I love paying for people to not work



Landshark* you point out that someone else is wrong but give your own opinion of why you think so.

*Are you TFC's Landshark?

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.job
Oh ..and Scooba


Taken from the Guardian;

Dr Angela Burnett, a GP in Hackney, east London, said: 'We offer screening to a lot of refugees, both for HIV and TB, and I'm surprised the rates are not higher, given where they come from.

Rebuttal to the aids claim, again from the guardian;

Last year there were around 6,600 new cases of HIV, of which two-thirds were spread through heterosexual sex. Three out of four of these cases were acquired abroad, mostly from African countries where rates of HIV are high.

The people bringing Aids here are English who visit Arica, not African immigrants.


Yes Scoob, but that Guardian comment just says she is suprised it isn't higher, not that it isn't high anyway.

Common sense will tell you that people emigrating from countries with very high rates of 'tropical diseases' will bring them along.

But that isn't the problem, hardly going to cause an epidemic here.

The problem is the notion that these people are jumping the queue, and no amount of wishful thinking or pseudo liberal views will make that go away.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.job
The problem is the notion that these people are jumping the queue, and no amount of wishful thinking or pseudo liberal views will make that go away.

What queue? You've still offered no proof that the majority of immigrants run away and never report to immigration.


I'm referring to the endless queue we're all in for a better life.

If you lived in a street and your house was well sorted and everybody else's was a shit hole, and they all 10 kids, how happy would anyone be to have all the kids in the street line up to live in your house cos it was nicer.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.job
I'm referring to the endless queue we're all in for a better life.

Is your life under threat? Is there a large chance you'll be killed because o9f say religious or political belief? If not I don't think your life is that bad and that there are in fact people who deserve help more than you do.

If you lived in a street and your house was well sorted and everybody else's was a shit hole, and they all 10 kids, how happy would anyone be to have all the kids in the street line up to live in your house cos it was nicer.

Your analogy is flawed; since your house is private property and it's not the case that the children wish to live in your 'house' because it's better, but rather that if they stay where they currently live theres a very large chance that they will be killed. A more realistic analogy would be you live in a block of flats, the government wishes to move the kids into another floor leaving you both plenty of room.


Exactly the problem UK is not a block of flats, it is fast becoming a small house.

It is not space though that people are worried for, it is their culture they fear that is at threat.

Those subtle social interactions and understood norms of behaviour that keep a society together are being severely tested by an influx no matter how actually small, it doesn't matter .
People see it as the thin edge of the wedge.

There is an enormous ground swell of hatred towards these people .wether they deserve it or not.

Don't shoot the messenger, you're own personal opinion isn't going to change anything.

Unless you're the PM:)

The West is stuck with it, do we let them all in? Or do we march over and take over their country to try and make it more like ours?
Either way, we're on a hiding to nothing.

we should make an international law, if more than half of the people in your country would like to leave, then you're out of power, by force no doubt.


Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
Gamah I suggest you stop critisising other people and ask yourself why you are so retarded. Perhaps you should have paid more attention in school, your spelling would be better than the immigrant's who you so despise.

Well my typos are not as retarded as your post and seen as you gave no valid reason why I am "retarded" I think your the idiot here. Maybe because you have a different political veiw to me but are to ignorent or stupid to put a valid point accross. Now if you want to make a valid post of why I'm retarded please feel free but otherwise keep your pointless flaming to your narrowminded and ignorent self please.

And if you re read my post properly before launching "teh flame!11(tm)" I dont despise Immagrents I dispise the way the Government handles them all and the ease of abusing the system.

Now maybe you should go back to school and read my posts before flamming me. Oh and kiddo seen as I wrote that at like 2am I'm alowed to make mistakes and flamming someone on their spelling is so childish.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by old.job
Exactly the problem UK is not a block of flats, it is fast becoming a small house.

It is not space though that people are worried for, it is their culture they fear that is at threat.

Our culture is made up of hundreds of different absorbed cultures
Those subtle social interactions and understood norms of behaviour that keep a society together are being severely tested by an influx no matter how actually small, it doesn't matter .
People see it as the thin edge of the wedge.

'English' culture is a mish mash of thousands of years of invaders and immigrants, something you admit yourself, why then are immigrants a danger to our culture? They'll be assimilated into our culture same as everyone else has been throughout the years. Mosely said in the 1950s that the immigrants from the West Indies would destroy English culture, they didn't, they simply added to it.

There is an enormous ground swell of hatred towards these people .wether they deserve it or not.

