

Teh Krypt

How much do the film creators make?

I know theres a ton of warez, Maybe they should lower the price so the adverage guy can buy them often. I mean you don't usualy watch them much and they are as dear as a game ect ..

edit: you know what im getting at, im tired if it dont make sence, SORRY :p


Aren't DVDs relatively cheap? I don't buy them, as I don't have a DVD player, but that's what I thought anyhow.

...anyway, everything is too expensive in the UK sooo :p


well its about 15 quid avg for DVDs i think and about 10/11 for videos, not a lot of people use Warez sites and that and the chances of you personally knowing a video pirate are slim since there was a crack down on em a while back, i know about 15 people that got arrested in my area because of it.

but there are billions of people in the world, VHS/DVD is common tech among a lot of them nowso if you think about it, a good movie selling about a billion copies or more at 13 quid a hit and the creators take about 50% thats a lot of cash

Teh Krypt

Now I woke up.

Basicly, im trying to find out exactly why people download it all. The companys must be doing something wrong.

Maybe the dvd's should be priced on the actual cost of making (making the film too ofc)

I always thought dvd's were £20 which is quite costly if you think how many times you will watch it.

Ofc there are films like LOTR that people will watch over and over, but I lot I will watch once and rewatch years later :p.

If you were to buy 5 dvd's thats £100, at least for kids thats quite a lot :) (Unless you happen to be stealing oil from some oilwell in the far east *Krypt slaps Munkey :p*)

Now, if they were to half their prices, more peolpe would buy.

The Fonz

Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Basicly, im trying to find out exactly why people download it all. The companys must be doing something wrong.

They're making any old shit movie and not putting any effort into it these days. Just some big explosions and some CG.

The movie industry (as well as the music industry) have only themselves to blame. Produce something good and I'll buy it, produce something average and I'll download it.


I have to agree with Fonz to some extent. 10 years back they was making movies and the special effects people were saying "Well we can do this, this and this." But now the special effects people are more saying "Tell us what you want and we'll do it." This isn't necessarily good for movies as the producers will go "ooh, pretty effects. I'd love to see how that would look." This can have bad and good effects. Some movies have been great where they've kept on task, but others have just been lots of pretty effects IMO.

I don't think £15-20 is that bad for a DVD either. It's not like it's to overpriced compared to games. I mean some people watch these movies more than they play computer games :rolleyes:


The 15 squid for a DVD isn't that much for me. I work, i get cash, i give creadit to the moviemakers(and the music business) by actually buying the product.

I know they only get a fraction of the mula but it's still something.

They entertain me for hours, i give credit.

And one other little fact... i'd rather have an original cd/dvd in the shelf then a load of white boxes with some scribble on the cover.

EDIT: If it's good enough to buy that is. :p


Can't think of any individual films that have been released for quite some time that I'd want to buy.

The last great film I saw at the cinema was probably Training Day but I still wouldn't buy it.

Will no doubt get the LotR and Star Wars box sets when the get released in the next couple of years but as I said, no individual films that spring to mind.

Teh Krypt

Seeeel im sure I can wip you up a sexy cover! :p


Krypt..no..sit! I don't want anything you consider Sexeh! :D


As a general rule I tend to buy movies if i'm going to watch them more than once, if not I don't. My collections tiny compared to many others (130-140 dvds) but they're all films I like to watch on a regular basis, as well a a few my parents bought, and still watch them every few months.

Although the extras on the DVDs help a heck of a lot and They're just as watchable as the movies themselves sometimes, so another reason for buying rather than downloading. Still haven't bought the LotR movie yet because of the inevitable trilogy box set tha's bound to be released though :p


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Now I woke up.

Basicly, im trying to find out exactly why people download it all. The companys must be doing something wrong.

Maybe the dvd's should be priced on the actual cost of making (making the film too ofc)

I always thought dvd's were £20 which is quite costly if you think how many times you will watch it.

Ofc there are films like LOTR that people will watch over and over, but I lot I will watch once and rewatch years later :p.

If you were to buy 5 dvd's thats £100, at least for kids thats quite a lot :) (Unless you happen to be stealing oil from some oilwell in the far east *Krypt slaps Munkey :p*)

Now, if they were to half their prices, more peolpe would buy.

basicly because £15 for a dvd, or £nothing for downloading a few xvid/divx films overnite (about 3-4 hours per film) then watching em and deleting them (since useually most films are OK but wouldn't want to watch again etc).


CD and DVD prices are way to high

Since CD's hit the market they have been more expensive then tapes, but the cost of making a cd is way lower then a tape still 15 or so years later CD's still cost as much and even more then back in the early days

Same goes for DVD - VHS

btw the music industry whining about mp3's and loss of sales of basicly crap
take a look at these links



out here you can buy the latest films for 4 quid.

When i say latest, i mean those that just got released in the cinema in the USA. But they're VCD.

6 quid for DVD :D

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