My Dragon Empires Thread Disappeared



Hrm, my thread just disappeared into thin air.

Conspiracy theories abound!

In response to the Why I hate classes question, have some cut and pasting from what I posted in the DE forums:

I've been following this game ever since I first heard of it, planning ahead, reading the news, plotting with friends, and when I heard this news I must say my heart sunk. I've never posted here before, but this development has disappointed me so much I felt I had to at least have my say, even if I'm just shouting into the wind.

My original MMORPG was UO, and I loved this game. Hell, I was gimped to oblivion on occasions, a high class warrior that was heavily specced in herding(!!) at one point (hey, little Bo Peep needs to beef up when its trolls and not wolves harrassing the herd). I had a mage that could tame, so I could have an army of domesticated cats at my bidding. Other people would teach, mentor, and my character evolved. I loved the fact that you could meet someone and they were a mystery - the chatty person in the plain clothes turned out to be a master mage with a castle. The flashy person riding the impressive horse holding the massive halberd turned out to be a master tailor but as useful as a chocolate saucepan when it came to a fight. The newby character learning magic could come past and heal you just when you thought you were about to die. The game didn't discrimate against you because of skills, it didn't patronise you and coach you into choosing The Right Skills, if you became a gimp, hell you're a gimp, but at some stage a carpenter who can also play songs really well is going to be useful. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...

I left UO in the end simply because the system became too unbalanced. Cheats had left the money system hyperinflated, e-bay meant that castles were for business men rather than students, and that was what made me leave. After four years, the game was still playable, but the financial system was damaged.

DAoC was my next game. God, DAoC is pretty, and it did well to create a real tangible sense of another world, or space and geography, but the class systems MURDER the game. I can look at any character and tell you exactly how you should be specced, the ultimate skills, I can look at you and say "Skald. Speed song. Damage add on, etc..." "Healer. Heal. Mezz. This armour... this staff... you can attack this colour..." It was claustrophobic and limiting. In DAoC all you were were what you could attack with, and what you can heal with. All your skills relate to killing or preventing killing. It was shallow and it was frustrating - with so few paths, it is inevitable that there is an Ultimate Speccing, and so you generate clone after clone, no secrets, no individuality. The game turned characters into a large version of a GAP commercial, spewing out clone after clone with the same clothes and same character.

So I waited for DE. And I have been so looking forward to a game that allows you the freedom to play what you want to play.

LET US SCREW UP. Let us gimp ourselves. Let us play one legged herders who collect cats and make spells. If we screw up, thats our choice, let us have it. Please don't offer us a beautiful game and then shut down our choices within it. If people want to choose classes, they should be allowed, but don't make it mandatory.

Damini, ex champion UO cat herder, ex UO fortune teller and ex owner of a small house that I lost someone in Felluca...

Followed by...

I think half the reason I'm so resentful is the fact that I was lured into this game BECAUSE of the skill system and the lack of classes, as I'm sure so many people were, and to have it change now betrays the whole reason I began following this game in the first place.

Classes only really work towards creating an ideal. To me, they are the factors that mutilate a game from a role play into a power players game. If you have a WARRIOR mould, then it stands to reason you have an ideal warrior, as these skills all mount towards that. Within hours, you will get guides to the ideal statting of a certain class, and then you get all the claims of nerfing and imbalance as The Ultimate Version of One Class is better than The Ultimate Version of another, and the game is constantly having to evolve to swing the nerf bat and then in turns apply the plasters and wipe away the tears. In contrast with that, how can that compete with the warrior who decides she wants to heal as well? You can't say in that instant one is better than the other, because they are different. They are allowed to be different, and therefore non-comparable.

Yes, there are plenty of players that like a class base, it allows you to become the best at something within your class, it allows you to not foul up, it allows you to chose The Best Class for being uber, The Best Class for fighting, The Best Class for blah, etcetera...

I was not born with actress stamped on my bum. I wasn't born with scientist or hunter instructions tattoed somewhere in my hairline, nestled next to the 666. If you want a role play game, then it would stand to reason free choice would be an aspect of it.

People *will* create their own class systems in a free choice system. Those that want to play a tough warrior will be able to find the guide to playing that. Those that want to be the uber over lord of all they survey will find a way to do it. You don't need classes. All classes seem to do is guide the people who would spec that way anyway, and limit those that wouldn't.

If classes really and truly have to be implemented, I would prefer that they become like careers rather than classes. You train towards a certain career, and then take it up and identify yourself as that. If you leave the parameters of that job, you are no longer employed in that area. Nothing set in stone, advice rather than rules, and if people want to wear the shiny blue pants of the uber over lord career path, then the uniform cupboard and name badge come with the job, but if they want to change leave the title behind and collect your P45.

It's just very frustrating for us people who became fixated on thsi game due to the lure of no classes and a UO style skills system, only for that to be completely reversed. I'm not saying YOU HAVE RUINED TEH GAME OMFG!!, but for me you have completely changed the ambience of it.


imo way to much text.. saw it got scared.. had to replay ( not knowing the subject)


nice post

givf link to DE forum post plz!


Also had similar characters on UO Europa -

I created a family name so it would be easier for others to know that it was me playing different chars. Ashe was my paladin in Baldurs gate so chose that.

First was Stone of Ashe, warrior/healer who started his life as a miner/tamer :eek7: - guild title was Psychotic Monk or something.

