I finished it!!


Testin da Cable


The last level rocked, the endgame rocked. In fact, the endfight has got to be one of the most beautifully done, graphics-wise, ever! Woo, I'm still all worked up :)

My char ended as a melee lvl 58.99 [gah :)] Champion /lvl 23something ranged

Meh parteh:



Congrats m8, now it means you can take your best char and go a wandering about in a completely new world in the multi player game. There are three levels of difficulty so if you are as power hungry as I am you can go out and get that char to level 99 i think:D

Testin da Cable

woo aye, you bet matey :)
Started out at the regular level, and nearly pissed myself laughing while slaughtering badguys. On veteran level now tho ;)


Samm keeps asking what game she could play, is this one of them?Is it a turn based fighting system on it?Will it be easy enough for her to get into?She like Soul Reaver on the PSX so anything kinda puzzley and violent i guess will do.Help me TDC.

Testin da Cable

well matey, I enjoyed it tremendously, and will enjoy it even more when I go online with it.

to answer your questions:
-no, it isn't turn-based.
-it's not really a puzzle driven game, but there is the element of "find artifactX for grand mage so-and-so". Questing. Fully automated, no hassles. You get smaller non-storyline quests [which you may refuse, if so inclined], and larger story-quests which you will have to complete.
-in a nutshell, it's hack, slash, shoot and spellcast your way through hords of enemies to save the world from utter damnation. [lol - damnation...sounds like a website :D] Plenty of violence [which may be toned down, if you go for that kind of stuff]

things I had against it:
-I didn't find the control over spellcasting and weaponry well thought out. example: you can bind a weapon or spell to a key? no! you can bind a weapon slot to a key, primary or secondary. Same goes for spells. Ie. you can't bind a swap between say, two axes and a sword - two agressive spells and a healing one. This will have to be done manually. [I'm bitching now tho ;)]
-I would have liked to see a puzzle element introduced in the game. Imo, it would have really rocked to hack your way through a horde of evil creatures all the way up to a treasure chamber's door...only to be stumped for an hour trying to get the bloody puzzle-based lock open...RAAH! :)
-a little bit more AI capabilities would have been nice [I'm being really nit-picky now heh] example: you can shoot a monster with ranged weapons, and the one next to it won't notice.

All in all, TdC gives this game 8,5 out of 10. It's fun, it has playability, you can go online with it and play with your mates. Sure, there are some little things, but it's only version 1.0 heh.


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