lamest game ever

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all that needs to be said is

3 offy 2 demos pipetraping both doors
+h0m0 jev
the point?

thats not the way tf should be played



Lets not end on a sour note ^^
2fort had to be most amazing game of TFC ive ever played 10-0 BIA then 2 caps by BC to take the lead 20-10..than after soem concerted BIA pressure they pulled teh flag loose to cap 20-20.What can i say it was a stunner :)
Shutdown2 started off well with both sides attackin in 4 4 formation,BIA managed to pull our flag free and after a lotve pressure got it out of our base 10-0 BIA.
The less said about the rest of teh match the better unfortunately,BIA wanted to win at any costs which is fair enough,It just didnt make for a fun game of TFC :(.They moved to 5 defence which is fair enough BC wouldve done exactly the same,Unfortunately there offy didnt seem to think their defence was quite up to the job so started helping out ;)..Which is quite wrong cos the BIA defence kicked ass.
Was a great final cos of 2Fort alone,I just wish the second map had lift up to it.
Well done BIA bwtfcl 1st season champs




Let me stress that 2fort was a fookin amazing game :D

As HP put it "Any clan that doesnt lockdown after taking the lead in the final are stupid". In that case we are stupid, we cud have gone more defence after taking the lead but we didnt coz we want to have fun games.


lol@news post,I dunno bout man of the match,I got a nice cap on 2fort but i did bugger all on sd2 :/.......IF anything id say both sets of defenders were amazin.




Forgive me for flaming Luco - but your an ar$e mate - Dont know you from Adam - know a few of the =BC= guys - like em lots, but by posting a topic like this you really let the side down (again, I seem to recall another foot in mouth incident on another Forum)

When a game gets to be as serious as the Final - ie the culmination of 10 weeks of play, as Eat has pointed out, ANY TEAM will lock down if they go in front. Youve just managed to make yourself look an ijiot for no viable reason.

The post SHOULD have read.....

Well played BIA - feckin wicked game of TFC, shame you buggers had to win. 2Fort was blah etc etc

do you follow?


Well done BIA - looked close from the topic in #bwtfcl *grin*


Well i dont know much about what our off got upto on SD2 but from a defensive point of veiw both maps kicked ass :p Most intensive games ive had in a while :) Unlucky BC that one could have gone either way and hopefully our next meeting will be just as good.

/me opens another stella and sings "RAH" to the fukin' guys :p

(btw we had a 5 man def for all of SD2, no more)

[This message has been edited by [BIA]Neamus (edited 07 September 2000).]


damn i wish i hadn't had to have gone out, except for lucz's comments it sounded like an alright game although BIA's ending tactics were... frustrating for BC

Anyway- congrats to BIA tbh


The game certainly had its up and downs. First off, thanks to [BIA] for the game and well done for winning. It was probably the best game of 2fort I have played. Both sides defences were playing very well so the attack had to really work for those caps. They both deserved every one. It took me about 30 seconds to realise we had finished at the end of that map!

After that sort of map it was probably a bit much to expect ShutDown2 to live up to it as well. You capped and held on to the lead. Fair enough, can't fault you for that. I'll just take my memories of 2fort with me :)

old.TGC Snow

i understand why BIA did the lockdown... on rock2 vs. MaR we were winning 15-0 - a decider map. Rock2 is possibly the easiest map to do a lockdown on, yet we decided to dither in between an organised lockdown or a continuation of our previous 4-man attack tactics...

in the end, it failed miserably, and MaR equalised. I was kicking myself, because we could so easily have held that lead for another 10 mins. I'm sure BIA knew how good BC's attack is, and quite frankly, in a match like that, do ya blame them?

congrats to both clans, anyway - surely the highest position both clans have come in the top division of a major league? well done :)


A 5 man def isn't a lockdown is it? It wasn't a case of "oh look we've got the lead, lets lockdown" We had planned to use a 5 man D on SD2 days before the game, mainly because its a tricky map to defend. LOL i didnt even know we had capped till the end of the match and the scores came up :)


the point was
incase u missed it XS which u probably did
(btw u dont even know m3h so keep ure comments to ureself)

BIA were excellent on the whole and i have lots of respect for there defence espec TK neamus and westie but after enduring 20 mins of a spy backtracking demos pipping both entrances rather than attacking i got a little pissed off, as did afx (which takes a lot btw ;)

If we had done that when we were 20-10 up on 2fort (ace game btw) im sure BIA would have complained.

I never knew we werent allowed to complain about something we thought was unsportsmanlike.


lol @ virus

except for my comments ;)
all our offy was moaning

i knew we should have picked rock2


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BC[Lucz]:
the point was
incase u missed it XS which u probably did
(btw u dont even know m3h so keep ure comments to ureself)

By posting on a Public Forum Luco - your inviting others to read and comment. Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered in hindsight, didnt want to kick off a slaggin match - thats what UKTFCL Forums are for - just I cant abide sore losers :)

No offence intended.


rah de rah de rah rah rah

if either of u swear at each other i'll go to both your houses and shoot you both in the head with a bazooka



Sore loser because it dont happen often

but then again ure all sweetness and light

no offence intended.

