

The Kingpin

Why it so hard to type please?

Why do you have to type plz, and make your self look like a thick bastard, who to lazy to type please, so he has to use the "lazy git" way, and look like a fruit..

Please for the love of jebus, type please, not plz.

Thy shall not go to heaven if thy cuts corners!

So, get down to ya local library, get out a dictionary, look up please..
You will soon find out, that by using the word please, not plz, you look alot more intelligent, and organised, so be a sport, and repeat after me..

P L E A S E , Thats P then L then we add an E, then we add a sweeting looking A,S and E!

So, say no to plz, and yes! you heard me, Yes! to Please people!
is it so much to ask, think of the children, if they start takeing shortcuts on words like please? And they type plz on say, an exam? thats not going to look very good is it...

So i'll say it again, Yes to Please and No to Plz!


This must be the most useless topic I have ever seen, and I even reply to it


Roo Stercogburn

It's Friday. This kind of thing happens on Fridays :D

Expect lots of kkthxbye etc on this thread, its too obvious for the l33ts to ignore :D

The Kingpin

Don't have anything constructive to say?

Then naff off, or sling ya hook, whatever suits you sir...


agreed, i think plz sounds pathetic tbh. please is much better


Marge: "You said she was fat"
Homer: " Marge, it takes two to lie, one to lie and one to listen"

Uncle Sick(tm)

I think "soz" is even worse than "plz".

"gold plz m8" makes me want to kill.

Well, the fuckers will learn once they write their first memo to their boss in l337sp33k... if they manage a job.

"lo their - this is my ( \/. cool job imo liek lota cahs??2"



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
"lo their - this is my ( \/. cool job imo liek lota cahs??2"


hey it worked for me

uhm or :p


yeah soz is just sad too, say sorry like a normal human being plz :p

The Kingpin

"Hey Mar, pass the shotgun"

*looks at Arnor*


erm? why are you making such a big deal over some people that use effective words in grps.
like if your in rvr its more effective to use plz cos you could be busy. but other wise yes i agree it is silly to use plz, and its lazy :/

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Vivishade
erm? why are you making such a big deal over some people that use effective words in grps.
like if your in rvr its more effective to use plz cos you could be busy. but other wise yes i agree it is silly to use plz, and its lazy :/

Because it makes you look like an immature twat?



Seriously - in a 'grp' situation... is it like that?
"plz look behind u there is a mob/Mid"
"soz i treid to type efectievly11! lol^^"


The most effective way to converse in RvR is not using plz, but using FFS :p

As in....

Not like this:

"Heal plz"

Like this:

"Heal FFS"

The Kingpin

Well, since am such a kind person..
I am glad to announce, I will personally, buy any "leet person"
or "lazy git" a bran new copy of...

*Drum Roll*


Please, don't give me none of that, English is not his first language malarky, am sure he can make the effort, to use the great technology we have in this day and age, to find out how to spell please and sorry correctly.......


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
The most effective way to converse in RvR is not using plz, but using FFS :p

As in....

Not like this:

"Heal plz"

Like this:

"Heal FFS"
hehe very true :p

The Kingpin

Oh please, a mild typo, and also, atleast Ya is a word..

can't say much for plz...

I will leave the typo in, to show humans make mistakes, and that i didnt add it, just to take shortcuts...

The Kingpin

Brinx how dare you!

Now the kids will not even see my post...

They will carry on typeing "plz" untill the end of time...


Originally posted by The Kingpin
Oh please, a mild typo, and also, atleast Ya is a word..

young adult.

has nothing to do with any of what you said though.

Acronym Definition
PLZ Please
so "plz" made sense anyway even if you dont like people saying it.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Dunno... leaving "First Impressions of EVE" on General whilst moving this one (which has actual relevance DAoC wise) here...


imo kthx etc. ffs

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by n3wbie
young adult.

has nothing to do with any of what you said though.

Acronym Definition
PLZ Please
so "plz" made sense anyway even if you dont like people saying it.

It is also a well known fact that you are very mature for a 14yr old (note the abbrevation!!).

