


BarrysWorld will offer the facilities for prizes, there are certain conditions which mean:

The prize money can not just be spent on the winning clans (good)

No prize can be offered for current seasons (ie. Season 1 of BWTFCL)

Clan servers are unlikely to be an option

and a few other bits'n'bobs u needn't know about, wot I want to ask in this thread is wot prizes there should be (i suggest a nicest clan as voted by clans or something) and wot the prizes should be (note there is not an unlimited amount of money and prizes to clans needs to go to 16 odd players!)

anyway, responses....


I honestly think we don't need them :\ But if we are going to have them then I think the idea you suggested sounds good. Maybe have 2 main prizes (what i'm not sure). The 1st goes to the Prem winners, and the 2nd to the clan voted, by all of us, the best sporting clan of the season. This should start to get people behaving themselves more :) lol


Couldn't work out if I could edit my last message so i've done another - hehe. If clan servers are out of the question as prizes then really there isn't too much which would be a viable internet prize :( I don't think money should be given under any circumstances, as this will just turn everyone ugly with clans doing whatever it takes to win.


I know some birds round the corner from me in Brixton who can keep 16 people happy for as long as they happy. 80 squids or 120 for rear action. You gots my mobile aight?


Prizes..... the list of possible prizes is below.... it won't be anything big, I am looking for more "novelty prizes", this league is for fun!

Premiership Winning Clan
Pool A Winning Clan
Pool B Winning Clan
Pool C Winning Clan
Nicest Player
Nicest Clan
Funniest Player
Best Referee
Highest Personal Score
Quickest Cap
Best Match Reports

I know somepeople aren't sure on the subject of prizes but I can guarantee they won't be anything large, just a bonus....

old.[RA]Ring Peace

How about mouse mats for the winners, with the BWTFCL logo and cup or something like that. And maybe a car sticker aswell for those of us over 16.

Highest personal score and quickest cap should go tho, coz i see sad goings on if they are included.

And can you change it from Best Referee to Least Worst Referee :p

Oh yeah and can someone explain how to post match reports after results have been submitted so that xs can win that prize :p

old.TGC Snow

well i think prizes for refs are an excellent idea, coz atm there's no incentive for them to do much (i've done it meself, and it's one hell of a boring job).

i also think prize for prem winner is a good idea. However, with the pools, i think it would encourage cherry-picking (which is incredibly easy in the pools atm).

And i think prizes for "personality" are stupid, because it creates a sort of "false" atmosphere, where everyone's trying to suck each other's cock for votes. Instead of nicest/friendliest clan, how about most reliable clan? The clan who always turn up with 8 ppl, and never cancel a game.

Just my thoughts.

As for funniest, most 1337 and 0wneragest, best looking and generally superior to everyone in the whole wide world person... that award should go to



Heres the best awards:
All the clans I have played against get best sports awards for being so damn nice (especially Dtm)
MMD and Virus +the admins get awards for putting up with me moaning
Snow gets award for being all-round top geezer
Xs gets award for being the best at everything ever.
Gimp gets award for easiest to piss off, who banned me from #RA for calling them fools :)
I get the 'biggest ponce' award, for my pretentious posts.
Forget the actual competition winners, they prolly cheated

All winners receive a lolly

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.


prizes won't be big but i think we can splash out on more than a lolly
(unless VIT win it in which casee all cash goes on postage)


I think the best match report prize is a good idea because I always seem to write up an essay for those things.

And lets face it [SC] won't have a chance of winning anything else this season :)


postage ... lol
we could always come and get it :)


"Gimp gets award for easiest to piss off, who banned me from #RA for calling them fools"

Rarfh :)

"Snow gets award for being all-round top geezer"

Eh? Are you talking about the same Snow??



I like this Hat0 geezaa, he's ok

P.S. Gimp only kicked you from #ra to keep up his well 'ard postion on the irc stats. Needless to say I get the bigmouth stat alot :/

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