OMFG kwypt locked it oO


- Pathfinder -

Anyway, /cry at all you people who hail Jordan as the supreme writer :p

At least Krait comes close with Martin and, especially, Eriksson :p

Eddings = nice for early teens or so, gifv flames :m00:


William Gibson > girly fantasy books about elphs


i read gibson's neuromancer 3 times now and i still think the end is utter bollocks.

the rest o/t book boils with action though

1 page gibson = 40 pages stephen -i suck at horror- king and 800 pages tolkien


Originally posted by klavrynd
i read gibson's neuromancer 3 times now and i still think the end is utter bollocks.

the rest o/t book boils with action though

1 page gibson = 40 pages stephen -i suck at horror- king and 800 pages tolkien

Read Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Anyway, /cry at all you people who hail Jordan as the supreme writer :p

At least Krait comes close with Martin and, especially, Eriksson :p

Eddings = nice for early teens or so, gifv flames :m00:

You're the first person I've met who has the same literary views :)Eddings, Jordan, Gemmell (and even Feist to an extent) are all ok, but not exactly advanced. Erikson (British too), especially considering how new he is to fantasy writing, is excellent.


Eddings = decent if you only read one series, imho. :rolleyes:


Gemmel is nice for younger audences... I read pretty much all of the Drenai series 4 years ago, as well as Waylander 1&2 and the Lion of Macedon (his best)

Wouldn't consider them great by far, but they are good for people who are just starting to read fantasy... and for someone like me who moved to England when he was 13 and didn't read or speak a great deal of english ;)

Not read a lot of Eddings, just Belgaratah and Polgara... was ok, but it was all a bit hokey pokey. Not my style.

Jordan has written more than just WoT btw.. The various Conan books make a good read too, tho Eye of the World and Lord of Chaos are his best in the WoT series.

Fiest... well, he's managed to create a world history spanning over 100 years... while keeping the plot new and refreshing... reading his latest new, Conclave of Shadows book 1... and it's not bad ;) . His duo with Janny Wurts, "on the other side of the riftwar" is probably better than any of his own solitary works.

Now, who's this Erikson fella? I never heard of him... does he write single books, or a series? and whats the first book called?

Cavex ElSaviour

ok, just finished feist, whats next on the menu?


I'm rather fond of eddings myself...
but in the same way I am fond of Terminator or Highlander...
highly entertaining without too much thought needed...

apart from that it's ofcourse Glen Cook that runs off with the title of being the best author ever...


Originally posted by SilverHood

Now, who's this Erikson fella? I never heard of him... does he write single books, or a series? and whats the first book called?

His first book is called Gardens of the Moon and he's up to number 4 atm.
The books are all inter-connected ,but not a continual story even though a few of the characters appear in all the books.
He writes frenetically which ideally suits major battle scenes (Coltaines March which is in the Deadhouse Gates (2nd book) is the best battle sequence i've ever read).
Hope it helps.

- Pathfinder -

Memories of Ice (Eriksson's 3rd book) is probably the best fantasy novel I've read.

Eddings isn't exactly bad - nice read if you're new to fantasy, or if you're in your early teens, or for people who don't require a sophisticated plot to enjoy themselves :p

Feist used to be my favourite author when i was younger - the Riftwar saga still ranks among my favourite reads :p 'Tis a shame it all went downhill from there.

For a different experience, Harlan writes good fantasy too - although rooted in actual history, and becomes too ambitious towards the end for it's own good, it's a highly worthwhile read.


Originally posted by krait

The books are all inter-connected ,but not a continual story even though a few of the characters appear in all the books.

hm, I disagree. The books are very related and, after you read them the 2nd or 3rd time, everything begins to make sense. There's many conversations, or plots, that only make sense when you read the next book (or the one before) :) It may seem like each plot is seperate to the rest, but they do converge and no doubt will further as more books are released :)


Originally posted by SilverHood
Now, who's this Erikson fella? I never heard of him... does he write single books, or a series? and whats the first book called?

Steven Erikson and he's british \o/ He's contracted to write 10 books for this series with release of 1/year (or faster if he wants) apparently.


Ok...this thread about books or sumthing? Uuh...duuuh...bookiebookie! Pook pop! Run!

Pathfinder was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.
You prepare to sprint.
Omniscieous was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.
You are no longer sprinting.
Lanshark was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.
Gombur was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.


Ferrosious Pook hits you for 450(-2).
Tohtori was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Nightchill
Steven Erikson and he's british \o/ He's contracted to write 10 books for this series with release of 1/year (or faster if he wants) apparently.

Nerf 10 books \o/ As long as the quality remains top I won't mind :m00:

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Ok...this thread about books or sumthing? Uuh...duuuh...bookiebookie! Pook pop! Run!

Pathfinder was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.
You prepare to sprint.
Omniscieous was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.
You are no longer sprinting.
Lanshark was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.
Gombur was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.


Ferrosious Pook hits you for 450(-2).
Tohtori was just killed by a Ferrosious Pook.



Originally posted by Nightchill
hm, I disagree. The books are very related and, after you read them the 2nd or 3rd time, everything begins to make sense. There's many conversations, or plots, that only make sense when you read the next book (or the one before) :) It may seem like each plot is seperate to the rest, but they do converge and no doubt will further as more books are released :)

Could have sworn that's what i wrote :)

or meant too anyway ;)

The storyline dos'nt progress naturally from one book to the next ,even though it's the same story.That's probably what contributes to making it a good (if it's not a word it should be ;) )

- Pathfinder -

I've read the series five times by now, and I still don't pretend to understand it all - though I've managed to convince myself that he specifically leaves things out just to annoy me ;)

The Kingpin

*Goes into a Homer Rage*


*starts kicking and paunching people*

old.The McScrooges

Anyone know when the 4th book of Ice and Fire is out?

And Peter Hamilton > Willy Gibson

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