The Kingpin

Big Reply

None of the following are words:
"u" is not a word.
"thx" is not a word.
"U" is not a word.
"thanx" is not a word.
"ta" is not a word.
"sup" is not a word.
"r" is not a word.
"WAZZUP" is not a word.
"ppl" is not a word.
"w/o" is not a word.
"dl" is not a word.
"d/l" is not a word.
"ne1" is not a word.
"any1" is not a word.
"c" is not a word.
"oic" is not a word.
"diffs" is not a word.
"bw" is not a word.
"gw" is not a word.
"pls" is not a word.
"abbr" is not a word.
"nite" is not a word.
"thru" is not a word.
"luvs" is not a word.
"werd" is not a word.
"d/ling" is not a word.
"wb" is not a word.
"w/" is not a word.
"up2date" is not a word.
"k" is not a word.
"bbl" is not a word.
"nm" is not a word.
"atm" is not a word.
"wtf" is not a word.
"gnight" is not a word.
"s/ware" is not a word.
"pc" is not a word.
"xtians" is not a word.
"pkg" is not a word.
"OMG" is not a word.
"Btw" is not a word.
"np" is not a word.
"shite" is not a word.
"kb" is not a word.
"btw" is not a word.
"sux" is not a word.
"re" is not a word.
"goto" is really not a word.
"plz" is not a word.
"ltns" is not a word.
"ur" is not a word.
"gtg" is not a word.
"wasup" is not a word.
"tha" is not a word.
"cya" is not a word.
"pos" is not a word.
"b/w" is not a word.
"spec" is not a word.
"fav" is not a word.
"10x" is not a word.
"afk" is not a word.
"prolly" is not a word.
"x-mas" is not a word.
"BTW" is not a word.
"cos" is not a word.
"some1" is not a word.
"d/l'ing" is not a word.
"ic" is not a word.
"tnx" is not a word.
"gfs" is not a word.
"gf" is not a word.
"bro" is not a word.
"w." is not a word.
"@" is not a word.
"l8r" is not a word.
"?" is not a word.
"ya" is not a word.
"b4" is not a word.
"l8er" is not a word.
"prob." is not a word.
"NMY" is not a word.
"IC" is not a word.
"laterz" is not a word.
"k/b" is not a word.
"bi" is not a word.
"P/E" is not a word.
"wif" is not a word.
"im" is not a word.
"2nite" is not a word.
"Eg" is not a word.
"yr" is not a word.
"xfers" is not a word.
"2" is not a word.
"s/w" is not a word.
"c-ya" is not a word.
"w/out" is not a word.
"xfer" is not a word.
"Xmas" is not a word.
"l8z" is not a word.
"d.l" is not a word.
"k/bed" is not a word.
"bbq" is not a word.
"luv" is not a word.
"gov't" is not a word.
"gnite" is not a word.
"dep" is not a word.
"thnx" is not a word.
"addy" is not a word.
"x-over" is not a word.
"xover" is not a word.
"hw" is not a word.
"puter" is not a word.
"Goto" is not a word.
"tho" is not a word.
"g'nite" is not a word.
"&" is not a word.
"r/w" is not a word.
"progy" is not a word.
"rj" is not a word.
"keybd" is not a word.
"yerself" is not a word.
"j/k" is not a word.
"u/l" is not a word.
"govt" is not a word.
"convo" is not a word.
"b/f" is not a word.
"Govt" is not a word.
"c-ya" is not a word.
"X-Mas" is not a word.
"g/f" is not a word.
"pm's" is not a word.
"x-ian" is not a word.
"xtian" is not a word.
"H8" is not a word.
"h8" is not a word.
"GPL'd" is not a word.
"GPL'ed" is not a word.
"Ta" is not a word.
"setuid'ed" is not a word.
"nvm" is not a word.
"G'bye" is not a word.
"pk" is not a word.
"G'Morning" is not word.
"pix" is not a word.
"tia" is not a word.
"fone" is not a word.
"Whaddya" is not a word.
"ssh'ed" is not a word.


Roo Stercogburn

Hmm Kingpin, you may want to lay off the caffeine :D

The Kingpin

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Hmm Kingpin, you may want to lay off the caffeine :D

Hehe, think am on my seventh mega cup of coffie now..
Two hours sleep, then 8 hours working..

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