For Metal/Rock fans



/start Blatant Plug

For metallers/rock fans.

Just been to see an album release for a band called Fulc supported by Djevara (a band I know from Uni). Both pretty good and upcoming.
Fulc have an album deal and Djevara have got some deals with Virgin and HMV in London to plug their stuff. Just thought I'd add a plug here for anyone interested.

Some Djevara samples can be found
here and their site is seeing as their site doesn't seem to work.

Fulc samples can be found

Both bands well worth a listen

/End of blatant plug


And reputations are earned by people listening to music, liking it and saying to other people "Hey give this band a listen". Of course good reviews help too.

I'd much rather see some up and coming band with real talent get their music spread about so more people hear it than some mass produced hyped up rubbish who have a huge marketing machine behind them and who don't need word of mouth to help them out.


my god
as if the bandwagon isn't full enough :(


Originally posted by old.Vae
And reputations are earned by people listening to music, liking it and saying to other people "Hey give this band a listen". Of course good reviews help too.

But they shouldn't be earned through promotion by companies and street-teams (what you're doing). This is just a way to put music in front of people who are ignorant enough to listen to that and only that.

Shops like hmv are well aware that they can sell "piss-off-your-parents/I'm depressed" music to every other idiot teenager and it's simply bastardisation of music.


Originally posted by mirieth
But they shouldn't be earned through promotion by companies and street-teams (what you're doing).

Is that trying to say that I'm part of some organised attempt to market/promote them?

I can assure you i'm not! I've seen Djevara a couple of times now and enjoyed both performances. Fulc I saw for the first time on Friday and bought their album on the strength of their gig. Having now listened to it several times I can say it's a decent album and thus I'm saying to people out there - here give this a listen and see if you like it. If you don't then fine but give it a chance at least.


It's what it seemed like, anyway. Happens a lot on other forums I visit, sorry :).


Just a slight overreaction there mirieth? :p


So if I like a band, I shouldn't tell others about it as that would be advertising a band that should play to each of us individually before we can actually discuss them with others? :eek7:

When I hear an album I like, isn't it well within my rights to tell friends, whether in person or via phone, irc, forums, e-mail or any other medium I feel adequate?

[blatant advertising]
My favourite song of all time is Blind Melon - Sleepyhouse
My favourite album of all time is Pearl Jam - Ten

I would recommend to anyone else to go buy their albums also :p
[/blatant advertising]



I used to know Djevera's old bass player (before they chucked him out). Seen them play a couple times, but that would have been four years ago now. They were quite good fun at the time, but not really my cup of tea.

Great live act though.


Originally posted by Omniscieous
So if I like a band, I shouldn't tell others about it as that would be advertising a band that should play to each of us individually before we can actually discuss them with others? :eek7:

No, I just took it that this guy was part of a street-team (i.e. people emplyoed by the band to go around on forums and other such public media and advertise the band). I was wrong and I appologised :p.

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