I nearly died


The Kingpin

Hmm, when you see you're life flash infront of you're eyes, it makes you thankfull for what you got..

A friend of mine, is a total techno nut, He an expert in mechanics and engineering, he builds tv,cameras, Computer, anyways,

He also a bit of a nut, he builds bombs, from big ones, to fire work sized ones (like them rockets)

After a night on the town for my sisters 21st birthday, i said i'll go back with my mate, stay at his house.

So, we arrive, open few beers, am sitting on the couch, watching tv, next to all his Cameras ect, he on the computer, messing around..

He goes to get a smoke out of his pocket, being drunk, he picked up one of his mini bombs, he lights it, then all i here is "Shit" he throws it over to the Cameras (near me) it explodes, with the Cameras the explosion wasnt huge (thank god) but it was hella loud...

Cameras went alight so did carpet, this right next to me, after we put it out, calmed down, just thinking, it it landed in front of me, would of blew my face off?

Anyways, am not getting drunk for a while, jesus :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

When I went to Glastonbury last the tent next to me got hit by a firework and blew up. Me and my friend were so tired and drunk that we could only manage to crawl halfway out of ours and collapsed at the entrance of our tent to watch this tent get incinerated not more than 2 metres away. Kinda funny at the time.

The tent's owners were in hysterics as well...fun times. :)


Originally posted by mirieth
Simple solution, don't drink alcohol.

the people who say that are the ones who havent had their greatest night of their life in a club dancin all night and being pissed with their mates having a great time


Originally posted by n3wbie
the people who say that are the ones who havent had their greatest night of their life in a club dancin all night and being pissed with their mates having a great time

I say that because I believe that alcohol, like all substances that affect your state of mind or how you act or whatever in a similar way to drugs should be banned. I have a great time with my mates all the time, and none of the time am I, or any of my friends, drunk.

You don't need to drink to have a good time - and if you do, in my opinion, you must be a pretty sad person.

It's common knowledge that alcohol, smoking and drugs harm your body. So why do people do it when you don't need them to have fun? I have a great time with my mates, as I said, all the time. Going to gigs, going out, playing at gigs with my band and just hanging out. I don't harm my body to achieve this happiness, so why should I drink and end up doing so in the long run?

I'm not flaming anyone here, by the way... just voicing my opinions.


Originally posted by mirieth
It's common knowledge that alcohol, smoking and drugs harm your body.

Alcohol is only actually bad for you when consumed excessively, and a glass of red wine a day is good for the blood flow as it thins it.


and my advice would be to avoid bombs, not avoid alcohol :)


Originally posted by Omniscieous
Alcohol is only actually bad for you when consumed excessively, and a glass of red wine a day is good for the blood flow as it thins it.

Point taken, but my point was about getting drunk - which would mean drinking excessively :).

Neural Network

Somebody has stolen my crate of beer. I had put them outside on the balcony to cool off and now they are gone. How can this happen when I’m living on second floor? I can’t decide if I’m impressed about the stunt or going to cry about my loss. :(


dont knock it till you try it. if you could masturbate or have sex what would you rather do?

same as if you can have a great time, have a good laugh etc... or you have an even better time and have an even better laugh then what would you rather do.

edit: also playing on the computer damages your health - gives you bad eye site, makes you unfit, lazy etc.. but you do it for FUN. why do you do it if its bad for you? you could be doing something else....


Being wrecked = overrated.

I don't understand people who often feel you -need- to be drunk to have a good night with your friends.

old.Gombur Glodson

I dont drink alcohol, but each to his/her own.


I'm unsure why anyone would a> want to build bombs b> carry them around while intoxicated c> throw them in the direction of a good mate instead of an area where it would cause least amount of harm.


Originally posted by n3wbie
dont knock it till you try it. if you could masturbate or have sex what would you rather do?

same as if you can have a great time, have a good laugh etc... or you have an even better time and have an even better laugh then what would you rather do.

edit: also playing on the computer damages your health - gives you bad eye site, makes you unfit, lazy etc.. but you do it for FUN. why do you do it if its bad for you? you could be doing something else....

1) Why is it even better, when you are less aware of what you are doing?

2) Computer gaming is bad for eye-sight, yes. It won't cause me a pre-mature death, however. I'm not unfit or lazy so your claims to computer gaming causing those things only apply to certain people, not everyone. Anyone who drinks excessively will be harmed to some extent.

Edit: don't knock it until you've tried it? I haven't tried rinsing my kidneys in Hydrochloric Acid yet. Should I go and try?


Originally posted by Omniscieous
Alcohol is only actually bad for you when consumed excessively, and a glass of red wine a day is good for the blood flow as it thins it.

Unless u Polish ;)


so you think if someone has a few drinks once a month they will die earlier than normal? thats like saying "i went to mc donalds once and now im gonna die 10 years earlier" also you still didnt answer the first thing, if you can do something and its great but if you can do something and its even better, what would you rather do.


Originally posted by mirieth
1) Why is it even better, when you are less aware of what you are doing?

I answered the first question with a question :p.

As for whar you've just said, that's totally flawed, as that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it's bad for you and pointless... not that it's going to kill you be next year or something.


just as playing on the computer is bad for your eye sight, you might die earlier than usualy if you step out and dont see the car cos your eye sight has gone shit :p eating shit food is bad for you and pointless because you could be eating healthy food and not get high blood cholestrol.

doing gigs? well what about passive smoking giving you lung cancer?


Originally posted by n3wbie
just as playing on the computer is bad for your eye sight, you might die earlier than usualy if you step out and dont see the car cos your eye sight has gone shit :p eating shit food is bad for you and pointless because you could be eating healthy food and not get high blood cholestrol.

doing gigs? well what about passive smoking giving you lung cancer?

