Still crapFinish ep 3
The Vietnam War.
Super long documentary series about the Vietnam War but very interesting.
Highly recommended, it's on the Beeb.
I've been watching it on the PBS website (needs a VPN) because iPlayer is almost impossible to get working in Ireland these days. Its very similar in style to Ken Burns' Civil War series (which is over 20 years old at this point) and can be found on Netflix.
Watch Full Episodes Online of The Vietnam War | Explicit Language Version on PBS
I thought they used up every single Trek set piece in one two part episode, they're going to have to do some serious work in the upcoming episodes to prove they're not just re-hashing all the plots we've seen before.So what did I think of the first two episodes?
Very pretty. Thought the set dressing and costumes were cool. Liked the main character being called a blokes name. Liked the Klingons (not particularly their voices - so much makeup I found them flat - but visually arresting). Bits of it reminded me of playing Elite, so that's something.
However, war? Battles? Where's the high-minded-ness? It's called Star Trek Discovery, not Total War: Star Trek. I was disappointed in Ep1. when she said "what does the soldier in you think?" - which would be kind of abhorrent to the original Rodenberry ideas and etho (though in the second episode they did say "we're not soldiers" so meh).
The action was flat tbh. So they even got that wrong. Didn't feel the peril. Wasn't particularly engaging or tense, more of a "this shit happened next". If this was two episodes of shock and awe to make us think what follows is unmissable it's more like the damp pack of "standard" fireworks that fails to go off.
The Klingons were reduced culturally to a load of people like Job. Basically petty minded racists. I guess the writers were trying to draw parallels with current American cultural issues but it kinda felt shallow. Their ship was a like a multi-coloured UKIP convention.
If what you guys said above that this is just a prologue to something more interesting then maybe it'll work. But just left feeling very ambivalent. It's like nobody went "hey, didn't Stargate Universe try this shit and fail?"...
Star Trek worked because it essentially had a vision of hope and peaceful exploration (that always went wrong, but at least they tried). This is just the militarisation of Trek for me.
Anyway. $0.02...
I thought they used up every single Trek set piece in one two part episode, they're going to have to do some serious work in the upcoming episodes to prove they're not just re-hashing all the plots we've seen before.
The Orville continues to be great.
Ep 4 was solid, and Liam Neeson shows up as well.
Honestly, eps 3/4 are classic trek eps that could've been pulled straight from TNG archives. ( minus the added dick jokes ).
I'll be coming back to this if it's bad, m'kay?Young Sheldon started and thought it was excellent. 9 yr old Sheldon (the big bang) going to high school. Narrated by Parsons so if you a fan you will probably like it.
Young Sheldon (TV Series 2017– ) - IMDb