Morgan of Ashe started his life as a scribe but soon found fishing more relaxing and managed to become a master mage while waiting for fish to bite. He never could read those maps he found tho :mad:

Cornell of Ashe was a magician through and through, became a grandmaster mage, also grandmastered meditation completely by accident when he gained the last 0.3% fleeing from about 20 orcs in a dungeon, not even meditating but gained the hardest 3 points of the skill passively :D Was about 97.4 taming or something when I left the game, riding around on my Nightmare finally but didn't care by then that it was a little elitist :p could often be found chatting round the back of Vesper bank at the lamppost near the alchemist shoppe - Was in D0S (Disciples of skank) guild which didn't last too long. Then joined The Knights of Lys - title varied between 'Enigmatic, Erratic' and 'Mercurial Mage' :)

Delphi was my tailor, have to admit I cheated on this one tho with much just standing around and powerlevelling ;) but didn't ever use her for trade, just liked to make new outfits for Cornell all the time although finally settled on black shoes, black trousers, black waistcoat, white fancy shirt, no hat (was often diguised as a poor man under an old beige or green robe tho).

Marley of Ashe was a rastafarian lumberjack/carpenter/tamer/mage/tinker. He never got very far :) too much dope probably :clap:

Enjoyed DAoC for about 5-6 months but compared to UO and any other respectable RPG it is very mechanical and linear in the way you have to play. I don't think there is a word for just how repetitive it is and after you spend weeks on end doing the same thing over and over again to reach the holy grail that is level 50, you then get the pleasure of doing the same thing over and over again in rvr just running between milegates.

In short it soon wasn't fun ,whereas UO lasted 2 years for me, DAoC was less than 6 months despite being graphically superior and potentially could've achieved so much more.

Personally I can't wait for another game, I'm not sure Eve will be exactly what I want but I'm pretty damn sure I won't be as disappointed with that as I was overall with the implementation of pretty much everything in DAoC.


Originally posted by sharma
I think Cadire or brinx slipped :eek:

No No No....

....I'm far to frightened to delete one of Damini's threads. Anyone who's capable of entertaining the Burmese army needs a wide berth imo.


heh Tilda, the whole thread was about how annoyed I was that they were introducing classes...

And being utterly poo for doing anything with that character? Baring in mind that I'm a total non-power player, I went to lots of interesting dungeons, nearly killed the top PK of all time, had an army of tamed cats at my beck and call (until they all deserted), had some amazing guild battles, I had more fun times in that game then I could ever reccount to anyone without boring them to death.

I take it you never played UO then?


ah ok

no, never played UO hehe :D
DAoC was my first, i played everquest for about 10 mins but it sucked compared to daoc.
but WoW or DE look very nice.



Yeah UO was fantastic, and i'm inclined to say it still is. I jsut recently re-activated my UO account after 2 years on inactivity and was pleasantly suprised to find my house and all my worldy possesions still there.

They changed all the stuff though, my halberd (hardest hitting polearm) of Vanquishing (biggest bonus to damage you can get) had gone and it was a plain old halberd :( I've started up a mage/tamer now though called Dante Caponus and i'm completing some treasure maps i've had for ages.

Treasure hunting was fantastic, when you open up the chest and feast your eyes (and your wallet) on a pile of gems, gold, magical weapons and armour. Then looking at the stats of said magicitems looking for the 'uber' one. Ahh happy days...

Now though its gone a bit fruity, people are riding around on giant beetles (not the cars) or on what can only be described as giant stretched out elephants with tiny fairy wings.

I have to get drunk to have it make sense.


Originally posted by Damini

Classes only really work towards creating an ideal.

So true. To make every class useful you have to give them each a specific role in a group. To make sure everyone in the group can perform their roles you have to develop game content that allows them to do this. But when one of those classes isn't present as it inevitably isn't, the system breaks down. All EQ players were confronted with the flawed classing system everytime they logged in and yelled "LFG!"

Mythic thought to solve the problem by spreading the abilities around a bit more. For example having one primary healer class in the realm, then having a secondary and then the tertiary classes. It worked to some extent, groups could function more efficiently without the primary classes for their roles being present. However the rules changed when people started reaching 50 and RvRing full time. Tertiary abilities were no longer desirable and people respecced to the most efficient, cookie cutter configuration.

I think class systems can work. But like you said, being trapped into a path which you must follow is almost like real life. Not what I want when escaping into an RPG. And to tell the truth, when I talk to my friends about creating our DE chars, I'll probably break out into a cold sweat if I'm saying "Ok I'll go tank, you go mezzer and your bro can be healer."

I didn't play UO. Went straight into EQ, but despite it's failing I was totally addicted to it. It was a feeling that gets less and less with each new game I play. The games are changing a lot and I think so are the players. The first time you play an online game it's just a great thing to see other peoples characters just moving around. But now that's just old stuff, you don't appreciate the little things like that anymore. Maybe we are being too spoiled. Being fed cream cakes over and over is great for a while but eventually you get sick of them. You start looking for a change but the apples aren't as sweet as the cakes. So you go back to the cakes but they aren't as great as how you remembered, and no matter how many more chocolate sprinkles you put on them you just can't get the same feeling as when you ate the first one.

Have to see how it turns out :)


They've sold out - balancing skill lines was too hard for them so they sold out and made classes.

I hope they change their minds - DE was looking very promising...

Halo | NS

Just look at those skies though!!! :(

Maybe World of Warcraft will be the answer we're searching for.


Aye, world of warcraft will have classes I believe, but if you use an axe alot, you'll be good with the axe. If you want to change to a staff, you can start to use the staff and be good in it. There's not spec points to be placed in Primary skills like in DAoC. etc.. You have to use your skills to be good in them.

A skill system made of primary and secondary skills. Primary skills will automatically go up when you level up (you won't assign skill points to primary skills... so you can't screw up your character) and secondary skills are trade skills such as: Lock Picking, First Aid, Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Herbalism, Mining, Learning a foreign language, Building Furniture, and Crafting leather goods. (Fishing and swimming were also mentioned.)

Read THIS link for more information.

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