Golf is Good!



A joke i heard earlier, i thought i would share it with you all : )

There were two golfers on the golf course. One of the men pulled out a cigarette, and asked his friend for a light. His friend pulls out a 12 inch Bic lighter.

"Wow, were did you get such a large Bic?"
"Oh, my genie got it for me."
"Where is he?"
"He is in my gold bag."
The friend says "Can i see him?"
"Yes,sure!" replys the golfer

So the friend looks in the bag and out comes the genie. The man says to the genie; "I am your master's best friend. Would you grant me just on wish?"

The genie replys "Yes, just on wish" So the man wishes for a million bucks. The genie goes back in the golf bag without saying a word. Pretty soon, the sky starts to get dark. Then it gets even darker. The man looks up and sees a million ducks flying over. He gets real upset and says " What is the matter with your genie? Is he hard of hearing? I said a million bucks not a million ducks."

His friend says to him: "Do you really think i asked for a 12 inch Bic?"


3 golfers ,a Priest an Optician and a Lawyer are playing one day, but they are getting slowed up by a grp in front of them.
The grp are playing so slow that the 3 lose their rag and go to the groundsman to complain.
'Oh no' says the groundsmen 'I'm so sorry, but that grp are all fireman who lost their sight saving 50 children from a terrible fire in the clubhouse at a Xmas party'
'I feel terrible' says the Priest, 'I will pray for those heroes tonight'
'I will do anything I can to help them ' says the Optician.

The lawyer says 'can't you get the fuckers to play at night?'

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