The comments i were looking for were from BIA mainly ;)


Sore loser coz it dont happen all that often maybe.

But then again ure all sweetness and light
no offence intended.

The comments i was hoping for where mainly from Bia and maybe some interesting comments from viewers of the match.

However i had u call me an arse

i can accept that maybe if it was eat afx wlz or someone who knows me but not from a chimp c0mmenting on my character


Like I said, maybe I shouldnt have bothered.... but if I was fortunate enough to play in a BWTFCL Final ..then my first thought after losing by a single cap, in a great game - would not be to rush onto these boards and post a "Lamest game ever" thread. It just kinda annoyed me when I read it, thats all.

I wasnt commenting on your character when I called you an ar$e - just your lack of any common coutesy to your opponents. I apologise for the insult, if it was taken as such.

I've said more than enough now, so this Chimp wont be responding any further.


I think Lucos point,however badly put ;),Was that BC took the lead on 2fort but didnt lock down,Maybe were tactically naive or maybe we just dont play to win at any costs,We always have and we always will play tfc for fun and thats why its so annoying when others adopt a "win at all costs" mindset.
Anyway as i said before BIA are champs and played well enough to deserve it so this whole thread has no point :D...Roll on s2. :)




Whilst not being a TFC'er, i've been on the end of a "lame" accusation after winning a final before, when my clan stopped attacking the opposition because they had a level fairly locked down and were annihilating us when we tried.

At the end of the match (and afterwards on irc and on their various columns) they spammed constantly about us being lame for not attacking, but at the end of the day we won the deciding match by 7 frags because we had played attacking for 10minutes of the map and built up a substantial lead which enabled us to do what we did in the 2nd half of the game. So by playing well it enabled us to do whatever tactics we felt necessary, which seems to have been the case here. If BC were worthy of being champs they would have been able to beat BIA regardless of what tactics they tried, they would have been the ones who capped first and not BIA. BIA made a "tactical" decision to defend, its not lame its just common sense.


disa here not eat but im to lazy to make my own account. I have to say that the 2fort was the highiest stanard of TF iv seen in a long long time. I'd say the man of the level for us was dis on 2fort 47 kills in the basement(o dear time to give up playin sol) and on SD2 it was dimps with some amazin EMP's and keepin his SG up with 2 demo's rainin mirv's on his head....

ps. for there cap on SD2 drak got stuck to the lift and a scout took down his SG lol doh....dam my slow reactions


Last post honest ;)

call me an arse for my lack of courtesy for my opponents.

I do and i made a point of saying to the BIA lads who had played ace that they played a good game,

However ;) im not going to show courtesy to those 3 ppl on offy who decided to use the aforementioned tactics,especially when they found it funny when we asked them to stop

subject closed i hope


Well i think the replys say the general feeling, ignoring Lucz and xs the rest of BC and BIA seem to have enjoyed the game, most agree BIA are more than worthy champions, BC were close but lost fair and square.

Lucz refer to Bigfoot's post :)
o, and don't reply, case closed :)


just want to re open that topic a little so we can all have a peek inside

i was just really worried about how little congrats (and notice) the ref got i mean i chose to sit there and watch the match i chose Afx as man of the match (i hope my checks in the post) and at the end nooooo thats ref it was a good game really well reffed oh no it was sod off u llamas (maybe it wasn't) but i think we should all respect the time and effort that i put in. :D /me smiles to much.
anyway great game BC and BIA best game i ever reffed love u all and i'll see u on tuesday bright and early

Have Fun


ok, thankyou Jim, well reffed apparently altho i wasn't there :)
remember that reffing isn't meant to be a chore... if you don't want to then don't

it was unfortunate so many of the main admins had other stuff to do that evening


Yeah thanks to Jim for reffing :),Didnt really notice he was there most've teh time,which is the way it should be ...Had enough of refs mouthing off mid way thru games using server chat cos there bored lol




i didn't really mean to be moany :D

If u ever need a ref just say and i'll be there in a flash unless i'm busy :) (thats rare)

Have Fun


rofl viruz i blame u u told me to read bigfoots post ;)

where did i say BIA werent worthy winners?
im sure i didnt because they were.

Maybe i shouldnt have posted but i was annoyed.

ffs shut up

btw great reffing jim allthough i didnt know we had a ref


LMAo yeah as disa said - The league was decided by a bug in the level that made drak get stuck to the lift so he cudnt stop a scout taking down his SG........ O well :D

old.TGC Snow

is there a way of closing a topic? this is a pile of shit...
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