You think it's acceptable to support the hatred of a group of people on race alone without reason? Go learn yourself some history, blaming other races for your own countries shortcomings is just scapegoating innocent parties. Did the Jews really negatively affect Germany or were they irrationally hated and targetted just to divert the blame?

Don't shoot the messenger, you're own personal opinion isn't going to change anything.

Unless you're the PM:)

My personal opinion, backed up by fact might be enough to change your view on immigration; if it cuts down ignorant opinions I'd consider that a success.

The West is stuck with it, do we let them all in? Or do we march over and take over their country to try and make it more like ours?
Either way, we're on a hiding to nothing.

You compromise, same as every political decision has to be. You let in those who are in danger and remove dictators if it's accepted internationally as the 'correct' thing to do. What you don't do is to cut off all immigration or encourage a hatred to build up that will result in a pogrom.

we should make an international law, if more than half of the people in your country would like to leave, then you're out of power, by force no doubt.

Once again, more than half the people in the country want to leave? I find that extremely doubtful, especially as you haven't cited a source.


Pay attention now job it seems this guy thinks I'm not allowed to be dyslexic ;/

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Gamah
Pay attention now job it seems this guy thinks I'm not allowed to be dyslexic ;/

No, I think that in a non real time communication method dyslexia is an excuse. There are literally hundreds of posters here who are dyslexic and yet manage to post coherent messages by simply taking their time. If you want to bang out a message in 1 minute and not bother reading it through a few times go for it, however don't expect to be taken seriously. Just as if I filled my post with annoying txt msg acronyms it'd show that I have no pride in how I communicate.


No your just an idiot..The condition affects many people in many ways and to varing degrees. Just because your "dyslexic" does not mean you write "incoherent" messages, maybe you suffer from a lesser form of the condition. The fact you call it an "excuse" leads me to believe you are as ignorent as your are ill informed.

Do some research on the subject before you post things like "There are literally hundreds of posters here who are dyslexic" when you don't know that for shit as only 4-6% of the population suffer with it. And how do you know 100's of posters, are dyslexic some just have English as a second language. It sounds to me like you got your arse confused with your face as shit is comming out from both ends.

So go take your ill-informed stupid comments elsewhere please.

And FYI I can't see if I made a mistake or not even if I do take my time (unless I read it on paper), and unless you have the same problem, you don't know what its like, so I suggest you run your mouth somewhere else.


Originally posted by Hargh
Landshark* you point out that someone else is wrong but give your own opinion of why you think so.

*Are you TFC's Landshark?

You need me to give a reason for thinking it's BS that immigrants are bringing loads of 'third world diseases' (most diseases common in impoverished areas are untransmittable via the air or contact... you're not going to get AIDS from the guy in the corner shop, I hope)...

And yes, I am TFC's Landshark.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Gamah

Let's take it step by step. Using your lowest percentage for the frequency of dyslexia;

4% of 24,994 = ~1000

However, feel free to attempt to dispute my claims some more whilst shooting your own argument full of holes.

Also feel free to install this and put an end to all your spelling blues.

If you've quite finished with your insults, feel free to try and get back on topic and respond to my earlier post.


zzz your an idiot and I dont argue with idiots. Get back to General and dont come back!


Originally posted by Gamah
All these bloody do gooders who say "oh you cant say that immigration and assylem seekers is a problem, thats just racist" don't have to live with it on thier doorstep.

What, you mean most normal people? Or the twats who believe what they read in the tabloids?

I live in a town called Slough quite possibly the asshole of the world, in the 10 years I have been here I have seen an increase in the amount of foriegners 100 fold. Hell 1/3 customers I serve at work knows little to no English and the crime rate in my area has soard beyond belief.

Yeah obviously that's all down to 'the foreigners'

On a side note my friend was also attacked by 4 Kossivens and beaten up when my other friends steped into help him out guess who got arrested and locked up for the night and who got away scott free.

I want to know what provoked them.

Youth crime is also a MAJOR issue..many of the street crime problems arrose over the police focus on terrorisam

Possibly the most stupid thing I've heard you say

It does seem to me that the honest citizen is worse off than the bent crooks and to be British means you deserve less than a non English speaking assylam seeker and if you say anything about it your branded a racist.

Well I'd agree with some of that, but if you don't like being labelled as retarded, then perhaps you should think more carefully before attempting to sway the more rational people here with your, to be honest, crap arguments. You come across sounding like your BNP supporting father just found out his wife was being shagged by an illegal immigrant.

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Gamah
zzz your an idiot and I dont argue with idiots. Get back to General and dont come back!

