Pas contente Marie !!!


old.[COI] Mauh

Petit coup de gueule !!! On avait planifié un match contre un autre clan. Le ref a tout annulé car le clan adverse était pas au complet.
Ca ne nous dérange absolument pas de reporter des matchs meme plusieurs fois consécutivement, mais pas 5 min avant le commencement du match s'il vous plait !!!!
J'ai 24 ans et suis presque la plus jeune du clan !!!
J'ai des joueurs qui sont mariés et qui ont des enfants !!
Ils ont une vie de famille eux et la moindre des choses c'est de prévenir 1 jour avant quand un match est annulé !!!
C'est pas cool pour eux de bloquer leur soirée pour rien !!
Si une âme charitable veut bien traduire ce petit msg (par exemple Alexia ? :eek:))

Voila,on demande juste un peu de rigueur dans les plannifications koi !! Qd un clan souhaite décaler un match, qu'il prévienne a l'avance....

Merci de faire passer le mot !!


Hell ya. You are right about that, don't take any crap from nobody!

Good luck to ya


Translated using :

Small blow of mouth One had planned a match against another clan. The ref. very cancelled because the opposing clan was not complete. **time-out** Ca we disturb absolutely not to defer some match same several time consecutively, but not 5 min before the beginning of match please I have 24 year and be almost the more young of clan I have some player which be married and which have some child They have a life of family them and the little of thing it be to prevent 1 day before when a match be cancel It be not cool for them to block their evening for nothing If a heart charitable want well translate this small msg (for example Alexia? Veiled, one asks a just little rigour in the plannifications koi!! Qd a clan wishes to shift a match, that it prevent has the advance.... Thanks for making pass the word!! Ciao


Ban Whores!

JiM does that site have Gibberish to English as well as French to Gibberish?


Yes :)
go there and see
here is a sample of jibberish:

English = hello good day to your sir and i hope u have a nice day.
Gibberish = Swark google dong dong willy giggle.

Have Fun


Translator ! ( human )

mauh means that when clans have to cancel a match they should say it one day before .. because COI members have a wife and children and don't want to spend their time waiting on a server when the opponents know that they will have to cancel ...

Sorry for my english ! :p

PS : Slt mauh ca va ?

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