Div 3 - The problems that come with it.




I would just like to discuss the problem we are facing as a new clan to BWTFCL. As we ([SCW]) have moved into week 2 of this league we have yet to play a match. Both matches we have played in have resulted in a default win for us due to no show on the nme's part. Even the match last night that we 'attempted' to play was a complete waste of time as we found out that the nme clan only has 7 players in total and only turned up with 2 of them to play us. The abuse we were given was also uncalled for. (may I note at this point that the match has gone down as a 10-0 victory to -ZT- rather than SCW........why?)

SCW turned down the invite to join Div2 as we did not want to take hand-outs and thought that we'd progress to Div2 on merit. How wrong can someone be. The majority of members from SCW now wish we had taken the invite to Div2 as the lack of respect and enjoyment found in the Div 3 world is pitiful.

Anyone else have views on this?


I wanted post this response to the pants match report we had from ZT:

Division 3 what a marvellous joke division. SCW has tried twice for a clan match with two different clans each time its been a complete farce and joke.

Lets get the accusation out of the way first? ZT turned up and had no intention of playing a clan game! They where rude and abusive as there posts here show. As I recall this how the events occurred:

ZT popped into our IRC channel to tell us there where ready and on the server. SCW piled into the server with 8 players ready to go. 5 minutes in and still they only have two players on the server! SCW point out they need 7 (rule 6) to start a match. ZT then say they are going off to get more players, and the admin points out they have 20 mins (rule 7). ZT tell us they only have 7 players total in there clan which means they can't possible play in BWTFCL because of rule 4 which states you need 8 players.

ZT came out with a brilliant line "we just kicked 6 players because they didn't show up for matches or practice or nutin". Another brilliant ZT line is "oh we where hoping for a little 2 on 2 or 3 on 3".

SCW would not grace this clan with a rematch, they simply showed contempt towards us and made no friendly gestures at all. Don't expect much from ZT. I have also looked ahead in our division, none of our opponents have more than about 3 - 4 players in them. Its a shame that there are so many poorly organized clans in this division.


hmm, against our best attempts to check websites etc to see every clan has enough players, some always get through, unfortunately I've learnt in the last 3 seasons that there's nearly always one group or division that gets more than its fair share of ..lame.. clans, apologies and will do our best to sort it, the group admin will check out this other clan and remove them if necessary

soz again



yeah pls do look into admin.

i small portion of ZT's , erm , 'charming comments' can be found in their match report.
just about sums them up i think.



So far we are 2 games in and have had 2 no-shows but lets take a closer look shall we.

Assuming we have a full squad for a game, BWTFCL rules stipulate in "Arranging Games Rules 6 & 7" that for a match to go ahead the opposition needs 7 players to get a postponement and 6 players or less leads to a default win in our favour.

Also in "Player Conduct Rules 1 & 2" two important rules crop up, Players should be on the clan page and NO mercs.

Taking a look at BWTFCL Div 3 clan teamlists there’s very few clans who manage to list the numbers required to play a match!

Now I’m not saying lets remove these clans or a change in the rules is in order, only that perhaps a forceful shove in the right direction may be called for. Get these clans to enter their members before they use the rules against each other. If they don’t comply then get rid of them.

The rules are perfect, the admin and refs are fine and I’m not hearing any problems from the other divisions because the clans are more experienced. I’m a little disappointed about the number of no-shows I’m seeing throughout Div 3 and maybe a little action will fix this problem.

Heh, perhaps this post will make the forums a little more active :p


aye, having read the match report a not so polite email was sent to ZT who shall be removed from our database in the very near future

The group admins should be checking all clans have got all their players signed up, please report if any groups have lots of clans who haven't done it so I can kick the admin up the back side :)

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


looking through the upcoming matches ones showing a good line up are -=SRA=-, poor beggers probably have the same problem when they turn up .

Let that be a warning to any other muppets that wanna mess about with 2-3 players


How have we managed to loose a game when we've had 2 default wins from no shows ?


unfortunately the average IQ of the referees appears to be fairly low leading to way too many errors on inputting scores, shud get sorted


The question would be closer to are you a virgin ?
in that case /me....nah forget it

I hope this league moves fast cos its forum curtainly dosnt :rolleyes:


Wow Anyone else notice this post has had over 1000 views. Quite impressive Nessie. I too am getting a bit peeved at Div 3. Week one i did also receive a default win as TDS were a no show. Although lucky for me i got a game this week thanx to BK-034 for being decent and showing up. Then as I go to arrange my week 3 match i find out that the clan i am about to face haven't even played a week one or two match and they only have 2 registered members on BWTFCL.This is getting tedious from a CL's point of view and im sure from an admins point of view aswell. How can a clan gain experience from receiving defaults all the time ? K bitching over and yeh i do agree wit nessies initial point about Div 3.


Its Division 3 what do u expect?

Division 3 is always crap.

Season 2 of this league had a shite Division 3
(I know cause GOD were in it)
Season 3 didnt really have 1 as BW was about to die

This season you are more likely to get a couple of games from this stage and will definetly get games in the playoffs as only the good active clans will get there.


im quite pleased just to be in div. 3 - we are a new clan :)

i know what you mean by the problems though, our first game was a default win to us, and not even the ref turned up!


Be happy in a way

Your clans in division 3, while we wait on the waiting list

I should use this as a chance to promote eH....

Um.....we would be good....and nice.......say, im not trying to influence the choice of who comes off the waiting list next at all ;)

We'd probably have to wait till next season to avoid this type of unprepared nonsense your talking about....Its just a shame many clans dont.


btw, when i say not even the ref turned up, i dont mean that the bwtfcl guys are incompetent or anything, morgoth reffed for us :) (not tha there was much to ref)


Hey are ZT gonna be replaced with someone from a waiting list or something ?


just wanna say, its sad some clans (i hope ZT are the only clan) who drop to SUCH a level :( , feelings are with j00 m0ngs on that one, geez musta been BAD......anyway aye div3 seems bad, but still im sure ur get at least one game out of it in teh final against us(should we get there and should you:rolleyes: ) :clap:


I think my friends SRA will put up a good fight to


i never knew llama's said m00 :confused:
my clan [ECS] were gonna join bwtfcl
but we cant know because a few of our members already have bwtfcl clans :(


i know how SCW feel in this case, as we had same problem season 4 of UKTFCL, ahh well, we just coped and eventually went up.


Just a shame SCW wont play us again in ClanBase, ahh well...


Quite ironic.....

I posted saying eH probably wouldnt be ready.....
Then we get invited to replace a clan in division 3a....

The Captain accepts.....so, um, forget what i said.....yeh, we're ready.....Default wins all round? :p

We'll try and make sure the same shinanigans isnt repeated. Even if it is, ill blame the leader. :)


I'd personally be happy to play you any time in a freindly dtm

And we played you twice already you won, we aint got any better since last time we played and I know your game especially picking a saturday night to play, most of SCW drink beer and s**g women on saturday nights :)


Yep. Fraid Moony here is correct. I was out on the piss and therefore was not around to whip your little behinds.......that sounds really gay doesn't it?

/me slaps [SCW]Nessie

To be honest here Demo, we need more experience in the 'clan war' world. Therefore give us time and wait for us to challenge you. Fair enuff m8?

P.S. This thread has nearly got 2000 views now. The most impressive thread ever!

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