Said *lol* somewhere in game just because you want to state that the other persons comment wasn't entirely dull even if you didn't actually "laugh out loud"?
Went AFK in the middle of a battle to get some coke and then say that it was the doorbell or the phone?
Asked for someone to come resurrect you and then release just as they start casting the spell?
Pulled a ton of mobs(like the WW camp) and then run to higher level people screaming "Help!" and hope someone is daft enough to take a swing at those beasts and take the whole shibang?
Pretended you didn't speak english when someone asks you a stupid "r u in for grp plz?" question?
Found a loot (in group) and say it's worthless when infact it's rather good just so you can keep it?
Waited for someone to auto-release and not ress and use an excuse? Like: "Oh damn..sorry, i got major lag here..."
Pulled three purps when in Myrkwood (as an example) and then run screaming to your group "Run! Run!!" just to see them run?
If you have...welcome to a guilt trip
Went AFK in the middle of a battle to get some coke and then say that it was the doorbell or the phone?
Asked for someone to come resurrect you and then release just as they start casting the spell?
Pulled a ton of mobs(like the WW camp) and then run to higher level people screaming "Help!" and hope someone is daft enough to take a swing at those beasts and take the whole shibang?
Pretended you didn't speak english when someone asks you a stupid "r u in for grp plz?" question?
Found a loot (in group) and say it's worthless when infact it's rather good just so you can keep it?
Waited for someone to auto-release and not ress and use an excuse? Like: "Oh damn..sorry, i got major lag here..."
Pulled three purps when in Myrkwood (as an example) and then run screaming to your group "Run! Run!!" just to see them run?
If you have...welcome to a guilt trip