Medical Query



Just wondering if anyone has had this before, but i've had a headache all day, despite drinking a ton of water and taking panadols. At times i feel faint and dizzy and if i do a sudden movement with my head, e.g. shake it from side to side, it hurts....alot.

Any ideas on what it could be, because I'm sure this is no normal headache, all my headaches go away after an hour or two but this has lasted at least 12 hours. And for those thinking other thoughts, no it isnt alcohol or anything like that :/


Just lay down for a while, AWAY from your pc.
Maybe watch a film or something but move a fair distance from the telly, or just lie down and dim the lights for the night.


hmm. slept about 10 hours today. see how i feel tomorrow then

*kills sissyfoo*



ive had the same for 48hrs heh, and its definitely stress. it always gets me in the head and the weight. for my height i should weigh 7stone 5 :(


Yo Doctah in the house!

If shaking your head hurts, don't shake it. Friendly advice number one. Second, i read that it's not one of your "normal headaches". I'm assuming you got a few of them. Micrane, even mild, can turn into a bigger headache if you got stress. Gods only know this whole GOA crap can get on ones nerves even if you feel rather calm. Staying away from the computer is a good advice, the tube gives out a decent amount of "radiation" and it doesn't effect that much but with staying up, low lighting, stress and all that it doesn't help.

Best advice i can give is, try to rest(not meaning sleep though sleep is good), drink water and as an example orange juice. Vitamin C always helps but don't overdo it.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Brain tumour.

Lol I was thinking the same thing straight away. :D

Edit : Munkey, have you been near any Nuclear power plants that have melted down recently? :p


Have you got your little brothers baseball cap on by mistake?


Sounds like a migraine to me, suffered with them for 10 years now and it can feel like a brain tumour at times. :<

Best thing to do is lay down in a dark, quiet room. Not much else can be done.

Sitting infront of your comp won't help matters though. ;>


If you get headaches a lot it might be worth getting your eyes tested, it could be you need glasses. My dad used to suffer terribly with headaches then months later he went to an optician and he needed glasses - the headaches stopped when he got them :).


get some 800mg Ibuprofen. Take 2 of those little babies and you won't feel someone smacking you in the face with a brick.


Drink a horrendous amount of alcohol (2 big bottles of JD or some such) it probably won't help much atm but when you wake up... I mean come to... at least there'll be a viable reason for having such a bad headache :D


Soon, the eggs will hatch and they will burrow through your eyes to freedom.

Alternatively - hmmm. I've also had migraines for some time, mostly stress-induced, or extreme lack of sleep. Do you find bright lights almost painful to look at? Are you nauseous? You wouldn't necessarily have visual disturbances, not all migraine-sufferers get them... but if you do that's certainly pointing at migraines for definite.
I dunno, I don't find ibuprofen or paracetamol do much when I get a migraine. I used to have a prescribed medicine which was about half a gram of paracetamol, nausea supressants and something to force your body to accept the paracetamol. I gradually stopped using it because, basically, I was building up an enormous tolerance to paracetamol.... so a normal headache wouldn't be affected by paracetamol anymore.
Basically, get a good night's sleep, keep warm (I always felt putting cold things on my eyes/head felt relieving but it makes blood vessels contract and that just means the headache feels worse a few minutes later) and if it's still with you the next day... well, my migraines have never lasted that long. Go see your doctor.

Also, what mirieth said.


unless its prescription (sp?) then you can only get ibuprofen in 200 and 400 mg pills. Fortunately i have an open-minded friend who suffers from quite severe arthritis and ges 800mg ones on prescription and has always been willing to pass some over for the greater good :D


Sounds like it could actually be a Tension Headache. These are not necessarily related to stress (but can be).

What happens is that one of the muscles around your skull has a minor spasm. This can be for any reason - maybe you had a slight shock and jerked your head, or suffer from a nervous twitch, or heard a sound to the side or behind and turned quickly to see what it was.

This minor spasm, in turn, causes the other muscles round your skull to twitch and spasm - which in turn causes more of your head muscles to spasm, etc etc. So what you are in fact left with is all the muscles around your skull all pulling tightly together - in effect pushing your skull inwards.

This obviously gives you a headache. If you are also suffering from tenderness around the back of your skull or neck, I'm pretty certain this is what it is.

Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. Asking someone to give you a head massage (or doing it yourself) may reduce the tension of the muscles, and thus lessen the effects of the spasming, and also the pain. Taking pain killers may help short-term - however, they won't help to reduce the spasming, so as soon as the effect wears off, you still have the headache.

So, plenty of rest, and a few massages should help ease the headache. Take painkillers if you feel it helps, but don't rely on them to 'cure' you.

As always, if you have a headache which re-occurs frequently, or doesn't go away, go see your local GP. If you are worried about a tumour, your doctor wil lshine a light into your eye to examine the retina at the back - if the retina is not damaged then you don't have one. Often, your GP will do this anyway if you go to him/her with a headache, as a precaution.


Go for a drive out to somewhere nice and quiet and doze the afternoon away with a good book.


Eye strain?
Banged your head?
Lack of sleep?
Side effects of drugs?
All of the above?


The only drug famous for producing severe long-lasting headaches is ecstasy, and I'm sure he'd mention it if he'd been stupid enough to touch stuff that makes your heartrate double and causes your brain to retain water, in a thread asking why he might possibly have a headache :D


Well i slept for about 10 hours which seemed to have done the trick. Only problem now is that i've buggered my neck up again, can look anywhere but to my left. Get this a bit, but i think its just from sleeping awkward on it.

Thanks for all the advice


migraine, cluster headache etc see your doctor, last time i checked none of us here are fully qualifed to diagnose you :p


Originally posted by n3wbie
migraine, cluster headache etc see your doctor, last time i checked none of us here are fully qualifed to diagnose you :p

And when was the last time you checked? :p


Originally posted by n3wbie
migraine, cluster headache etc see your doctor, last time i checked none of us here are fully qualifed to diagnose you :p
Actually I was dead right with my diagnosis of
Originally posted by old.LandShark

Soon, the eggs will hatch and they will burrow through your eyes to freedom.
He just doesn't know it yet.


Originally posted by old.Tyraette

ive had the same for 48hrs heh, and its definitely stress. it always gets me in the head and the weight. for my height i should weigh 7stone 5 :(

Christ... thats actually comforting... i thought there was something wrong with me, Being 6ft1 i should be 12 stone and im 9 stone :|


Well, prolonged and regular use of LSD can lead to headaches, flashbacks and paranoia and prolonged regular use of cocaine can also give you absolutely horrendous headaches, paranoia and nosebleeds... or so I have been told, or read... somewhere honest, having no 1st hand experience with such things of course, you understand.

Phew, that was a close one, do you think we got away with it?

Prolly, dunno tho

Maybe best to slip away while the coast is clear then eh?

Aye best I reckon


Originally posted by old.Tyraette

ive had the same for 48hrs heh, and its definitely stress. it always gets me in the head and the weight. for my height i should weigh 7stone 5 :(
Originally posted by [PS]Riddler
Christ... thats actually comforting... i thought there was something wrong with me, Being 6ft1 i should be 12 stone and im 9 stone :|
I'm only 5'4" and weigh just under 9 stone, that's the correct weight for my height.

You need to get some exercise and put on more weight :mad:
Can't be healthy like that.


Originally posted by Serbitar
get some 800mg Ibuprofen. Take 2 of those little babies and you won't feel someone smacking you in the face with a brick.
I have 2 large boxes and a bottle of these^^
Velly nice for headaches/hangovers.

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