I forgot.



Wow Toast ive not had any for so long i forgot how great toast with butter is.

What every day food in the words have Kellogs have you fogotten how good it tastes?


Oh god, I haven't had toast for ages either.

*Gets worried*

[EDIT: It's a plan! Kelloggs are trying to make the rare toast making animal of southern siberia extinct! Tell the world! Quickly, before I am taken into the crunchy nut prison of kelloggs hell! Save the world! Kiss it's dainty little digits!]


Toast rocks, my morning is no longer complete without eating some toast. Tea is also essential ;).


Originally posted by old.tRoG
crunchy nut

OMG something else ive not had in ages. God damn i need to start eating breakfast again.

Such good foodstuffs to be had in the mornings.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Ready Brek made with chocolate is super scrummy.

Then some toast.

Then the all important cup of tea.

Teh Krypt

Real life something else you aint had :(


Toasties! They rock!

This place in Stratford called Munchies for Lunchies do the best toasties... mmmmm... I want one :).


I don't eat breakfast... :(

Oh BTW; you know you are getting old when you find a cup of tea essential.


Sarum TheBlack

Your ability to discuss inane things never fails to amaze me Rubric...

Future topics I might suggest:

Which shade of cream looks best on your walls.

Flat caps > Bower Hats?

How much the price of milk has gone up since you were a kid.

What makes the sky blue.

Talking of blue... how did we arrive at the names for the colours?

Why every liquid other than water contracts linearly as it cools, until it becomes solid. But water passes through it most dense phase before it becomes solid, resulting in ice floating.

Black or white?

Reading from printed paper > reading from computer screen?

Butter or Margarine?



Well you've just gone and taken all his ideas. He can't possibly come up with anything amusing now... :(

PLEASE think before you do that. :p


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Your ability to discuss inane things never fails to amaze me Rubric...

Future topics I might suggest:

Which shade of cream looks best on your walls.

Flat caps > Bower Hats?

How much the price of milk has gone up since you were a kid.

What makes the sky blue.

Talking of blue... how did we arrive at the names for the colours?

Why every liquid other than water contracts linearly as it cools, until it becomes solid. But water passes through it most dense phase before it becomes solid, resulting in ice floating.

Black or white?

Reading from printed paper > reading from computer screen?

Butter or Margarine?


Good morning to you to :(

No time for Breakfast this morning? ;)

Sarum TheBlack

I don't eat breakfast. I usually get up far too close to lunchtime to bother :p

(yay for studenthood!!)


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
I don't eat breakfast. I usually get up far too close to lunchtime to bother :p

(yay for studenthood!!)

Mind you im not surprised students sleep through breakfast these days. The amount milk costs these days.........When i was a kid............

And then of course there is deciding between Margarine or butter if you have toast.

Nah best sleep in.


Kelloggs Crunchy Nut Cornflakes(tm), followed by a large slice of toast, buttered generously with some Lurpak(tm) 'Slightly Salted' butter. After that, you must move onto a delicately prepared plate of cheese and bean, ham and cheese, and bacon toasties. All this must be washed down with large mugs of Tetleys(tm) tea, and Goldblend(tm) coffee.

The perfect breakfast. Or not.

You see, breakfast is a delicate thing, it is the most important meal of the day, and, as such, needs to be prepared well.

For instance, drinking hot tea after swallowing an entire bowl of cornflakes, doused in freezing cold milk, results in a strange, nasty, taste in the mouth. Hence, the perfect breakfast must consist of flavours and heats which are similiar, or be eaten over a long time.

Bacon, eggs and sausage is a good example of a great breakfast. All are approximately the same 'warmth', and, as a collective whole, they leave a pleasant, warm, glowing sensation in your mouth. Drink some nice, hot tea with this, and you have yourself a pretty damned near perfect breakfast. This is, of course, is why this breakfast option is so commonly used.

But... Only in the weekends. You see, time is another important factor in 'The Perfect Breakfast' - With the rushy mushy, quickly, fastly pace of 'Modern Day Life'(tm), most people do not have ime to create the sensational masterpeice that is bacon, sausage, and egg. People sleep late, they have 30 seconds before the need to head for work, and they are very rushed. Hence, for most people, breakfast is a quick, rushed meal, which results in unsatifactory nourishment and enjoyment.

Not having breakfast can destroy you for the day! You shall go to work/school tired, and unhappy! Do not do it!

Breakfast. The most important meal of the day!

This is a tRoG Rambling, brought to you by tRoG Corporations, Inc. Thank you for listening... Oh, and if you just skimmed by the whole of the post, because you saw it was over three lines long... shame on you.


Today i had breakfast.

