Have you ever?



Said *lol* somewhere in game just because you want to state that the other persons comment wasn't entirely dull even if you didn't actually "laugh out loud"?

Went AFK in the middle of a battle to get some coke and then say that it was the doorbell or the phone?

Asked for someone to come resurrect you and then release just as they start casting the spell?

Pulled a ton of mobs(like the WW camp) and then run to higher level people screaming "Help!" and hope someone is daft enough to take a swing at those beasts and take the whole shibang?

Pretended you didn't speak english when someone asks you a stupid "r u in for grp plz?" question?

Found a loot (in group) and say it's worthless when infact it's rather good just so you can keep it?

Waited for someone to auto-release and not ress and use an excuse? Like: "Oh damn..sorry, i got major lag here..."

Pulled three purps when in Myrkwood (as an example) and then run screaming to your group "Run! Run!!" just to see them run?

If you have...welcome to a guilt trip :p


all the time, I rarely laugh out loud...



nah, tho I did run from my pet as a sorc, and laughed at all the helpless noobs whop tried to jump it :p

I always only speak english, so if I even bother to reply to that it's usually a question if they can please put that in proper english...

nah to the rest as well...

so how much guilt did I win? :p


I remember when I just became the first 50 Sorcerer on the server I charmed an ellyl sage (I think, the one with the fireball) and started running around the frontier using Go Targ on other albs to scare the hell out of them, made one guy run all the way back to Snow Fortress :D


Said *lol* somewhere in game just because you want to state that the other persons comment wasn't entirely dull even if you didn't actually "laugh out loud"?


Went AFK in the middle of a battle to get some coke and then say that it was the doorbell or the phone?

Yeah, but don't tell anyway

Asked for someone to come resurrect you and then release just as they start casting the spell?


Pulled a ton of mobs(like the WW camp) and then run to higher level people screaming "Help!" and hope someone is daft enough to take a swing at those beasts and take the whole shibang?

Umm... i've pulled the entire malmo forest and run past the usual groups, they didn't attack them though (Just flamed me for stealing their mobs :D) does that count?

Pretended you didn't speak english when someone asks you a stupid "r u in for grp plz?" question?

Mes non Comprende Senoir?

Found a loot (in group) and say it's worthless when infact it's rather good just so you can keep it?


Waited for someone to auto-release and not ress and use an excuse? Like: "Oh damn..sorry, i got major lag here..."


Pulled three purps when in Myrkwood (as an example) and then run screaming to your group "Run! Run!!" just to see them run?

Only if theres plenty of space for us to get away, its just funny listening to the XP whore whine and bitch

Heres one to add,

Have you ever gotten sick of a group and used the excuse 'i've got to go to work' to leave, then log back in ten minutes later


@Psi: LOL! I have a lowbie sorc, and sometimes do that at the bandits...awesome fun that....:)

@Archeron: who didn't? ;)



i admit

ive done all of them things, sue me :(


I don't recall once laughing out loud at daoc anyway, and I hate the acronym :)

but the others ... probably


Originally posted by Belsameth
@Psi: LOL! I have a lowbie sorc, and sometimes do that at the bandits...awesome fun that....:)

It's funnier when it's lvl 40s running like girls :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Said *lol* somewhere in game just because you want to state that the other persons comment wasn't entirely dull even if you didn't actually "laugh out loud"?

If I never did this you would find it hard to get a word out of me in group chat.

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