Just made my own NWN module \o/



It's called The Magical Pixie Twinkland forest.

ok so it's just a woodland where I got a few NPC's that give me as much xp as I want, however much gold I want and a couple of merchants that sell the uber rare mega-items for 1% of their recommended price :D

Might get going on some story sometime or other or create some kind of PVP battle arenas.

For now I'll just be taking my lvl 20 uber twinked chars on the pvp servers :D


Originally posted by Yussef
Where can I download it from?

hrm adding bits to it still so it's not so pointless, gonna maybe make 3 little fighting zones in with some mobs of different levels.
Could possibly send it out somehow in it's current state with xp tent, money tower and uber twinkage grove :D

Not much conversation with the NPC's there tho atm and the 3 doors at the end will all go nowhere.
And I'd have to figure out how to get past this blasted firewall to send it :p I know it won't let me put anything through irc :rolleyes:


Ammagad, cheat0r!!!!!11 cheat0r!!!111


If I ever get bored and reinstall NWN then I might have to accidently use that :cool:.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
hrm adding bits to it still so it's not so pointless, gonna maybe make 3 little fighting zones in with some mobs of different levels.
Could possibly send it out somehow in it's current state with xp tent, money tower and uber twinkage grove :D

Not much conversation with the NPC's there tho atm and the 3 doors at the end will all go nowhere.
And I'd have to figure out how to get past this blasted firewall to send it :p I know it won't let me put anything through irc :rolleyes:


He just wants to PL his toons!!



Yes. That really is awful. Terrible. Naughty.

Erm.... *hoarse whisper* Where can I download it?

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