Do you know any of these people?



You know those types of people that must exist, but you don't know any of 'em? Well does anybody actually know of them?

I'm talking about those people that drive along in 60 zones at 40mph on a clear day as if it's their job in life to piss peope off who want to drive normally. I'd don't know anyone that drives so fecking stupid, but I find 'em on the road all the time.

Or the people that buy really shitty singles that then get to number one in the charts.

Does anybody know any of these people?


Originally posted by Ekydus
Yes. Humans are stupid. Tohtori is worse.

leave Teh Seel alone :p

<gets out animal rights banners..>


Not you again!

Can't you be a nudist instead?


ooh ooh can i get my neighbours dog there while ur at it toto?


If someone here says you're not, I wonder how many would immediately ask you to prove it :p



and how quickly would any proof i post get deleted?? :m00:


omg! Nice pic Annouk!!1 I believe now :D

Hope it don't get deleted too quick ;)


Originally posted by Validus
ooh ooh can i get my neighbours dog there while ur at it toto?

Sell tickets instead, we'll use the income to pay for Ekydus's hospital bill and start from "Sell tickets instead". :p


Right now on every dual carriageway, at every set of traffic lights on every stretch of motorway in this country there are moronic fuckwits sitting in the outside lane with no intention of doing the speed limit/taking off any faster than the traffic in the inside lane or overtaking the guy in the middle lane and pulling in to let people past .
They have driven all day without looking once in the rear view, no amount of gief given out when you finally get past will work, they have no idea what they have done wrong.

I cruise past a line of traffic on my bike to the lights but every time without fail just as I'm about to reach the lights, some fuck brain will pull out without indicating, cos it's seems so nice and peaceful there to his neanderthal brain and then when the lights change let all the traffic in the inside lane beat him away, while I'm 2mm's off his rear bumper all the way to 50 in a 60 zone.
So I road rage, overtake the numskull on the inside and then brake to 40, they rarely complain, I actually got one guy down to 10 mph, before he flashed his lights, so I tore off and in my mirrors I could see the fuckwit still crawling back to 50 with 200 cars up his arse.
Outside laners are a scurge in this country, if you drove like that in the continent the Gendarms would invite you to test their new self lubricating police baton.


Originally posted by andyr00barb
You know those types of people that must exist, but you don't know any of 'em? Well does anybody actually know of them?

I'm talking about those people that drive along in 60 zones at 40mph on a clear day as if it's their job in life to piss peope off who want to drive normally. I'd don't know anyone that drives so fecking stupid, but I find 'em on the road all the time.

Or the people that buy really shitty singles that then get to number one in the charts.

Does anybody know any of these people?

yeah, they're called arabs. Drive like they own the fucking road :/ God help you if you drive a small car, they all drive landcruisers out here. More than one car flipped by an arab because they wouldnt let them past, rammed the bumpers and all :/


Re: Re: Do you know any of these people?

Originally posted by Munkey-
yeah, they're called arabs. Drive like they own the fucking road :/ God help you if you drive a small car, they all drive landcruisers out here. More than one car flipped by an arab because they wouldnt let them past, rammed the bumpers and all :/

Spare us your racist comments.
Im sure there are plenty of forums where you can share your views with equally narrowminded people.

Yes, Im one of them.
That's why I'll never get me a driverslicense, to spare the humanity my driving ;p


Yeah, claiming that non-caucasians are often bad drivers is just the fucking precursor of the holocaust, isn't it :rolleyes:


Its not racist, just fact. Yes, they all own landcruisers. Yes, they all act like they own the road. Yes, they will flip your car if they want.

Scares the shit out of me when a landruiser wants to pass because they dont think my dad's going fast enough, flashing their lights and the such, so he taps the brakes to spook the other driver.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Yeah, claiming that non-caucasians are often bad drivers is just the fucking precursor of the holocaust, isn't it :rolleyes:
He did not say they often are, he said ALL ARABS are.
I said it was a racist comment, which it is.
If you can't see that, try harder next time you read it.
And skip the sarcasm, since this everyday racism actually is what (eventually and in conjunction with other factors) lead to and possibly will in the future lead to, another holocaust.
For recent example, see the Balkan war.

