Going it alone......



So - how realistic do you think it'd be to do the game alone....

I've only just started playing the single player - just picked up the first bird you meet (typical). But I'm pretty fucked off at having to even bother with her....

Dya reckon you can do the whole game without having to rely on a "party". I can't be fucked with all the other characters and would rather go through the game alone :) I'm antisocial like that.

MP's pretty kewl on my LAN tho :) Couple of m8's round and away we go. :)


Doubt you would be able to do it, esp without some nature mage with team heal (which i find is pretty much essential for some areas. Those ice warriors near Glacern are biatches.

Testin da Cable

eep just got to Glacern myself :eek6:
anyhoo, Scouse matey, you'll need a party. Fighters, mages, you name it. Atm I have several peeps [and a donkey] running about for me in a fighter/archer/mage setup.


I have 2 Fighters - the original bloke and the some bloke i picked up near Glitterdelve mines.

2 Archers - Ulora? and Nadia.

1 Nature magic folk

2 Combat Mages - 1 from Glacern Inn and 1 I built up from Stonebridge

1 Packhorse - Although i might getrid of my packhorse because with 7 people i find i never really run out of space in their inventory, he just seems to be slowing me down atm.

Testin da Cable

I was thinking about that actually, getting rid of my trusty donkey that is :) true that, the space thing. a full party should be able to carry the same amount. hmmmm :)


Or - if you manage to go it alone your one character is going to be KICK ASS :)

Testin da Cable

true, but you'll never be able to divert your attack...or draw some poor unwitting monster into a cleverly constructed ambush...or be able to carry lots of stuff...or be able to revive yourself after you died...for example :)

as a status update, I'm now about 80% through some icy cave system that comes after the town of Glacern. It's filled with icewarriors, iceflies, ice&frostmages [which really suck] and evil spidery things and icearchers [which have to be the most beautiful badguys ever heh :)


OK - So - you guys who've finished the game (I've not played it in about a week and a half now) - I'm still wanting to carry on as a loner :)

Are there any parts of the game where you *MUST* have a party to progress (and I'm not talking about just really hard monsters)....

Testin da Cable

As far as I can tell there are no hidden catches about having a party per se.

It's just that I don't rightly understand why you want to go it alone mate. It's so much easier with a party imo. If you make it you'll be one bad mofo tho :)


Maybe u could do it in a small party but on your own you would have no chance... the interface is pretty easy as all heals and attacks are done automaticly for you. You definitly need healers to have a chance of winning the game.


I think I'll do it with just 2 characters - I can't be arsed with more than that. It's nice to have someone with a ranged attack at the same time as someone fighting up front.

So, maybe the characters will only be semi-kick ass ;)


I fight alone on a network multiplayer game, and in just a few hours gameplay my fighter is lvl 47 (without items, 56 with) and I have just under £3 million in cash, kick ass weapons, loads of items and good armour (my rating is already well over 700). I have also levelled in nature magic for self healing and ranged for using my grenade launcher and flame thrower from the Goblin caves. Now just about to go kill a dragon for a quest, but I think I might bring Xav's character along with me (he soloed to around same lvl)!!!! Oh, have never died once either.

Good for levelling an online char, but I decided not to 'ruin' the main game by doing the same thing, (even though I started a new game for a while and decided it was possible) - its equally as fun in a group.


I fight alone on a network multiplayer game, and in just a few hours gameplay my fighter is lvl 47

Like fuck without cheating. I've played for a good 30-odd hours (killing everything I find along the way) and I reckon my chap's only about level 23 or 24.....


Ok, then - ask Xav too! It only took us a few evenings play, and I haven't been cheating you cheeky git. You must be just crap at playing thats all....jealous.....are you a magic user by any chance?


I think theres a difference between a few "hours" play and a few "evenings" play.

/me thinks you can play a few hours in one evening? :)

Lvl 47's pretty kewl tho :)

Testin da Cable

muh, I'm going rather slowly atm: have to butcher a zillion things to even put a dint in my levelage. server is at veteran/hard tho :)


its easy to lvl up on a network game, just play on a hard level as veteran or elite, and if you are careful ( dont Die ) your stats will rocket up.
My Lvl 75 char with Dragon Wing Sword and Chicken Gun is proof of that :)


well in sinlge player ull have to take it slow get ure character maxed out and well basically in every area pull mob run back kill and keep doing that so u dont pull too many.

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