So verily it came to pass that the Great Lord was vexed with his disciples and didst remonstrate with them.
"When twas said to go forth and multiply,it didst not mean to go to Emain and form Teh Zerg"
"When twas said to nurture the little children,it didst not mean to plant lurikeens in mine garden"
"When twas said to heal thy fellow man,it didst not mean to spec in smite"
"When twas said to not taketh my name in vain,it didst not mean to call thyself Goddis Satwat"
"When twas said to spread mine word,it didst not mean that i am Teh roXXer L33t d00d"
"When twas said that thou wouldst find the promised land,it didst not mean that thou shouldst camp pygmy goblins forever"
"When twas said to love thy neighbour,it didst also include cabalists"
"And finally,when twas said that thou art all mine children,this did'st not include Middies or Hibbies"
Thus was the Great Lord mightily pleased with himself,but then the children grew wroth and cast down the Great Lord ,saying "Sod this,we're off to play SWG"
"When twas said to go forth and multiply,it didst not mean to go to Emain and form Teh Zerg"
"When twas said to nurture the little children,it didst not mean to plant lurikeens in mine garden"
"When twas said to heal thy fellow man,it didst not mean to spec in smite"
"When twas said to not taketh my name in vain,it didst not mean to call thyself Goddis Satwat"
"When twas said to spread mine word,it didst not mean that i am Teh roXXer L33t d00d"
"When twas said that thou wouldst find the promised land,it didst not mean that thou shouldst camp pygmy goblins forever"
"When twas said to love thy neighbour,it didst also include cabalists"
"And finally,when twas said that thou art all mine children,this did'st not include Middies or Hibbies"
Thus was the Great Lord mightily pleased with himself,but then the children grew wroth and cast down the Great Lord ,saying "Sod this,we're off to play SWG"