


Sorry for another thread of this shit but, is Planetside worth buying? :) and how much a month?


The guys in my tribes 2 clan who play it seem to enjoy it.

Aside from a) the SOE customer support and b) the constant patching.

I think it's $13/month but don't take that as gospel :).


It's great to pick up and play for an hour or two when you're bored, but I found it got boring after playing for extensive peroids of time.

Absolutely great for your casual gamer, who likes the whole mmofps idea :D


Everyone has different experiences of it. I would definitely agree, great for the casual gamer.

As for customer support and patching etc. well let's just say, at least it does have in-game customer service (that's never given me any problems whatsoever) and yes, there are frequent patches, but what's better, frequent patches or no patches, leaving bugs etc to run.

It's not a perfect game, but then what game is. But if you like fps, tanks and planes and stuff, you'll probably like it.

Be warned however, there is no "end-game" as such, so some people do find it gets a little repetitive after awhile. Also at present they are trying to balance the empires a bit more, so you will get some times where it seems one empire is overbalanced or whatever.

But for versatility it's great. You have certification points that you spend on being able to use particular weaponry or vehicles, and that dictates what you can get from an equipment or vehicle terminal. Everything is free, no money in the game, your certifications are what determines what equipment is available.

You start at battle rank 1, max is battle rank 20, you also have command ranks 1 to 5 for the commanders amongst us that give different command-related abilities.

You have squads of up to 10 people, and outfits of unlimited numbers - squads are temporary and outfits are permanent, think guilds.

You can forget any one certification every 24 hours - the way this works is as follows. A certification costs between 2 and 4 certification points. If you want to forget one, you have to go to a certification terminal (available in home Sanctuary and certain bases), click on the certification and click Forget. You immediately get the points you spent on that certification back to spend in another certification, but you cannot forget another certification for 24 (real time) hours.

You can shoot people on your side and do damage (and kill them if you do enough) as if they were an enemy, but if you do damage to a friendly, you get grief points. If you get enough grief points, you get various deterrents, such as weapon locks, speed restrictions on vehicles, and eventually a ban from the game. Grief points reduce over (real) time, so even if you get a few by mistake, as long as you're careful they do go back down to 0. Also, grief points are only over certain servers (ie the Euro server, the two west coast US servers, and the two east coast US servers) so if you have too much grief, go play another server for awhile - all servers are available.

The things you can certify in vary from different types of weaponry (grenade launchers, sniper rifles etc) to heavy tanks, large dropships, anti-aircraft buggies, heavy armoured exosuits etc. You can also go a more support oriented route with engineering, medic or hacking certifications - and advanced versions of these including the combat engineer who can lay mines, spitfire turrets and motion sensors.

Bear in mind, I do like the game quite a lot, so I am a bit biased :) Anyhow, I've rambled quite enough, hope this helps.


basically, the game is very good only if u have a good pc and a good connection. if u dont have broadband, and/or lower ram than 512, u shouldn't bother, in my experience (256 MB RAM, broadband) i had a very repetitive situation: you hear shooting sounds. you run up to kill ppl. screen freezes for 10 secs. screen defrosts and ur dead. same with opening doors(u go up to the door, screen freezes for 5 secs, screen defrosts and door opens).

end of whine. now if u didn't understand what i was trying to say there, make sure u have a good pc before u buy the game.

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