Heh, is this the forum equivalent of "lalala I'm not listening"? Or is is just that you can't actually defend your position because it has no base beyond "I hate foriegners 'insert anecdotal evidence here'"?

The Kingpin

:sleeping: :sleeping:

All this anger, mellow out dudes!


None of this can beat a good old mirieth blowup (tm).



To surgically remove every comment from it's contex and then pedantically pick apart it's meaning isn't much of a counter argument.

It's just tiresome and everyone reading your replies has this look on their face :rolleyes:

If said most if not all members of the Klu Klux Klan were anti black.

I would expect this response

Job wrote
most if not all members of the Klu Klux Klan were anti black.
On what do you base this generalisation? Have you individually interviewed every member, past and present and presented your findings for peer review?

Scooba Da Bass

I took what I felt to be the most important parts of your argument and provided a rebuttle, if you wish string my responses together, they still work just as well, especially as I didn't take anything out of context.

My point still stands that you've said "Our culture is made up of hundreds of different absorbed cultures". The only way you get those different cultures is via immigration no?

There's also the economic argument, that a great number of asylum seekers actually do bring their skills to the workplace and are highly motivated. I'd rather not work in a minimum wage cleaning job but I imagine that a great number of immigrants would accept that job gladly.


Maybe it's a case of the "clash" or introduction of new cultures exaserbates both the positive and negative.

In that the positives immigration brings to culture and the economy but also the negatives, for instance competition in who runs inner city gangs leads to pushing the levels of crime higher.

It's always going to be a contentious issue.


Don't wanna be picky or anything but it's actually Ku Klux Klan :)

And they're all bastards.


Originally posted by old.job
My ex girlfriend left her husband and now lives in a lovely 3 bedroom flat in a nice area (very nice I might add, premiership footballer lives only 1/4 mile away) with her 2 kids , all payed for by the good old DSS.

The CSA haven't chased him once for any money, the flat is 450 mnth rent, on top she gets all the payments for her and the kids, and reductions on all the monthly bills.

She said she would have to earn 2000mnth cash in hand to live the same (she would need to pay for the kids to be looked after if she worked)

And she's got a boyfriend who makes up the 50 quid on the rent, he never actually moves in so it's happy days.

Makes ya wanna puke:(
And people wonder why this country is full of 13 year old slags that want to get knocked up by whoring themselves to men..then get divorces?


Originally posted by old.job
450 for a room!!!!!!

Holy Jesus, move up country my man, the South has gone quite clearly bonkers.
Not really.. If he had the same job as you..he'd earn more then double what you earn.
Costs more in London..but pays more in London.


Originally posted by Flesh
Not really.. If he had the same job as you..he'd earn more then double what you earn.
Costs more in London..but pays more in London.

Off topic...

but your quote is also not strictly true. I moved from a journalism job in the north to one in London and my salary rose by the grand sum of £1,500 a year - depends on the job not the location.

As for the topic, immigration isn't a black and white issue which it would seem some people are trying to make it out to be in this thread.

There are many reasons why racial hatred flares up including political, territorial, financial and just plain ignorance.

However, this is not an ideal world, nor will it ever be and the age old solution of overrun them and shut them up won't work anymore either.

Britain is facing the legacy of her colonial past whether we like to admit to that or not and the powers that be (ie the Government of whichever political persuasion) owe something to those countries we actively 'governed' during our great days of expansion and which, most of them, we left in the shit when they were gifted independence.

Economical migrants are the real issue not immigrants fleeing despotic regimes or religious hatred. Sticking them all in big lumps in one or two cities isn't going to help only aggravate the situation.

As for the point about British culture being made up from immigrants over the years yes that's true for the last 100 years or so, but early English culture owes its nature and diversity to invaders who settled into this country and blended into the population rather than rather than immigrants who were stuck into certain little pockets of the land without any absorbtion.

Apologies for the length of the post ;)


rhar, I'm an immigrant living in Britain! (SE England)

*feels spesjul*

The people scamming the system aren't all immigrants.... lots of British people do it too...

It's the system that's at fault... not the immigrants, or leeches of socity.... go to the root of the problem, fix it, and the problem shouldn't be there anymore :)


Originally posted by SilverHood
The people scamming the system aren't all immigrants.... lots of British people do it too...

It's the system that's at fault... not the immigrants, or leeches of socity.... go to the root of the problem, fix it, and the problem shouldn't be there anymore :)

Truer words etc Silverhood.

Even in my small little northern town there were shitloads of dole wasters in the old days before they changed it to JobSeeker's Allowance and made people have to pretend they were really looking for work.

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