Ok i know i'm a low level, perhaps because of the 500 frenzy on the posting..*cough*...that struck me as a wee-little-wittle poster long ago.
Most likely it's 'cause i tried evey char/class combo up to 10 before finally settling with one. I spent a good 6 months, yes, half a year of playing, fooling around, scitty-scatty, trying albs, hibs, back to mid, pryd/mid, back to exc/mid and now..finally started...like Sickofit...(tm) would say "TEH eXping frenzy!!"
Level 14 berserker, soloing yellows/oranges (maybe even occasional red! huzzah!), one level takes less then 40 mins if even 20 in a good spot and i hear people complaining about slow exping in the below-20 levels....i mean....what is wrong with people? Too much Diablo? Attention spawn of a mongoose in heat? I don't know if i'll start my whining in the late 30's but...don't think so... but below 20? Come on, in the time one exits(with one comp) DaoC, writes a whine and get back to play they could get atleast half a level if not more.
Tell me i'm wrong but...people are silly. *waits for Sickofit...(tm) or Gombur*
Most likely it's 'cause i tried evey char/class combo up to 10 before finally settling with one. I spent a good 6 months, yes, half a year of playing, fooling around, scitty-scatty, trying albs, hibs, back to mid, pryd/mid, back to exc/mid and now..finally started...like Sickofit...(tm) would say "TEH eXping frenzy!!"
Level 14 berserker, soloing yellows/oranges (maybe even occasional red! huzzah!), one level takes less then 40 mins if even 20 in a good spot and i hear people complaining about slow exping in the below-20 levels....i mean....what is wrong with people? Too much Diablo? Attention spawn of a mongoose in heat? I don't know if i'll start my whining in the late 30's but...don't think so... but below 20? Come on, in the time one exits(with one comp) DaoC, writes a whine and get back to play they could get atleast half a level if not more.
Tell me i'm wrong but...people are silly. *waits for Sickofit...(tm) or Gombur*