PunkBuster dropping



Has anyone been having problems with punkbuster, after a friendly match last nite on BWTFCL2 members of boths teams kept getting booted, including myself, and yes i did have punkbuster open!

this aint going to be much good when we play a match is it!

also because u cannot use asus drivers, and one of clan has a asus card he is fecked. one less player.

and yes hes tried the reference drivers, but they lock up his computer after a while - not very good for a match is it.

y have we got to use punkbuster, surely the ref should notice and foul play.

I vote we lose PunkBuster.


Before there's a mad rush...

I think its pretty certain that Punkbuster was introduced to stop exploits that the ref can't spot like the ASUS driver thing.

You could probably argue that being able to see through walls or in the third person would alter a player's game and this might be picked up by the ref. But if they're any good its not going to be obvious and then how can you prove someone is cheating instead of playing well?

Punkbuster may not be ideal but at least it establishes some form of level playing field with regard to cheating. But if it starts ruining a large number of games I can't see it being kept.


yeah i dont like cheats either m8, we DOnt cheat - so its a bit of a pain to lump everyone in the same bucket cause of the stupid tarts who do cheat :(

but it is going to ruin games with all the player drops it cuases


I've played a couple of games with PB so far, no booting players without reason as long as the PB-server was correctly configured and i'm sure the admins took care of that issue.


Firstly: almost certainly the reason you were booted was the (imo pointless) clan tag feature of Punkbuster, if your clan has registered your clan tag make sure whoever did it gave the pwd to use the clan tag to all the clan users, if another clan uses the same clan tag see if you can change your clan tag ever so slightly for BWTFCL games (ie, change [DooM] to DooM|, (DooM), ]DooM[, |DooM|, +DooM+, DooM. ETC) - I know this isn't the greatest thing but it'll allow you to play before we find out a way of disabling it (we're not sure there is one, I've emailed someone from PB...)

Secondly: the reason for using PB (the MAIN reason, one of many) is that it stops the 3rd person cheat - this can NOT be detected by the referee, but it stops people feeling the effect of being conced and thus is certainly a cheat

Please try to sort your problems before instantly going against it and deciding its the shit pits and should be removed

thx :)


Hmmm well admittedly I havent yet spent much time on this, but...

I tried playing on a bwtfcl server with pb on last night and i kept getting kicked for the reason: no punkbuster client or something similar, even though i my console i had messages of stuff like welcome to punkbuster, coz i did have it running.
I will spend some more time with it later, but I know at least 2 other people who had the same prob last night, so I hope this isnt gonna be a problem, or matches will get ruined.


to compete in BWTFCL does everyone in the clan have to run PB during matches???


obviously yes since the person'd get booted from the server if he weren't running pb


Punkbuster may seem like a complete pain in the arse to configure and run in a sound manner, but I have to say that I like it. I have been booted a few times from matches, heh heh, but once I got my config sorted I found that my troubles went away.

Kicking usually only occurs if the clan tag can't be matched up to the hash key supplied - provided the admin has access to verbose console output, then problems can usually be pinpointed straight away. :D

The unfortunate thing is that it seems to be rather hit and miss with a lot of people, thus meaning that games get delayed and people get pe'ed off. I think the best thing to do is get yourself on a BWTFCL server during the day and test out PB on your lonesome - grab vuz or another admin in order to get PB enabled. :)


thus meaning that games get delayed and people get pe'ed off.

This will be over after 1 or 2 games when they see it is not the evil tool ever1 depicts it as.


I played in the match that [SCW]Proud mentioned, PB was fine for the first map (showing that I was PB authourised) then for some strange reason it decided to start kicking me on the second map,I checked and PB was still active.

I like the idea of using PB but in future matches it may pay to drop from the game ,shutdown and relaunch PB then rejoin the game.
IMO It affects defensive players more,as the time it takes from being kicked to rejoining could be a couple of caps.

hopefully these little niggles will get sorted,has anyone any tips to help with this problem?


played our first game last night with PB, had a few problems with droppings due to PB on the first map (including me :) ), but the second map was fine.


Removed PB for the moment, it kicks people with the main reason being that they have no client, this is almost certainly lag between the server and BW and the user, anyway it fucks up games



thanks - although i know some ppl may be a bit pffed at the possible cheats that could be used now - i still think its for the best - well until they sort out the kicking problem


You just wanted to get your flying invisible teleporting godmode working again, admit it :D



Sssshhhhh! I thought people didn't know about that cheat....:upyours:

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