisher or developer.

You can carry on whining about the "unfairness" of it all, and sit in your island of correctness - but the fact is you're losing money, now.

The bottom line is - there's a fuckload of "correct" bust game developers and publishers who're washed up on the scrapheap of fail because they've failed to understand this basic fact: the paying public don't care about your arguments and are spending their money elsewhere.


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Mafia II was *terrible* for this; they shipped a game that had so obviously had a whole heap of stuff hacked out of it to be released in DLC form later. It wasn't overly buggy as I remember it, just butchered to within an inch of its life to milk the consumers more down the line.
The game was also criticised by fans of the series for omitting a significant amount of content in the final build of the game, with some being released (albeit altered to a certain extent) as downloadable content. Melee weapons, which were present in the previous game, such as a baseball bat and brass knuckles, were found to be stored in the game's archives, and was also announced by producer Denby Grace in a developer podcast, but were left unused.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Picking a module at university that you suspect will be easy only to find out it's probably the most difficult course in the entire fucking department.

I just had a support class for it which only three people turned up for. It was a like a fucking interview. I've never felt more stupid.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Picking a module at university that you suspect will be easy only to find out it's probably the most difficult course in the entire fucking department.

I just had a support class for it which only three people turned up for. It was a like a fucking interview. I've never felt more stupid.
What was the module?


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
What was the module?

It's a 4th year module in mathematical biology. They are usually quite easy but this one is a nightmare of Brownian motion / PDEs / stochastic DEs & a load of other stuff. The lecturer is great but sets killer questions. I miss having 200+ people doing a module & the lecturers thus having to set easy exams :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
i had a serious brownian motion session earlier this morning....

sorry, had to be done ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
My cat and his habit of fighting foxes. Came in late last night looking a bit beat up, blood, fur and other assorted gore between his claws, blood down his chest. Checked him over for wounds, bite on his head and a slightly torn ear.

Hopefully they stay clean and we avoid yet another vet bill. From just before xmas and now we are on just above 1k :(


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Not naive, just how it works. A game that is hated by players doesn't work the same way with publisher developer discussions.

The other rabble you spewed out is irrelevant; ofcourse players can be pissed off about a buggy game, doesn't change the fact i stated earlier that when the money runs out, there's nothing a developer can do.

Stop comparing games to cars and compare them to movies and you'll have a lot better understanding.

Nice little argument over the fact that i still find whiny players with no basis on facts annoying :p

Advice for the future; blame the publisher, not the developer.

I would be demanding my money back if the ending was missing in a movie :)

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