Gloabal warming



FFS 3 days of hot weather in the year, and left -wing think tank scientists are being dragged on to telly ,telling us this is a sure sign of global warming.

Is this a fucking joke?

Global warming, if it happened, and it isn't, would mean hotter temperatures all year round, not 3 freakin days!!!!

I have never seen such unsubstantiated bollocks with no evidence whatsoever, being flouted in the press as fact, in my life.


This summer we've had like 3 cold (read normal) days where i live (middle Sweden) :p

Warmest summer ever imo...


Originally posted by Trahg
This summer we've had like 3 cold (read normal) days where i live (middle Sweden) :p

Warmest summer ever imo...

3 cold? i musta been hungover these days cus i sure missed them.. been swetting like a pig all summer.. or well... pigs cant swett.. but you understand


Global warming is happening... thats why each successive summer is (on average) getting hotter. Teh ice caps ARE melting, albeit slowly.

On the plus side... by the time this actually makes a difference to the planet as a whole we'll all be long dead :D

gotta feel sorry for our grandkid's grandkids though ;)


The hottest day since they began recording over here in Belgium is in 1947. (37,4 C)

What most people don't know is that we have just come out of an ice age and are moving into several thousand years of warmer weather.
Sure, we humans have a small impact on global warming , but it's going to get hotter even without humans around....

There is even an 11 year cycle in solar flares etc that heats up the earth.....


For every scientific study that shows ice caps melting/ sea level rising there is one that says the opposite, but only the one's backing global warming get the coverage.
It's like a worldwide conspiracy, scientists who speak out against it, citing things like 'where's the evidence?' are treated like Nazis.

Yes summers are getting hotter, but in a very small cycle that repeats itself over thousands of years, 150 years ago people could skate on the Thames in winter, that suddenly started, if you looked at that and predicted ever decreasing temperatures, then London should be under 100ft of ice by now.

Rememeber in the 70's the same people were predicting an ice age in 50 yrs.

It's all just numbers banged into a supercomputer, you bang in the right numbers you get the result you want.


me and my table-fan totaly agree it's too hot.


summers are getting hotter, winters are getting colder, IMO the weather is becoming more extreme, ull see more blizzards and more extreme heat situations the way i see it.


People complain when it's hot in summer, then those same people complain when it's too cold during the winter.

We just live in a world where the vast majority of the population are miserable bastards.


not enough wars to complain about though like the good ol' days, so ppl complain about global warming, pollution, racism and starvation instead.


Originally posted by old.job
For every scientific study that shows ice caps melting/ sea level rising there is one that says the opposite, but only the one's backing global warming get the coverage.
It's like a worldwide conspiracy, scientists who speak out against it, citing things like 'where's the evidence?' are treated like Nazis.

Yes summers are getting hotter, but in a very small cycle that repeats itself over thousands of years, 150 years ago people could skate on the Thames in winter, that suddenly started, if you looked at that and predicted ever decreasing temperatures, then London should be under 100ft of ice by now.

Rememeber in the 70's the same people were predicting an ice age in 50 yrs.

It's all just numbers banged into a supercomputer, you bang in the right numbers you get the result you want.

You know, all I'm gonna to say here is that you personally don't know enough to have a rational reason for supporting either argument, quite frankly.


True Land I don't, but why do all the pro-global warmists get all the media coverage?

Because it's more interesting, like Alien invasion, paranormal, saying nothing catastrophic is going to happen is boring to the masses.


I agree. However I'm willing to bet you aren't a high-up member of the meteorological community. That is to say, if you know about it, then so can average Joe in the street. I've certainly heard just as many "global warming is a fiction" reports as I have "global warming is coming to steal your children in the night" reports, or at least I have since the scientific community actually began to gave some credence to the 'no global warming really' theory.
However I agree that the media is more enthusiastic about reporting disasters. Bloody morbid race we are, I tell you... :m00:


I really do wish it would get hotter out here. Yesterday was the only hot day this entire summer. The rest of the time it's been dull, damp, cold and miserable. As always.

*curses the bog he lives in*



Mythic to implement global warming expansion before RVR expansion.

This is to nerf the Mana Chanters in hibernia. Excessive use of PBAOE will flood emain.


TV said global warming is happening. It must be true... TV doesn't lie !!! TV is the new god !!!


global warming is part of a cycle, its not brought on by polution etc... ice caps melt, flood the earth, clear the atmosphere with rain etc.. civilisation wiped out and starts again fresh with a clean planet. and i read about the pole reverse thing, its supposed to happen around 2012 :p when it does reverse, the resonance will change so quickly in every atom that every atom on earth will split in part at the exact same time, dont believe the scientists, they just talk bullshit so you dont get scared and put the world in chaos cos you only have a few years to live.


No worries , put GOA in charge of pole reversal.


I don't like the sound of the Earths magnetic field collapsing when it reverses though.
That sounds kinda fatal to me.
Best we all start digging now, hide beneath the surface for a few generations and all turn into Morloks.


Global Warming is not a sudden thing that goes "BANG HELLO BOYS HERE I AM"

Its a gradual process and its been going on for nearly 100 years.
Our winters are gradually getting harsher and our summers longer, with autumn adn spring becoming milder too. This is a sure sign that Global Warming is real and is with us.

CO2 emissions worldwide are still on the increase and cunts liek George Bush simply refuse to aknowledge the harm they and their countries are doing to the environment.

USA is the biggest worldwide culprit, even well above the CO2 emissions of most third world countries, and yet they still wont sign up to Kyoto.

BTW the long term likelyhood is global warmign will cause polar ice caps to reduce and meltwater to effect the oceanic undercurrents leading to an Ice Age across Western Europe.

yes we will be kicked back to the Ice Age if shit continues as is.


Originally posted by The_Sheriff
I don't like the sound of the Earths magnetic field collapsing when it reverses though.
That sounds kinda fatal to me.
Best we all start digging now, hide beneath the surface for a few generations and all turn into Morloks.

it wont collapse, just flip causing the resonance to change in all atoms. (resonance being the vibratory rate of something btw)


Atomic clocks work off the resonace of Ceasium atoms so i think there are 2 set positions fo a free atom to vibrate inside the clok and the cloak works by changing the smallest digit by one everytime it moves back to its original position.

I think any how


yes you are right sharma, but they are having to take time off the atomic clock, as the earths rotation is slowing down. i read somewhere and we have lost a lot of number of hours from it!


Global warming not true?! BAH!! Try living on teh icefloat for a while. As i'm posting this another piece just crackled and puffed into the sea!

I've got about 3 inches of teh icefloat all around me and those 3 inches are melting away fast! At this rate i'll be posting from Teh DeepBlueSea soon.

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