Lo there :) New guy.



Lo fellas :>

Dunno how often you see these type of threads but I just wanna introduce meself :)

I'm new to the online quake3 scene and was wondering if anyone (clan) would like to take me on?

I have been playing HLDM for the last 4 years now and am proud to say I am one of the top players in one of the top clans - I am also the co-leader and scedualer (fixtures monkee ;p) of the BW HLDM league (www.hlccl.com) ;D

I dunno if this is the best forum to be posting on but it seems like the logical place to begin, and hopefully one of you clan-leaders out there will spot this post :)

Anyhow, I haven't a clue how I would measure up to anyone so can't really say what standard I am, probably low atm but I learn fast :)

I wouldn't mind being picked up by a reasonably skilled clan and trained, failing that a lower division clan would be good - i'll work my way up :D Either way I dont really mind :>

Ermm........ my contacts are:

msn/email : deanomoo@hotmail.com
icq : 62624668
irc : #kia #hlccl #teamengland

Look forward to mingling (;o) with you people soon :)

Thanks for reading - Moonymaster


Hiya Moony
This forum is pretty quiet as most league related chatter takes place on irc or on http://www.QuakeNation.com . If you are looking for a league clan to join then try checking out some of the Clan websites listed in the lower division sections on the two BW League sites:


When you visit the sites most will have recruiting information on them.

This thread has also just been updated and has latest info on it:


Cheers matey :)

I already managed to sort myself out and get all the stuff needed to play - so tbh i'm ready to gooo :D

I'll have a scout about tommorrow evening for a clan, but I was wondering, since you obviously know this league alot better than I do, who is considered a well mannered, friendly and pref. UK based clan?? I figure I may aswell try and join a clan that need players etc. but it's hard for me to make that judgement myself.

Any names etc. would be much appreciated matey :>



No idea about your ability but of the bottom 3 divisions (Div4A, 4B & 5) i would recommend the following mainly UK clans (in no particular order):

uQu, SCA, Ryu, xE, DA-B, FF, SCOT

They are all fairly active from what i know and more focussed on TDM than CTF.

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