Originally posted by Munkey-
Its not racist, just fact.
See my reply to Landshark.
You base your opinion of the driver on his/her race.
Makes it a racist comment, wether you like it or not and it doesn't matter wether it is a positive or negative image you present.

Originally posted by Munkey-
Yes, they all own landcruisers. Yes, they all act like they own the road. Yes, they will flip your car if they want.
No, they don't, some do. No, they don't, some do. So will people of any other race, if they want.
All three things is dependant on what person is in the car, not that persons race.

Originally posted by Munkey-
More than one car flipped by an arab because they wouldnt let them past, rammed the bumpers and all :/
Tell your dad to not hit the brakes next time then.
Might help avoid them driving into you.
Or better yet, tell the old man to step on it and stop holding up the traffic.

You're either serious here, in which case you are too daft to listen to reason.
Or, you're just trying to wind people (in this case me) up, in which case I don't give a fuck anymore ^^

Last post in this thread from me, enjoy the rest of it.


Well that certainly taught me a lesson Pixie.


Go to sleep.


I just accelerate and leave them behind :rolleyes:

If they want to play it tough let them, tho the huge ass jeep i drive is usually a determent to the road bullies.


Strangely enough, US army Hummer drivers have reported no such problems in Iraq, they can drive as slow as they like without being flipped by locals driving Landcruisers.


there's at least as many fuckwits doing 60 through 30 mile an hour zones and 120 along 60 mph roads, tail-gating the aforementioned 40 mile an hour folks and crossing double white lines before blind corners to overtake.


Re: Re: Do you know any of these people?

Originally posted by Munkey-
yeah, they're called arabs.

Flying carpets simply can't go any faster...


Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr

To this pixie person. Feel free to come out to Qatar, then you'd change your mind. Although i must admit, Qatari driving isnt as bad as Kuwaiti driving.

and to job. The hummers are too busy getting blown up to have trouble with other cars atm.

and to eynar. Flying carpets are persian (i think). Much more fun riding a camel.


Another problem out here in Qatar is that the Qatari's can pretty much get away with anything. Granted we don't have to pay taxes on goods and such, but we do have to pay their electricity and water bills. Only recently have they allowed expats to buy land here, problem being that A) they hike the price up for expats and B) When you go to sell it, you wont get much for it. They will push to the front of every queue possible, if the server refuses to serve them as they've pushed they could report it to the manager and, has happened quite a few times, have the worker fired. As a plan to fill Qatari businesses with Qatari people (e.g. the NGL plants down in Messaieed) they will terminate expat's contracts and stick the Qatari in the job, despite the fact that most of the time they arent adequetly qualified and they doss off the job, leavhing for home early etc. In a recent effort to show how "qatarised" they'd turned one of the control rooms, they shoved all the indians etc. out the room, replaced them with Qatari's for the photo shoot then buggered off. Work colleauge recently complained that his Qatari co-worker was dossing off and ended up with his job under threat for reporting it. When they get married, they're given money and a plot of land, for every child they concieve they're given money. There are indian workers out here who havent been payed for months, and in some extreme cases years. A court case a year back or so favoured the indian worker and ordered the Qatari to pay his wages fully....this has yet to have been upheld.


Not being racist, just stating how they are able to get away with almost anything, including speeding as every qatari knows a brother or a cousin who works in the police force who'll get rid of the ticket.

I think i've lost the point of this rant.....oh well. Just to tell Pixie that yes i do have a general clue what occurs.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
there's at least as many fuckwits doing 60 through 30 mile an hour zones and 120 along 60 mph roads, tail-gating the aforementioned 40 mile an hour folks and crossing double white lines before blind corners to overtake.

But the 40 mph dickheads will carry on driving the same speed when the zone goes down to 30. I just want to drive the speed limit.

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