Deus EX fans


The Kingpin

Columbia Pictures has recently announced a that they have the rights to produce a new Sci-fi action film based on the popular PC and Mac game Deus Ex from Eidos Interactive. The movie will be produced by Laura Ziskin who recently produced Spider-Man for the studio.

Like the game, the film will be set in the year 2052 as the world confronts the threat of a world killing disease, an economic collapse and the threat of global terrorism. The world's hope falls on JC Denton, a highly-trained, nano-technology enhanced counter-terrorist who is sworn to protect the government. But as he unravels one conspiracy after another, he must decide between continuing to serve the government or overthrowing it.

"With the brand awareness of the title and a fantastically conceived hero at the core of this film, we feel we can develop Deus Ex as a potential franchise for the studio," said Peter Schlessel, President of Production for Columbia Pictures.

"Eidos is thrilled to partner with Columbia," said Eidos Vice President of Marketing, Paul Baldwin. "Deus Ex is one of our top franchises, and we look forward to seeing it come to life with a top of the line studio like Columbia."

A Deus EX movie, sounds great, i just hope they base it mainly from the game, and don't make a whole new plot and turn it into a shit movie, like they did with Resident Evil..


Resident Evil, the game, had crap for a plot anyway. It had fantastic atmosphere and suspense, but the plot was nothing too intriguing was it?


lol nice one :)

probably be too much like the matrix but hey im intrested :)


The film "Deus Ex" is old news tbh... this was rumored about 6 months ago in PC Gamer.. ofc, nothing was official back then, except that a film was going to be made :)

Who to play as JCD tho? I think they'll grab a nobody for that part... and then stick in some stars to play the baddies.


Face it, no game has ever been made into a good film. :p


well, Wing Commander was a comerical succes.... more due to the Episode 1 trailer, than anything else tho


Oh, come on. Even if that's true, I put it to you that commercial success bears no relation at all to being good :p
Those SAS books sell, people watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, etc etc...


thankfully, I can't think of more than a handful of games that was made into a film

I recon Deus Ex will either be incredibly good. Or incredibly medicre.

and no, commerical success doens't mean a film is good... tho it can be used as an indicator.
eg The matrix was good, huge success, etc
eg Harry Potter and the stoned philosopher, was shite, huge success


Well, it's somewhat different. You know that Harry Potter and sequel wouldn't've received good reviews or had any real success if the books had not gone before the films.


A Dues Ex film? Aww fuck it, i loved the game but i can't see this being anything other than a paper-thin licence rip :/

Still, hope i'm wrong cause it could be awsome!! :D

The Kingpin

Spider man was a great game, and a great film..
And hey, Terminator 1 on Sega rocked aswell back in the day..

The Kingpin

Well, i often don't take PCGamer sayings on movie serious if its just a little snipet..

As i remember reading that they had a Max Payne movie to come..
that was about 6 months ago..


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Face it, no game has ever been made into a good film. :p

I happen to have thought that resident evil was a good film


Spiderman relyed more on its special effects that its plot (which was so thin it made wafer paper look like a... umm... really... thick thing.... which i can't think of right now but its really thick)

Resident evil... i won't even start on that, to quote Comic book guy from the simpsons 'Worst film ever!' ;)

But just try to deny it, most films ripped from games have sucked. Considering Dues Ex i reckon this will be a matrix clone, or somthing similar to that... and i don't even want to think about an actor comes close to resembling JC :)


Games are not practical theatricaly. Hence why they change them. It's only a shame they can't make something decent out of it still.

The Kingpin

Deus EX has nothing to od with the Matrix. only thing i can see where people might say that from.. is JC Black shades and Trenchcoat..

The plot is nothing like the Matrix..


Was there a plot to Resident Evil the game then?

Apart from 'omfg, zombies in an old mysterious mansion, shock horror'. Then later 'omfg, mad psychotic scientist with ewul mad psychotic scientist eating pet, shock horror'.

So actually the people who did the screenplay did at least try to add some background to it as the game was as weak as fuck even if it was quite spooky. Whether it was a good film or not though is a different story.

Similar to the Final Fantasy cartoon/film/movie type thing, wasn't great but they had to do something original and fresh with the plot.

I just happen to think that Silent Hill 1 & 2 would make better films than Resident Evil as at least there's some background to the main character.


In a non-gaming related addition though, I was glad to hear that Altered Carbon rights to be made into a film was bought by Joel Silver. (he produced The Matrix and Die Hard)

Top book, top producer, one can only hope for a top movie in the future.

The Kingpin


Resident Evil 1 has a great story...
If all you seen in it was zombie bashing, then i pity you to what enjoy the story gave me..

Learning about how the mansion came to be, ect ect..

Resident Evil Movie, was just a poor in the story-line..


