[NKN] final reunion



Hi, we are getting the old troops together for a few last matches this weekend. It should be a nice reunion and we hope to see a lot of old members as well as friends old and new in our channel #nkn.tfc, everyones most welcome to join us for a bit of fun.

We are playing our old mates and rivals SCW friday at 7:30pm with hltv hopefully and northern monkey Codlord commentating as hes been in both clans :)
We are also playing 2 NKN vs NKN matches and against a team of friends of the clan during Friday and Saturday nights.
Besides this, we will be doing some fun stuff - pickups, 2v2s, murderball, pubby on cornfield etc. Got a few servers to use, both bw and jolt. All who join our chan are welcome to join in the madness :)

After this, I shall be leaving TFC at the end of Saturday night, going away for a fair while and getting on with life. Hopefully the at last completed history of the clan and stuff will be posted on our old webby www.clan-nkn.co.uk. Feel free to post on our pap pubby forum :)

Cheers and thanks for making TFC such fun over these last 2 years all you nice clans and players, its been great. Reaching the BWTFCL s4 div 2 final was a really exciting time in particular with that golden cap to finally decide the title. Best of luck to yas, hope to see some of you around fri/sat night :)



Gah! Soz HHH. I cannae make the NKN v SCW match. Really want to play but I'm off oot.


GL and all that and I'll see you on the various publics etc... at a l8r date.

Ciao 4 now.


BAH! Good Luck HHH m8, I shall miss those 4am STA games with you :(

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