Well...image speaks more then a tousand words...
T The Fonz Guest Mar 7, 2003 Thread starter #3 hehe class! Was that Halo shadow already there are did you put that in? I must say that these are quite amazing considering all the little things you add and stuff. Keep em coming if you have time to spare!
hehe class! Was that Halo shadow already there are did you put that in? I must say that these are quite amazing considering all the little things you add and stuff. Keep em coming if you have time to spare!
O old.Tohtori Guest Mar 7, 2003 Thread starter #5 Things added: Shadow, Halo, floor under Halo, right leg of the far left guy, part of wall, other half to the window on the shop. Things taken out: A big laughing guy and his bag that hasselhoff was reaching for. Here's the original for those interested: Right here.
Things added: Shadow, Halo, floor under Halo, right leg of the far left guy, part of wall, other half to the window on the shop. Things taken out: A big laughing guy and his bag that hasselhoff was reaching for. Here's the original for those interested: Right here.
G Gimly Guest Mar 8, 2003 Thread starter #6 These are great.. all I can say is thanks.. I am stuck at work on a Friday night and there is nothing to do.. these have cheered me right up
These are great.. all I can say is thanks.. I am stuck at work on a Friday night and there is nothing to do.. these have cheered me right up