Originally posted by The Kingpin
Spider man was a great game, and a great film..
And hey, Terminator 1 on Sega rocked aswell back in the day..

Er, the film was most definitely not based on the game, and btw I would heavily contest that the game is great :p


I thought the Spiderman Ride at Warner Brothers in Florida was exceptionally good.



Relevant-o-max :D
AAARG, curse the unutterable awfulness of this excessive flash interface.... I just want the trailers, I will not think your site is cool if you make me click a flashing 'confirm' button and watch a load of pseudo-military shit scroll by every single page I want to open :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Originally posted by The Kingpin
Deus EX has nothing to od with the Matrix. only thing i can see where people might say that from.. is JC Black shades and Trenchcoat..

The plot is nothing like the Matrix..

JC Denton = Neo (Both can do shit other people can't... well paul could as well, but he didn't do much fighting in the game as i recall)

Anna Navarra/Gunther Herrmann = Agents Smith and Co. (Not as good as the one guy, but still capapble of totally kicking ass. For all those that decided to fight them with honour instead of using the kill-switch code phrases will know :))

Plot wise...

Humanity used as batterys... humanity being killed by 'grey death' plauge... fair enough not a huge ammount of similarity.

Still, i can't help but feel it will end up (atleast visually) looking like the matrix. Don't be surprised if half-way through the film JC vising the 'Sooth-Sayer' and finds out he's the one to bring balance to the force, finds his fathers old light-saber and brings his own brand of bullet-stopping ass-kicking to the helmet wearing storm-troopers of Majestic 12 (while at the same time having a passonate love affair with... a journelist!)

....on second though that would be quite cool, ROLL ON THE MATRIX CLONE!


The plot is nothing like the Matrix..

jc = neo?!? WTF?

jc denton is not a christ type saviour figure who must fulfil his destiny lol...he's just rebelling against the system & trying to find out who he really is - jc is a cyborg who becomes self aware - this plot thread is closer to bladerunner than the matrix mate.

neo is a guy who is found and forced to realise he is the one etc

also when other films use bullet time type shit it sux like hell. roll on M:R :D

The Kingpin

Gunther and Anna are nothing like Agent Smith,

First, you start as a member of Unatco, A anti-terrorist Agent,
The mechs are your team mates, untill you betray Unatco, as you find out they just take tip offs for mj12..

A big cover up..

JC denton gets his ablities from Implants, still nothing like Neo, or the mechs, nothing like the Agents...

You should play the game from start till end, and you will see, Deus EX, is no way near The Matrix...


Originally posted by Archeon

Resident evil... i won't even start on that, to quote Comic book guy from the simpsons 'Worst film ever!' ;)

Have you even seen House of the dead, resident evil may very well seem like oscar worthy stuff in comparison to that :|


Resident Evil: Liked it. Good action flic, who cares about a plot in a freaking zombie flic? And it had Milla so, well, can't be all bad. :D

On the topic: Deux Ex movie might be good, if you played the game, other then that people will say it's a try at matrix. But then again, what is the Matrix a try off? Anime, a whole lotta basic movie plots... it's still good. I think DX will rank up there with lovely action flics like Triple X and such, who knows..i'll tell you when it's out.

Mortal Kombat was a good movie made from a game, and one of the first good hollywood kickass(literally that is) movies.. street fighter..well...a bit nice but not "good". All of these game-movies have one thing that other movies don't though. You go see Wing Commander to see Iceman, you go see Spiderman to see something you read in a comic ages ago. It's the familiarity that draws you in and to some degree it's enough. You would consider twice to go see Matrix Reloaded if you didn't see the Matrix to begin with. Game movies are like a sequal, sometimes a prequal to the games we loved so maybe there is no need for an excellent's still good and sometimes it's buffed up by a plot too....but there ain't that many movies out with an excellent plot anyway.

I'll go watch Deux Ex no matter what, it's a movie made from a game i liked and i love to see how they managed to put it on the silverscreen. To me this is enough reason, it might not be for you.


Matrix world is a present time...
and Deus Ex is at Future...

and ok the hero looks like Nyo!! and yes he got uber abilities

but nyo is so gay/lame cant compare it :p

and MK a good movie?? omfg


Originally posted by old.ondor

and MK a good movie?? omfg

At the time yes. But it's my opinion, good from a game.

The Kingpin

MK god damn owned..

Johnny Cage was great..
pity he died in number 2, bleh.

Ok, after alot of research of Matrix/Deus Ex..

I have found, the only part from Deus Ex that can be placed towards looking like Matrix..

Is, JC Denton, Shades and big bad ass coat..

Also, Hells Kitchen Train station, it looks exactly the same as the one where Neo Battles Agent smith..

Nothing Else!

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