Grats babybanana, Strong zerger!
Gratz Babybanana !! Only person who's made a template specifically for being drunk.
Lol old eyez was replying before beer for the win....but yeh...u was my moc target test doll...sorryhe's a nice person..but blowing IP2/moc3/purge and all those all things in 1 fight again my old rr4-5 inf with cl buffs and charges on dyvet is just plain mean !
grtz all the same.
u was then too strong or too weak against didnt want fight more =)Gratz! Think I attacked you with my melee wizard(lol) once and you pretty much just left me alone and didn't bother with me. Talking back on Dyvet so been a while
Well done lots of good memories from eu on my nightshade, but if you see me on my skald Hypnotoad please don't shoot people im 1v1 1v2ing
I am atm done with no more reason to onwards to 25k solokills title Lone assassinWell done lots of good memories from eu on my nightshade, but if you see me on my skald Hypnotoad please don't shoot people im 1v1 1v2ing