Playing Tips



Dungeon Siege has to be one of the better games I've played recently, the amount of work thats gone into the interface to make it quick and intuitive is excellent. Thought i'd offer a few of the playing tips ive gleaned from elsewhere to keep you happy :)

Transmute : Great nature spell, use it to convert unwanted items into gold, this means you wont need to store them til you get to the shops. The additional benefit of this is you dont really need a mule anymore, so you can get rid of it and get yourself an 8th character instead, the combined inventory space should be sufficient for any cool items you want to keep.

Character Selection Hotkeys : A good idea is to setup the F keys to be used for character selection. Using ctrl and left click, select all the characters in your party except the mule. Then press ctrl and F1 and you will be able to select all your players in one go minus the this with the other function keys to split your melee/range/magic players into groups...

Spell/Weapon Hotkeys : Use these to assign your groups weapon/spell slots instantly, simply set all the weapons and spells you want your characters to have for defence for example, then hit ctrl-1, pressing 1 from now on will select those actions. This means you can setup your characters to be instantly switchable between defence/attack/heal etc with the click of a button.

Thats me anymore suggestions below



Dungeon Siege is a bit of a looker yeh? what's performance like on a given spec? and what sort of multiplayer functionality does it have?


Officially on the 19th. Is it possible to swap characters between SP and MP?


You can import your single player characters into multiplayer, but you can't export them from what I'm aware.

old.Ozird Rinfut

Gameplay issues:

I play on my p3-500, 256 ram, gf2-mx400-32meg, on 800x600 32bit with no problem.

So the specs cant be that high. I think I read that a 8meg gfx card should be enough... but I seriously doubt that.

In a game like this, always read about the hotkeys in the help menu. It saves loads of time, and gives you a more effective gameplay :)

Hope you will enjoy this game as much as I have done.

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