League timetable situation



Just before the Ectfc there was a News post telling us that BWTFCL will ineffect be freezed over that week period. Ok np, myself and many others thought what that post meant was that whoever you were scheduled too play that week would be postponed untill the following week.

Which was a very sensible decision, untill yesturday when a new News post stated that BWTFCL was infact in the origanal week and the Ectfcl post was redundant :confused: .

Ok no real big deal at the end of the day :) but could one of the admins clarify the leagues postion on how long we have too play our remaining games



Bovi is the man whilst Jesta's away and I'm sure he'l explain when he see's this thread


Consider this: BWTFCL operates on a database like any other league in which each week and the games therein each have unique entries. Week 10 conincided with the ECTFC. In the event that a BWTFCL game and an ECTFC game conflicted (i.e. there were players in the BWTFCL clan and a given ECTFC team playing on the same day at the same time), the game was automatically postponed. However, in the event that a BWTFCL game was being played between two clans, neither of which had players playing in the ECTFC, that game could go ahead as normal.

As you can thus see, some games went ahead during Week 10, while others did not. Therein lies the crux.

Also you'll know that each week in BWTFCL has a particular map allocation. Thus the maps for Week 10 are different to those of Week 11. What the latest news post means is that any Week 10 games that were missed due to the ECTFC are not postponed onto the Week 11 rotation. It means that if you did not play your Week 10 game, then you must consider it a missed game and play it in the catchup period at the end of the season on the original Week 10 maps.

Thus if you missed a Week 10 game due to ECTFC, proceed to play your Week 11 game as normal against the clan and on the maps applicable to you for Week 11. Furthermore, arrange your missed game, on the relevant week's maps, for the catchup period.

Hope this clears it up. :)

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