The eye-sight thing is a bit far-fetched, don't you think? :p You could "what if?..." like that about anything at all.

Eating crap food, yep - point taken. I eat healthily my self, so... However, there isn't a lot that isn't bad for you now-a-days :p.

Doing gigs involves passive smoking yes. That is making a sacrifice, however. I love gigging so why should I not do it because some selfish wanker wants to smoke at whatever venue I'm playing at?


Originally posted by mirieth
Doing gigs involves passive smoking yes. That is making a sacrifice, however. I love gigging so why should I not do it because some selfish wanker wants to smoke at whatever venue I'm playing at?

i like to have EXTRA fun (notice: not having fun ONLY because of alcohol) by drinkin alcohol, that is a sacrifice i make so why does that mean i am a sad person?

edit: i will give an example seen as you have not experienced it - what i mean is imagine you are doing sports, your very active etc but then you have an energy drink, your more active than before.


Originally posted by Jexa
Being wrecked = overrated.

I don't understand people who often feel you -need- to be drunk to have a good night with your friends.

lol, i remember you fel;t forced to drink when i went up to see u in uni, and u really should stop playing championship manager you peon :clap:


Originally posted by n3wbie
i like to have EXTRA fun (notice: not having fun ONLY because of alcohol) by drinkin alcohol, that is a sacrifice i make so why does that mean i am a sad person?

Yet does alcohol not make you a) less aware of what you are doing? and b) less likely to remember what you did? (fond memories and all that).

--> As much as I enjoy having this discussion, we could go on all night :). So there's one more thing - each to their own, I was not insulting you - just expressing my opinion. It has been nice to have a serious discussion on BW for once with a fellow daoc player rather than the "omfg zerg!!1" "whine0r n00b!!1" threads that are so common here :p.

/bow. :)


Originally posted by mirieth
Yet does alcohol not make you a) less aware of what you are doing? and b) less likely to remember what you did? (fond memories and all that).

ok i will finish up - depends if you took photos or not :p

cya :great:


Originally posted by n3wbie

edit: also playing on the computer damages your health - gives you bad eye site, makes you unfit, lazy

Unfit? Pfffft. I managed to play for one of the UK's top UT CTF clans, and still be able to fit in 10 hours of swimming training a week, swim for the county, club, individual and be able to do a 26.78 for a 50 Free ;)


Originally posted by mirieth
1) Why is it even better, when you are less aware of what you are doing?

2) Computer gaming is bad for eye-sight, yes. It won't cause me a pre-mature death, however. I'm not unfit or lazy so your claims to computer gaming causing those things only apply to certain people, not everyone. Anyone who drinks excessively will be harmed to some extent.

Edit: don't knock it until you've tried it? I haven't tried rinsing my kidneys in Hydrochloric Acid yet. Should I go and try?

You dont seem to have drunken much alcohol in your life mate :D

Its not the "less aware of what your doing" part, and at LEAST not the "forget everything you did last day" part that people drink for...

Its proven that alcohol simply put you in a better mood, and this is what most people drink for. You can have fun at a party sober, but you have the same fun and is in a even better mood when drunk, so why not?

And eye-sight thingy might be far fetched, but computer games hurt you just as much as alcohol by your definitions.
A: you could have fun, or funner, without it.
b: you loose focus on the real life (same as alcohol eh?)
c: you are much more likely then one who dont play to get lifestyle pains (neck/shoulders/spine and so on)
d: it take A LOT more time then alcohol.
e: its less social (rl) then alcohol.
f: you are more likely to get a partner on a party then in front of your pc.
the list could go on =)

I have spoken with drug addicts in mmorpgs who still find them more addicting then the drugs, dont underestimate the damage they do to us :D


People do seem to get mixed up sometimes, going out for a drink with my mates doesn't mean we all binge on 15 pints each, throw up, grope some ugly bird then have a fight and wake up in a police cell.

A few pints makes you a little drunk and enhances the mood of the atmosphere you're in, which often is a good one so just makes it a little more fun and enjoyable. Of course if you decide to go drinking and the place is miserable then you'll start to think it's even worse and feel down, this is often the case when people get drunk alone or when they drink if somethings gone wrong in life.

Myself I have about 3-4 pints then move to vodka or some other spirits when I go out of a weekend. Don't get completely out of my head and don't think I'm doing anything to my body that isn't already as bad as it will get naturally with age.

It's up to anyone whether they drink or not, I don't *need* drink to have a good time, it just makes that good time a little better.

The Kingpin


You are ment to feel for me? nearly dieing en stuff...
I demand hugs and kisses!

I drink, not every night, usally weekends, when i have free time, i don't drink just to get smashed.

Like when i have a BBQ, set it all up, get few chairs out, put some "tunes" on, or pop radio, have some beers,
Often brings out conversation, and is just a laugh..

I don't smoke, but most smokers i usally see, most of the time have a conversation when haveing a smoke... Maby its just a bind of what brings people togetha? bla bla bla

Drink Beer!


You are right in one way.

Unless someone is an alcoholic (which you don't sound like) then it is a social thing. I can't stand the taste of alcohol personally, yet when I was younger I used to drink with my friends because they did and I hated being sober when they were drunk :)

Now, I don't drink, but it's a personal choice because I don't like the stuff.

I don't think it's necessarily a good idea getting absolutely wrecked, but people do it, it happens every day. I'm certainly not going to get on my high horse and say it's wrong and bad. Would suggest that drinking in a social manner and not getting completely hamered is a good plan, but it's the person's own choice.

OK that got rather righteous there. I'll shut up now!


i would just like to add to this thread I do not have a drink problem. I drink , I get drunk I fall over, no problem, well perhaps a small problem ? two hands one mouth ?


OLD :clap:


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