Not even thought of a subject yet so if anyone wants to chip in and say something interesting please do. No doubt Seel will have his hand in saying some nonsensical inane babble but hey.. at least it's not LIKE A STUCK RECORD SAYING AND ASKING THE SAME FUCKING QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
is your friend, I'm sure given 2 seconds you would find that half of you have asked or said exactly the same thing.
So anyway.. horrible weather outside today in South-East Essex, just started pissing down.
How about you?
Not even thought of a subject yet so if anyone wants to chip in and say something interesting please do. No doubt Seel will have his hand in saying some nonsensical inane babble but hey.. at least it's not LIKE A STUCK RECORD SAYING AND ASKING THE SAME FUCKING QUESTIONS AND STATEMENTS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
So anyway.. horrible weather outside today in South-East Essex, just started pissing down.
How about you?