Unfortunately i slept in (like everyday) and had it at 9:30 at work.

It consisted of 1 Co Op Tortilla Wrap with Duck, Cucumber, Spring Onion & Hoi Sin Sauce. Followed by a double milky way & a can of Red Bull.

Red Bull (tm) is the new fathers friend.


mmm, my perfect brekkie - full english breakfast minus tomoatoes and black pudding with toast and kerrygold butter /drool

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Rubric
Mind you im not surprised students sleep through breakfast these days. The amount milk costs these days.........When i was a kid............

And then of course there is deciding between Margarine or butter if you have toast.

Nah best sleep in.

Rofl :clap:

out-sarcasmed (not that sarcasmed is a real word.. but it seems to fit here).


Butter/Margarine, it's all bad for you, saturated fat or polyunsaturated fat it's still all fat, and I don't wanna get fat.

Dry toast > greasy dripping toast, maybe put some marmite on it if you're feeling kinda kinky.

As for the full English fry up? ich.... grill it don't fry it :eek: eggs = horrible, tomatoes = horrible, black pudding = horrible, hash browns = horrible :p (all in my opinion of course) ;)


Hell yes, I always grill.

Apart from eggs. Mmmm... fried eggs.


How dare you insult Hash Browns. Have you no honour sir?!


Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Your ability to discuss inane things never fails to amaze me Rubric...

Future topics I might suggest:
What makes the sky blue.

Why every liquid other than water contracts linearly as it cools, until it becomes solid. But water passes through it most dense phase before it becomes solid, resulting in ice floating.

The 0=0 double bond in an oxygen molecule absorbs light in the red / green end of the specturm, leaving the resulting light passing through it to take on a blue colour.

Normal liquids become a very compact matrix of molucules on solidifying. Water, however, is a very very polar molucule with both H atoms having a +ve charge, while the central oxygen atom carrying a 2-ve charge, leading to a fairly spaced out and very regular matrix. This much more spaced out matrix gives ice a lower density than it's liquid form.


PS: 4 mugs of real coffee for teh win!!! (and a possible coronary later)

Sarum TheBlack

Yay for brainiacs!

(I actually knew answers to both those questions already.. but thought they'd make interesting OT discussions none the less)

As for the other stuff...

I hate all shades of cream on walls. Ick. My bedroom walls are a fairly dark blue.

Yes, flat caps are a northern thing, and so beat those sutherner bowlers any day!.

I wouldn't really know. I just pay the price the bill comes to.

The sky is blue due to absorption and refraction in the atmosphere. Blue light is refracted most, and therefore is the colour we see when not looking at the sun, since it's been scattered all over the place. The sun, and sunsets have an orangy/yellow colour because this is what's left when you refract the blue away.

It's almost arbitrary in most cases. Like the common names for most other stuff. No doubt you could trace the names through French/Germanic/Latin or whatever, but at the end of the trail, someone just decided to call something blue.

It's to do with the molecular structure of water (see smufs post). The attraction between the positively charged Hydrogen, and negatively charged Oxygen is known (or at least was in A-level chemistry) as a H-bond (not to be confused with H-bombs) and is responsible for some of the other valuable properties of water besides it's strange density behaviour.

Black. I used to paint entirely black pictures as a 4 year old. Never used any colour at all.. it probably suggests I'm seriously mentally unstable or something.

This one depends really... mostly I use a computer screen.. but if I'm doing a lot of reading (rather than the reading bursts from chatting/forums), I still prefer paper.

I can't say I really care.. I don't eat either much.


Actually both Sarum and I are both right for why the sky is blue.
The refraction certainly adds to it, but if you look at liquid oxygen (about -200 centigrade), it's very strongly blue.....and magnetic too.

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by the_smurflord
Actually both Sarum and I are both right for why the sky is blue.
The refraction certainly adds to it, but if you look at liquid oxygen (about -200 centigrade), it's very strongly blue.....and magnetic too.

Liquid Oxygen 4 teh win!

Went to a "public lecture" when I was in my first year at uni (it was a favour to a friend, who wanted to go, but thought it'd be sad to go alone.. everyone already thought I was a geek, so the public excuse was that he was going with me :rolleyes: ).. the guy used liquid oxygen to cool some big magnets (while telling us that a single spark in the lecture theatre could probably destroy the entire campus) and pointed out how it stuck to the magnets until it boiled away. Pretty cool stuff (bah, bad pun :()


MY favourite at one of those demonstrations was when he put a hammer into some liquid nitrogen for a few minutes.

He then took a wooden board with a nail in, and went to hit it with the hammer.
The nail didn't move at all, but the hammerhead shattered all over the table. Very impressive.

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