With every post that links to something ,comes the reply 'OLD!!!'
Eventually with the internet everywhere, we are going to reach a crunch point where anything you do, someone will have done it before, and be able to prove it.
No new songs, every lyric, theme, melody, chorus, rift, drum break, baseline ever made, done before.
Every film made will have to be a re-make, with every possible twist in every possible storyline done thousands of times over.
Fashion is allready struggling, how many different cuts of a suit can you make.
Dance...every possible combinations of moves the human body can make has probably allready happened.
Video games, just how many different char/storylines/special moves/ can they make up?
I fear the human race is heading for mass boredom, luckily war and pestilance should perk up our interests everynow and then
Eventually with the internet everywhere, we are going to reach a crunch point where anything you do, someone will have done it before, and be able to prove it.
No new songs, every lyric, theme, melody, chorus, rift, drum break, baseline ever made, done before.
Every film made will have to be a re-make, with every possible twist in every possible storyline done thousands of times over.
Fashion is allready struggling, how many different cuts of a suit can you make.
Dance...every possible combinations of moves the human body can make has probably allready happened.
Video games, just how many different char/storylines/special moves/ can they make up?
I fear the human race is heading for mass boredom, luckily war and pestilance should perk up our interests everynow and then